GraphQL vs REST: API Showdown šŸ¤œšŸ¤›

programORdie - Sep 27 - - Dev Community

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When it comes to APIs, thereā€™s a big debate between two major players: GraphQL and REST. Both are used to manage how your frontend talks to your backend, but each one has its own way of doing things. So, which one should you choose? Letā€™s break it down, sprinkle in some analogies, and figure out whether GraphQL or REST fits your project better!

REST: The Veteran

REST (Representational State Transfer) has been around for quite a while. Itā€™s the tried-and-true approach that most web developers have used at some point. Think of REST as the classic restaurant experienceā€”you look at the menu (your API endpoint), place an order, and the kitchen (the server) brings back exactly whatā€™s on the menu. Nothing more, nothing less.

How REST Works:

REST APIs operate through standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH. You have multiple endpoints, each corresponding to a different resource (think /users, /posts, /comments). When you make a request to one of these endpoints, you get a response that typically includes all the data for that resource.


  • Simplicity: REST is easy to understand and implement. If youā€™ve ever used a URL, youā€™ve basically interacted with a REST-like structure.
  • Statelessness: Each request stands on its own. The server doesnā€™t store any information about the clientā€™s previous requests, which keeps things simple.
  • Cacheable: REST APIs can leverage HTTPā€™s caching mechanism, which can significantly boost performance.


  • Over-fetching: REST sends all the data for a resource, even if you only need a small piece of it. For example, if you ask for a userā€™s name, you might also get their email, age, address, and favorite pizza toppings.
  • Under-fetching: On the flip side, if you need data from multiple resources, you might have to make multiple requests to different endpoints. For example, to get a user and their posts, youā€™ll need to hit /users and /posts.
  • Rigid Structure: REST has a fixed structure. If you need a slightly different set of data, you might end up creating new endpoints, which can get messy.

Letā€™s say you want to get information about a user and their recent posts. Using REST, youā€™d likely need two requests:

  1. /users/123: Returns user info.
  2. /users/123/posts: Returns the posts made by that user.

This works, but itā€™s not the most efficient.

GraphQL: The New Kid on the Block

GraphQL, developed by Facebook, is like a buffet. You walk up with a plate (your query), take only what you want, and leave behind the stuff you donā€™t need. No more overloading your plate with unnecessary data or running back for more!

How GraphQL Works:

With GraphQL, you define a schema for your API, and clients can request exactly the data they need using a single endpoint (usually /graphql). You send a query describing what you want, and the server responds with the requested data, and only that dataā€”nothing more, nothing less.


  • Precise Data Fetching: No more over-fetching or under-fetching. You ask for exactly what you need, and you get it. No more, no less.
  • Single Request: Need a user and their posts? You can do it all in one query! GraphQL gives you nested data in a single request, so no more juggling multiple endpoints.
  • Strongly Typed Schema: GraphQL has a well-defined schema that specifies the types of data you can request. This makes it easier to understand whatā€™s available and ensures that clients only ask for valid data.


  • Complexity: While GraphQL is powerful, itā€™s also more complex to set up. Youā€™ll need to define a detailed schema and resolvers to handle how the data is fetched.
  • No Built-in Caching: Unlike REST, GraphQL doesnā€™t come with built-in HTTP caching. Youā€™ll need to implement your own caching solution if thatā€™s important for your use case.
  • Overhead for Small Apps: If your app is simple, using GraphQL might be overkill. Setting up a GraphQL API can feel like bringing a bazooka to a water balloon fight.

In GraphQL, getting a user and their posts is done in a single query:

  user(id: "123") {
    posts {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The server responds with exactly what you asked for. One query, one response, no extra data.

REST vs GraphQL: Head-to-Head šŸ„Š

Letā€™s put these two to the test in a few key areas:

Category REST GraphQL
Data Fetching Multiple endpoints, over/under-fetch Single query, precise data fetching
Flexibility Fixed, rigid endpoints Highly flexible, query-based
Performance Can require multiple requests One request, but no caching by default
Ease of Use Simple to set up and understand More complex setup, but powerful
Caching Built-in HTTP caching No built-in caching
Scalability Scales well with simpler apps Better for complex, data-rich apps

Which One Should You Use?

Use REST when:

  • Your API is simple and doesnā€™t require complex data relationships.
  • Youā€™re building a quick MVP or proof of concept.
  • You want to leverage HTTP caching for performance.

Use GraphQL when:

  • Your app needs to fetch data from multiple sources or has complex relationships between entities.
  • You want to reduce the number of requests and minimize data over-fetching.
  • You need a flexible, strongly-typed API that can evolve without breaking clients.

Real-World Examples šŸŒ

  • GitHubā€™s API: GitHub originally used REST for their API but switched to GraphQL to allow for more flexible data queries and to reduce the number of requests developers need to make.

  • Twitter: Twitterā€™s API still uses REST because itā€™s relatively simple, well-documented, and sufficient for the needs of most developers using their platform.

Final Thoughts: Choose Your Fighter šŸ„‹

GraphQL and REST arenā€™t necessarily enemies; theyā€™re just different tools for different jobs. REST is the battle-hardened warrior, reliable and easy to get started with. GraphQL is the agile newcomer, flexible and efficient but with a steeper learning curve.

If youā€™re working on a simple app with straightforward data needs, REST might be all you need. But if youā€™re building a data-heavy app with complex relationships, GraphQLā€™s flexibility could save you a lot of headaches (and extra requests).

Whatever you choose, remember: your API is only as good as the developer experience you create. Whether REST or GraphQL, make sure your users can easily interact with your data without needing a treasure map to figure it out! šŸ—ŗļø

About Me

Hi, Iā€™m programORdie. I love geeking out about APIs and simplifying complex tech topics for developers. Have a preference for REST or GraphQL? Let me know in the comments! Feel free to check out my projects on GitHub: programORdie2.

Thanks for readingā€”hope you have a great day! šŸ‘‹

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