Deploying NET 6 WEB API to Heroku using Docker

Thiago da Silva Adriano - Nov 14 '21 - - Dev Community

In this article we’ll publishing a NET 6 application on Heroku using Docker.


Create a new .NET 6 WEB API project

The First step we need to create a new .NET 6 project, to do this we’ll use dotnet cli. Open a terminal or CMD in your computer and type this command below:

dotnet new webapi
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This command will create a minimal web API:

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to get to know more about minimal web API, I recommend this article Minimal APIs overview

Create a Heroku project

To host our project on Heroku, we need to go to Heroku website and Sign In or Sign Up

After this we need to create a new project. To this article I'll call net6heroku, but you can choose another name.

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Containerize a .NET 6 web API

In your project folder, create a file Dockerfile without any extension and paste below lines: (please, change dotnet-heroku.dll based on your Solution name)

#See to understand how Visual Studio uses this Dockerfile to build your images for faster debugging.

FROM AS base

FROM AS build
COPY ["dotnet-heroku.csproj", "."]
RUN dotnet restore "./dotnet-heroku.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/."
RUN dotnet build "dotnet-heroku.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build

FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "dotnet-heroku.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish

FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
CMD ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://*:$PORT dotnet dotnet-heroku.dll
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After this run this command bellow to create a new Docker image from you project:

docker build -t {your heroku project name} .
//like docker build -t net6heroku .
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And this command to logIn at heroku-cli

heroku login
heroku container:login
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Now we need to TAG our imagem to push to Heroku’s Container registry:

docker tag <MyApp><MyApp>/web
//like docker tag net6heroku
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Build the image locally and push it to Heroku’s Container Registry

heroku container:push web -a <MyApp>
//like heroku container:push web -a net6heroku
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Now release the image on Heroku to be deployed:

heroku container:release web -a <MyApp>
//like heroku container:release web -a net6heroku
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for this demo, I have used net6heroku as MyApp


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