In this blog post, I describe how to use Langchain, NestJS, and Gemma 2 to build an agentic RAG application. Then, the HTMX and Handlebar template engine render the responses in a list. The application uses Langchain to create a built-in DuckDuckGoSearch tool to look for information on the Internet. It also builds a custom tool to call a Dragon Ball Z API to filter characters to return their race, affiliation, and abilities. Finally, I build two retriever tools to retrieve Angular Signal and Angular Form web pages from
These tools bind to Gemma 2 model; and the model, tools, and chat history are passed to a Langchain agent. The agent invokes when it receives a query, and it has the intelligence to generate function call, and use the right tool to come up with a response.
Set up environment variables
Copy .env.example to .env
SWAGGER_TITLE='Langchain Search Agent'
SWAGGER_DESCRIPTION='Use Langchain tools and agent to search information on the Internet.'
SWAGGER_TAG='Gemma 2, Langchain.js, Agent Tools'
Navigate to
, sign in to create a new API Key. Replace the API Key to GENINI_API_KEY
Navigate to Groq Cloud,
, sign up and register a new API Key. Replace the API Key to GROQ_API_KEY
Install the dependencies
npm i -save-exact @google/generative-ai @langchain/community
@langchain/core @langchain/google-genai @langchain/groq @nestjs/axios @nestjs/config @nestjs/swagger @nestjs/throttler axios cheerio class-transformer class-validator compression duck-duck-scrape hbs langchain zod
Define the configuration in the application
Create a src/configs
folder and add a configuration.ts
to it
export default () => ({
port: parseInt(process.env.PORT || '3001', 10),
groq: {
apiKey: process.env.GROQ_API_KEY || '',
model: process.env.GROQ_MODEL || 'gemma2-9b-it',
gemini: {
apiKey: process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY || '',
embeddingModel: process.env.GEMINI_TEXT_EMBEDDING_MODEL || 'text-embedding-004',
swagger: {
title: process.env.SWAGGER_TITLE || '',
description: process.env.SWAGGER_DESCRIPTION || '',
version: process.env.SWAGGER_VERSION || '',
tag: process.env.SWAGGER_TAG || '',
duckDuckGo: {
maxResults: parseInt(process.env.DUCK_DUCK_GO_MAX_RESULTS || '1', 10),
Create a src/configs/types
folder, and add duck-config.type.ts
and groq-config.type.ts
files. DuckDuckGoConfig
and GroqConfig
are configuration types that store the environment variables to the custom objects.
// duck-config.type.ts
export type DuckDuckGoConfig = {
maxResults: number;
// groq-config.type.ts
export type GroqConfig = {
model: string;
apiKey: string;
Create a Angular Doc Module
Create an Angular Doc module for the retriever tools that generate responses from the official documentation of Angular.
nest g mo angularDoc
Add a embedding model
Add a Gemini Text Embedding model to calculate the documents into an array of vectors. Create a create-embedding-model.ts
file under application/embeddings
// application/types/embedding-model-config.type.ts
export type EmbeddingModelConfig = {
apiKey: string;
embeddingModel: string;
// application/embeddings/create-embedding-model.ts
import { TaskType } from '@google/generative-ai';
import { GoogleGenerativeAIEmbeddings } from '@langchain/google-genai';
import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import { EmbeddingModelConfig } from '../types/embedding-model-config.type';
export function createTextEmbeddingModel(configService: ConfigService, title = 'Angular') {
const { apiKey, embeddingModel: model } = configService.get<EmbeddingModelConfig>('gemini');
return new GoogleGenerativeAIEmbeddings({
Create documents
The helper function loads the content of a list of web pages into documents, and splits the documents into chunks. The loadWebPage
is a helper function to load the web pages from
and return the split documents
// application/loaders/web-page-loader.ts
import { RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter } from '@langchain/textsplitters';
import { CheerioWebBaseLoader } from '@langchain/community/document_loaders/web/cheerio';
async function loadWebPages(webPages: string[]) {
const loaders = => new CheerioWebBaseLoader(page));
const docs = await Promise.all( => loader.load()));
const signalDocs = docs.flat();
return splitter.splitDocuments(signalDocs);
The loadSignalWebPages
function loads the pages of Angular Signal into the split documents.
