Why React Won the Front-End Race

PRANTA Dutta - Sep 15 - - Dev Community

React, The king of front-end frameworks—or should I say "libraries," since React purists will remind you every 10 minutes that it’s not a framework. But let's not get caught up in the technicalities. If you're doing any serious front-end development in 2024 and you're not using React, then congratulations, you're a hipster. But for the rest of us mere mortals, React has emerged as the undeniable winner of the front-end race, and here’s why you should love it (or at least pretend to).

1. It’s Backed by Facebook—Oops, I Mean Meta

Let’s start with the elephant in the room: React is backed by Meta. You know, that small company that only runs the social lives of 3 billion people. If you’re looking for a safe bet in tech, a product maintained by the folks behind Facebook and Instagram isn’t a bad one. Nothing says "we own the internet" quite like having one of the biggest data-harvesting companies ensuring your beloved front-end tool remains relevant.

But hey, don't worry. This isn't some evil corporation monopolizing the web or anything. Nope, not at all. Just relax and trust in Zuckerberg’s quest to ensure your React app will run smoothly until the end of time (or until the next privacy scandal).

2. It’s a Library, Not a Framework (And You Will Hear This Until the Day You Die)

Let's clear the air: React is not a framework. You’ll hear this fact proudly stated over and over in developer circles, as if it’s somehow a badge of honor. “Oh, you’re using Angular? Cute. I prefer React because it gives me more flexibility.” Yeah, React developers love to remind you that, unlike those “restrictive” frameworks, React lets you piece together your app however you want. You like chaos, don’t you?

Because who wants a cohesive, opinionated structure when you can have the glorious freedom of picking and choosing your own routing, state management, and project structure? It’s like being handed an IKEA flatpack with no instructions and told, “You figure it out. It’s more rewarding this way.”

The flexibility is great—until it isn’t, and you’re 15 dependencies deep just to render a button. But hey, at least React didn’t impose any constraints on you. That’s worth something, right?

3. Component-Based Architecture (A Fancy Way of Saying You’ll Be Writing HTML in Your JavaScript)

The innovation! The creativity! The pure genius of combining HTML and JavaScript into one delicious hybrid called JSX. With React, you can finally mix your structure with your logic in ways no one asked for. Why keep them separate, like in the good old days of clear separation of concerns, when you can jumble everything into one component and call it progress?

But wait, there’s more! Not only can you write HTML in JavaScript, but you can also nest components inside other components like some kind of Russian nesting doll of web design. Need a button inside a form inside a modal? No problem. Just keep nesting, and eventually, you’ll forget where the component boundaries are. It's like React wants to challenge your mental stability and your love for clean code simultaneously.

Still, I guess there’s something beautiful about knowing that, with React, your front-end code will soon look like an avant-garde modern art installation. Bonus points if your boss has no idea what’s going on and thinks you’re a genius for making such “sophisticated” applications.

4. The Virtual DOM: So Cool You Don’t Even Have to Understand It

Ah, the Virtual DOM. React’s pièce de résistance. It’s the reason why React is so blazingly fast—at least, that’s what they tell you. Most of us just nod along and pretend to understand what the Virtual DOM actually does because it sounds complicated and impressive. Here’s a pro tip: if you’re ever caught off guard, just say something like, “It diff-checks the DOM for minimal updates,” and people will assume you’re a genius. Trust me, it works.

But the real beauty of the Virtual DOM is that you don’t actually need to know how it works. It’s just there, humming along in the background, making your app marginally faster in ways that are probably important but are also mostly invisible. Think of it as React’s way of saying, “Don’t worry, I got this.” After all, the last thing you want is to be bogged down with boring, low-level details when there are memes to scroll through.

5. State Management: Because Props Alone Aren’t Confusing Enough

If you thought managing state was straightforward, then clearly, you haven’t been properly introduced to React’s various approaches to state management. Sure, React comes with a simple useState hook, but that’s just the gateway drug. Before long, you’ll be knee-deep in useReducer, useContext, or, better yet, a shiny new external library like Redux, MobX, or Recoil.

Why? Because React developers thrive on complexity. The mere act of passing props down through a few components is too easy. Let’s mix things up! Why not have global state containers where your components can interact with variables that are seemingly nowhere near them in the code? It’s the developer equivalent of playing Minesweeper—one wrong move, and boom, everything blows up.

Of course, you could keep things simple, but where’s the fun in that? Half the joy of React is watching junior developers drown in a sea of state, props, and lifecycle methods while you offer sage advice like, “Have you tried using Redux Thunk?”

6. Hooks: The Shiny Toy You Now Can’t Live Without

React Hooks. Remember when React was class-based, and lifecycle methods were all the rage? Ha, what an ancient time that was—2018, I think? Well, forget about all that because React Hooks are here, and they are absolutely revolutionary. And by revolutionary, I mean they allowed React to fix the mess it created with class components.

With hooks, you can finally write components with more convoluted logic in just a few lines! Want to fetch some data, track a loading state, and trigger a side effect all in one component? No problem, just sprinkle in a few useEffect hooks and a useState for flavor, and you’re golden. Sure, you might accidentally trigger infinite loops if you don’t understand dependency arrays, but where’s the excitement without a little chaos?

Hooks are React’s way of saying, “We know this was already complicated, so here’s a whole new paradigm to make it even more fun.” But you’ll keep using them because, well, once you hook, you never go back. (Sorry for the pun. I couldn’t resist.)

7. The Ecosystem: Thousands of Packages You Probably Don’t Need

The React ecosystem is vast. And when I say vast, I mean it’s like walking into an all-you-can-eat buffet and realizing there are 57 different types of pasta. Need a router? React Router has you covered. Need state management? Take your pick from Redux, MobX, Zustand, Recoil, or whatever new library hit GitHub yesterday. CSS in JS? Styled-components, Emotion, or maybe just plain old CSS modules. The options are endless.

You’ll soon find yourself drowning in NPM packages. Some are beautifully maintained, others are abandoned wastelands of forgotten code, but that won’t stop you from loading up your package.json with dozens of dependencies. Sure, you could stick to the basics, but why settle for vanilla React when you could create the most bloated front-end application in history?

After all, nothing screams "modern developer" quite like spending an entire day choosing between state management libraries instead of, you know, building your actual app.

8. React Native: One Codebase to (Almost) Rule Them All

Let’s not forget about React’s younger sibling, React Native. The dream of writing one codebase and deploying it to both Android and iOS sounds amazing, right? Well, React Native promises exactly that—sort of. It’s like a good infomercial. You’ll get 80% of what you expect, but that last 20%? Oh boy, it’ll make you work for it.

“Write once, run everywhere” becomes “write once, and then spend weeks debugging why your UI looks fine on Android but is a hot mess on iOS.” But hey, at least you don’t need to write separate apps, and who needs sleep anyway?

React Native is a key part of React’s victory lap. It’s just close enough to the dream of a universal codebase to keep you hooked, but just far enough to make sure you’ll never stop tweaking and optimizing. A perfect balance.

Conclusion: Resistance is Futile

So, why did React win the front-end race? Because it had everything going for it: corporate backing, an ecosystem that makes you question your life choices, and enough complexity to keep developers both excited and frustrated at all times. You don’t have to love React, but let’s be honest—you don’t have a choice.

At the end of the day, React is like that blockbuster movie franchise that you keep seeing ads for. You’re not sure you want to watch it, but eventually, you’ll cave because everyone else is talking about it. And just like that, you’re one of us now, writing JSX, managing state, and explaining to people why “it’s not a framework.”

Welcome to the club. Don’t worry—you’ll get used to it.

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