Streamlining Raw HTML Display in Laravel Blade

Rafa Rafael - Feb 17 - - Dev Community

Blade templating in Laravel offers a convenient way to create dynamic views for web applications. However, rendering raw HTML content containing HTML entities can sometimes pose challenges. In this blog post, we'll explore how to overcome this challenge by combining Blade's raw output syntax with the html_entity_decode() function. Additionally, we'll delve into the creation of a model macro for even more streamlined usage.

Understanding Blade Templating
Blade templating simplifies the process of creating views in Laravel. It provides features like template inheritance, loops, conditionals, and raw output syntax ({{ !! !! }}) for displaying unescaped data.

The Challenge with HTML Entities
HTML entities, such as <, >, etc., are often used to represent special characters in HTML documents. When rendering content in Blade, HTML entities may not display as intended when using the raw output syntax.

Solution: Combining Blade with html_entity_decode()
To address this challenge, we can utilize the html_entity_decode() function alongside Blade's raw output syntax. Here's a quick recap of how it works:

Consider a scenario where we have a string stored in a variable $content:

$content = "<p>This is a <strong>bold</strong> paragraph.</p>";
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When outputting $content using Blade's raw output syntax
{{ !! $content !! }}, the HTML entities will be rendered as they are.

However, by applying html_entity_decode():

{{ !! html_entity_decode($content) !! }}
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We decode the HTML entities and render the content correctly.

Leveling Up

You can also define a method that are accessible on all instances of a particular model. Let's create a model macro to decode HTML entities directly on the model instances.

Step 1: Define the Model Macro

In your Laravel application, you can define a model macro to decode HTML entities. This can be done in a service provider's boot() method, such as the AppServiceProvider.

// In AppServiceProvider.php or any service provider
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

public function boot()
    Model::macro('decodeHtmlEntities', function ($attribute) {
        $value = $this->{$attribute};
        return html_entity_decode(stripslashes($value));
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Step 2: Usage in Models

Now, you can use the decodeHtmlEntities() method on any Eloquent model.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    // Assume 'content' is an attribute containing HTML entities

// Usage in your application
$post = Post::find(1);
$decodedContent = $post->decodeHtmlEntities('content');
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This will decode HTML entities in the content attribute of the Post model instance.

By combining Blade templating with the html_entity_decode() function and creating a custom model macro, we can effortlessly handle raw HTML content containing HTML entities in Laravel applications. This approach enhances the readability, flexibility, and maintainability of Blade templates.


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