export async function loadSignalWebPages() {
const webPages = [
return loadWebPages(webPages);
The loadFormWebPages
function loads the pages of Angular Form into the split documents.
export async function loadFormWebPages() {
const webPages = [
return loadWebPages(webPages);
Create Retrievers
The text embedding model calculates the document chunks into vectors and the vectors are stored into MemoryVectorStore
for simplicity reasons. The vector store calls asRetriever
to return a vector store retriever.
private async createSignalRetriever() {
const docs = await loadSignalWebPages();
this.logger.log(`number of signal docs -> ${docs.length}`);
const embeddings = createTextEmbeddingModel(this.configService, 'Angular Signal');
const vectorStore = await MemoryVectorStore.fromDocuments(docs, embeddings);
return vectorStore.asRetriever();
private async createFormRetriever() {
const docs = await loadFormWebPages();
this.logger.log(`number of form docs -> ${docs.length}`);
const embeddings = createTextEmbeddingModel(this.configService, 'Angular Forms');
const vectorStore = await MemoryVectorStore.fromDocuments(docs, embeddings);
return vectorStore.asRetriever();
The createSignalRetriever
function returns a retriever for Angular Signal and the createFormRetriever
functions returns a retriever for Angular template-driven, reactive, and dynamic forms.
Create retriever tools from the retrievers
private async createSignalRetrieverTool(): Promise<DynamicStructuredTool<any>> {
const retriever = await this.createSignalRetriever();
return createRetrieverTool(retriever, {
name: 'angular_signal_search',
description: `Search for information about Angular Signal.
For any questions about Angular Signal API, you must use this tool!
Please Return the answer in markdown
If you do not know the answer, please say you don't know.
private async createFormRetrieverTool(): Promise<DynamicStructuredTool<any>> {
const retriever = await this.createFormRetriever();
return createRetrieverTool(retriever, {
name: 'angular_form_search',
description: `Search for information about Angular reactive, typed reactive, template-drive, and dynamic forms.
For any questions about Angular Forms, you must use this tool!
Please return the answer in markdown.
If you do not know the answer, please say you don't know.`,
async createRetrieverTools(): Promise<DynamicStructuredTool<any>[]> {
return Promise.all([this.createSignalRetrieverTool(), this.createFormRetrieverTool()]);
The createSignalRetrieverTool
function calls createRetrieverTool
to create a tool from the Angular Signal retriever. The createFormRetrieverTool
creates a tool from the Angular Form retriever. Finally, the createRetrieverTools
function calls both createSignalRetrieverTool
and createFormRetrieverTool
to return an array of retriever tools.
Create an Agent module
The agent module is responsible for creating a langchain agent that executes the tools to generate responses.
nest g mo agent
nest g s agent/application/agentExecutor --flat
nest g s agent/application/dragonBall --flat
nest g s agent/presenters/http/agent --flat
Create constants
// agent.constant.ts
// groq-chat-model.constant.ts
// tools.constant.ts
export const TOOLS = 'TOOLS';
The constants are defined to inject custom resources in the NestJS application.
creates a Groq Chat Model that uses the Gemma 2 model.
// groq-chat-model.provider.ts
import { ChatGroq } from '@langchain/groq';
import { Inject, Provider } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import { GroqConfig } from '~configs/types/groq-config.type';
import { GROQ_CHAT_MODEL } from '../constants/groq-chat-model.constant';
export function InjectChatModel() {
return Inject(GROQ_CHAT_MODEL);
export const GroqChatModelProvider: Provider<ChatGroq> = {
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => {
const { apiKey, model } = configService.get<GroqConfig>('groq');
return new ChatGroq({
temperature: 0.3,
maxTokens: 2048,
streaming: false,
inject: [ConfigService],
injects an array of tools for agent to execute to generate results.
