Git Cheatsheet ✨🗨️

Pranesh Chowdhury - Mar 19 - - Dev Community

Git is a version control system that tracks changes to files over time. It allows multiple people to collaborate on projects by managing their contributions and merging them seamlessly. Git stores these changes in a repository, enabling users to revert to previous states or branch out for experimentation.


Configuring user information used across all local repositories

git config --global “[firstname lastname]”
set a name that is identifiable for credit when reviewing the version history
git config --global “[valid-email]”
set an email address that will be associated with each history marker
git config --global color.ui auto
set automatic command line coloring for Git for easy reviewing.

Setup and Init

Configuring user information, initializing and cloning repositories

git init
initialize an existing directory as a Git repository
git clone [url]
retrieve an entire repository from a hosted location via URL

Share and Update

Retrieving updates from another repository and updating local repos

git remote add [alias] [url]
add a git URL as an alias
git fetch [alias]
fetch down all the branches from that Git remote
git merge [alias]/[branch]
merge a remote branch into your current branch to bring it up to date
git push [alias] [branch]
Transmit local branch commits to the remote repository branch
git pull
fetch and merge any commits from the tracking remote branch

Stage and Snapshot

Working with snapshots and the Git staging area

git status
show modified files in the working directory, stage for your next commit
git add [file]
add a file as it looks now to your next commit (stage)
git reset [file]
unstaged a file while retaining the changes in the working directory
git diff
diff of what is changed but not staged
git diff --staged
diff of what is staged but not yet committed
git commit -m “[descriptive message]”
commit your staged content as a new commit snapshot

Branch and Merge

Isolating work in branches, changing context, and integrating changes

git branch
list your branches. a * will appear next to the currently active branch
git branch [branch-name]
create a new branch at the current commit
git checkout
switch to another branch and check it out in your working directory
git merge [branch]
merge the specified branch’s history into the current one
git log
show all commits in the current branch’s history

Inspect and Compare

Examining logs, diffs, and object information

git log
show the commit history for the currently active branch
git log branchB..branchA
show the commits on branchA that are not on branchB
git log --follow [file]
show the commits that changed file, even across renames
git diff branchB...branchA
show the diff between what is in branchA and what is not in branchB
git show [SHA]
show any object in Git in a human-readable format

Rewrite History

Rewriting branches, updating commits, and clearing history

git rebase [branch]
apply any commits of the current branch ahead of the specified one
git reset --hard [commit]
clear staging area, rewrite the working tree from the specified commit

Redo commits

Erase mistakes and craft replacement history

git reset [commit]
Undoes all commits after [commit], preserving changes locally
git reset --hard [commit]
Discards all history and changes back to the specified commit


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