// tool.provider.ts
import { DuckDuckGoSearch } from '@langchain/community/tools/duckduckgo_search';
import { Tool } from '@langchain/core/tools';
import { Provider } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import { AngularDocsService } from '~angular-docs/application/angular-docs.service';
import { DuckDuckGoConfig } from '~configs/types/duck-config.type';
import { TOOLS } from '../constants/tools.constant';
import { DragonBallService } from '../dragon-ball.service';
export const ToolsProvider: Provider<Tool[]> = {
provide: TOOLS,
useFactory: async (service: ConfigService, dragonBallService: DragonBallService, docsService: AngularDocsService) => {
const { maxResults } = service.get<DuckDuckGoConfig>('duckDuckGo');
const duckTool = new DuckDuckGoSearch({ maxResults });
const characterFiltertool = dragonBallService.createCharactersFilterTool();
const retrieverTools = await docsService.createRetrieverTools();
return [duckTool, characterFiltertool, ...retrieverTools];
inject: [ConfigService, DragonBallService, AngularDocsService],
The DuckDuckGoSearch
is a langchain tool to search for information on the Internet. The characterFilterTool
is a custom tool that calls the Dragon Ball API to filter characters based on given criteria. The retrieverTools
is an array of tools that returns knowledge of Angular Signal and Angular Form. The ToolsProvider
provider returns a list of tools that the agent can execute to get the information.
import { ChatPromptTemplate } from '@langchain/core/prompts';
import { Tool } from '@langchain/core/tools';
import { ChatGroq } from '@langchain/groq';
import { Inject, Provider } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AgentExecutor, createToolCallingAgent } from 'langchain/agents';
import { AGENT_EXECUTOR } from '../constants/agent.constant';
import { GROQ_CHAT_MODEL } from '../constants/groq-chat-model.constant';
import { TOOLS } from '../constants/tools.constant';
const prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.fromMessages([
['system', 'You are a helpful assistant.'],
['placeholder', '{chat_history}'],
['human', '{input}'],
['placeholder', '{agent_scratchpad}'],
export function InjectAgent() {
return Inject(AGENT_EXECUTOR);
export const AgentExecutorProvider: Provider<AgentExecutor> = {
useFactory: async (llm: ChatGroq, tools: Tool[]) => {
const agent = await createToolCallingAgent({ llm, tools, prompt, streamRunnable: false });
console.log('tools', tools);
return AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({
verbose: true,
The AgentExecutorProvider
provider creates an agent executor with the agent and tools. The agent executor generates the function call, and the agent calls the tools to generate the relevant responses.
Create the custom tool in the DragonBall Service
import { DynamicStructuredTool, tool } from '@langchain/core/tools';
import { HttpService } from '@nestjs/axios';
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { CharacterFilter } from './types/character-filter.type';
import { Character } from './types/character.type';
export const characterFilterSchema = z.object({
name: z.string().optional().describe('Name of a Dragon Ball Z character.'),
gender: z.enum(['Male', 'Female', 'Unknown']).optional().describe('Gender of a Dragon Ball Z caracter.'),
race: z.enum(['Human', 'Saiyan'])
.describe('Race of a Dragon Ball Z character'),
affiliation: z.enum(['Z Fighter', 'Red Ribbon Army', 'Namekian Warrior'])
.describe('Affiliation of a Dragon Ball Z character.'),
export class DragonBallService {
constructor(private readonly httpService: HttpService) {}
async getCharacters(characterFilter: CharacterFilter): Promise<string> {
const filter = this.buildFilter(characterFilter);
if (!filter) {
return this.generateMarkdownList([]);
const characters = await this.httpService.axiosRef
.then(({ data }) => data);
return this.generateMarkdownList(characters);
createCharactersFilterTool(): DynamicStructuredTool<any> {
return tool(async (input: CharacterFilter): Promise<string> => this.getCharacters(input), {
name: 'dragonBallCharacters',
description: `Call Dragon Ball filter characters API to retrieve characters by name, race, affiliation, or gender.`,
schema: characterFilterSchema,
The getCharacters
method accepts optional criteria such as name, gender, race and affiliation. Then, it appends the query parameters to the Dragon Ball URL to retrieve the characters and generate a markdown. The createCharactersFilterTool
imports tool from langchain to create a custom tool that made available to the agent.
Create the Agent Executor Service
import { AIMessage, HumanMessage } from '@langchain/core/messages';
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AgentExecutor } from 'langchain/agents';
import { ToolExecutor } from './interfaces/tool.interface';
import { InjectAgent } from './providers/agent-executor.provider';
import { AgentContent } from './types/agent-content.type';
export class AgentExecutorService implements ToolExecutor {
private chatHistory = [];
constructor(@InjectAgent() private agentExecutor: AgentExecutor) {}
async execute(input: string): Promise<AgentContent[]> {
const { output } = await this.agentExecutor.invoke({ input, chat_history: this.chatHistory });
this.chatHistory = this.chatHistory.concat([new HumanMessage(input), new AIMessage(output)]);
if (this.chatHistory.length > 10) {
// remove the oldest Human and AI Messages
this.chatHistory.splice(0, 2);
return [
role: 'Human',
content: input,
role: 'Assistant',
content: output,
The AgentExecutorService
service is straightforward. It injects an instance of AgentExecutor
, invokes the invoke
method to submit the input to the chain and outputs a string. This method stores the Human and AI messages in chat history in memory and returns the conversation to the template engine for rendering.
private chatHistory = [];
if (this.chatHistory.length > 10) {
// remove the oldest Human and AI Messages
this.chatHistory.splice(0, 2);
Add Agent Controller
import { IsNotEmpty, IsString } from 'class-validator';
export class AskDto {
query: string;
async ask(@Body() dto: AskDto): Promise<string> {
const contents = await this.service.execute(dto.query);
return toDivRows(contents);
The Agent controller submits the query to the chain, gets the results, and sends the HTML codes back to the template engine to render.
Modify the App Controller to render handlebar template
export class AppController {
async getHello(): Promise<Record<string, string>> {
return {
title: 'Langchain Search Agent',
The App controller informs the Handlebar template engine to render index.hbs
HTMX and Handlebar Template Engine
This is a simple user interface to display the conversation
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Angular tech book RAG powed by gemma 2 LLM." />
<meta name="author" content="Connie Leung" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>{{{ title }}}</title>
*, *::before, *::after {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
<script src=",typography"></script>
<body class="p-4 w-screen h-screen min-h-full">
<script src="" integrity="sha384-QWGpdj554B4ETpJJC9z+ZHJcA/i59TyjxEPXiiUgN2WmTyV5OEZWCD6gQhgkdpB/" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div class="h-full grid grid-rows-[70px_1fr_40px] grid-cols-[1fr]">
{{> header }}
{{{ body }}}
{{> footer }}
The above is a default layout with a header, footer, and body. The body eventually displays the conversation between the AI and human. The head section import tailwind to style the HTML elements and htmx to interact with the server.
<div class="mb-2 p-1 border border-solid border-[#464646] rounded-lg">
<p class="text-[1.25rem] mb-2 text-[#464646] underline">Architecture</p>
<ul id="architecture" hx-trigger="load" hx-get="/agent/architecture"
hx-target="#architecture" hx-swap="innerHTML"></ul>
<div id="results" class="mb-4 h-[300px] overflow-y-auto overflow-x-auto"></div>
<form id="rag-form" hx-post="/agent" hx-target="#results" hx-swap="beforeend swap:1s">
<span class="text-[1rem] mr-1 w-1/5 mb-2 text-[#464646]">Question: </span>
<input type="text" name="query" class="mb-4 w-4/5 rounded-md p-2"
placeholder="Ask the agent"
aria-placeholder="Placeholder to ask any question to the agent"></input>
<button type="submit" class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white p-2 text-[1rem] flex justify-center items-center rounded-lg">
<span class="mr-1">Send</span><img class="w-4 h-4 htmx-indicator" src="/images/spinner.gif">
A user can input the question in the text field and click the Send button. The button makes a POST request to /agent
and appends the conversation to the list.
This is the end of my first langchain agentic RAG application using Gemma 2 model and various tools to generate the responses.