Basics of Game Development Using Unity, Unreal Engine, or Godot

Ratan - Oct 2 - - Dev Community

So You Want to Make a Game? (Using Unity, Unreal, or Godot)

Hey there, future game dev genius! 👋 Ever had that moment where you're playing a game and think, "I could totally make this!"? Well, good news — you can! And guess what? It’s easier than you think. Today, we're diving into the basics of game development using Unity, Unreal Engine, and Godot, three of the coolest kids in the game dev block.

Let’s break — like explaining game development to your grandma, except, you know, with code. And fewer cookies.

1. What’s a Game Engine? (No, It’s Not a Car Engine)

A game engine is like the magical kitchen where all the ingredients for a game come together. You’ve got your graphics, your physics (gravity exists in games too, sadly), your scripting (fancy term for coding), and your animations (you know, how your character doesn’t walk like a robot).

Imagine you're making a pizza. The game engine is the oven. It bakes everything perfectly so you can deliver a delicious game…err, pizza. 🍕 Same thing!

2. The Big Three: Unity, Unreal, and Godot (Like a Superhero Team, But for Games)


  • Best for: Newbies, indie creators, and people who don’t want their computer to explode from high system requirements.
  • Code Talk: C# (sounds intimidating, but it’s pretty chill).
  • Where It Works: PCs, phones, consoles, the toaster in your kitchen (okay, maybe not that last one).

Unity is like your super-friendly cousin who’s great at everything: 2D games, 3D games, you name it. Plus, there’s an asset store, where you can grab free or paid goodies like characters and explosions without breaking a sweat.

Unreal Engine

  • Best for: Those who love shiny, realistic graphics and epic scenery. You want to make the next Avengers? Unreal’s your buddy.
  • Code Talk: C++ (for hardcore coders) and Blueprints (for lazy coders — I mean, for visual thinkers).
  • Where It Works: Same as Unity, but it’s the boss when it comes to blockbuster games and VR.

Unreal’s the flashy friend who shows up in a Ferrari. It’s got all the tools for high-end, jaw-dropping games, but don’t worry — it’s got an easy mode too, called Blueprints, where you can drag and drop your way to success. No coding? No problem! 🎨


  • Best for: Open-source enthusiasts (a.k.a. fans of free stuff) and people who dig simplicity.
  • Code Talk: GDScript (Python’s chill younger sibling), C#, and even VisualScript for the visual peeps.
  • Where It Works: Same as Unity and Unreal, but with less fanfare and more hipster vibe.

Godot is like the artsy friend who listens to indie music before it’s cool. It’s lightweight, free, and awesome for making 2D games. But don’t count it out for 3D stuff either — it’s just more of a minimalist approach.

3. Time to Build a Game: "Catch the Falling Donuts!" 🍩

We’re going to build a ridiculously simple game across all three engines: Catch the Falling Donuts. Because, let’s face it, no one wants to let donuts hit the ground.

Unity: Catching Donuts with Style

Step 1: Set Up Your Game
  • Open Unity, create a new 2D project, and boom! Blank canvas. 🎨
  • Add a square (your player) and another square (your donut, let’s use some imagination here).
Step 2: Make the Player Move
  • Here’s a super simple C# script to move your player left and right. Think of it like pushing a shopping cart down the aisle — you’re avoiding all those pesky kids’ toys to get to the donuts.
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
    public float moveSpeed = 5f;

    void Update()
        float move = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
        transform.Translate(move, 0, 0);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Stick this on your player, and now you can zip left and right with the arrow keys like a pro donut catcher. 🍩💨

Step 3: Make Donuts Fall from the Sky
  • Add this code to your donut, and watch them rain down from donut heaven:
using UnityEngine;

public class FallingDonut : MonoBehaviour
    public float fallSpeed = 3f;

    void Update()
        transform.Translate(0, -fallSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0);

        if (transform.position.y < -5f) 
            transform.position = new Vector2(Random.Range(-8f, 8f), 5f);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The donuts fall, you move, you catch. It’s like real life, but with more carbs.

Unreal Engine: Donuts in HD

Step 1: Open Unreal Engine
  • Start a 2D project, and add a Sprite for your player and donut (you can find a donut image later, but squares work too).
Step 2: Add Blueprint Magic

Here’s where Unreal’s Blueprints make you feel like a wizard. 🧙‍♂️

  • In the Blueprint Editor, drag out a node for Input Axis and connect it to Add Movement Input. Boom, instant movement with no typing involved. 🎩✨
Step 3: Make Donuts Drop Like It’s Hot
  • Use another Blueprint to make your donuts fall. Unreal’s Blueprints work like LEGO blocks, so you just snap the pieces together and feel like a genius.

Godot: Donuts in a Hipster Paradise

Step 1: Set Up the Scene
  • Open Godot, create a new 2D project, and toss in some Sprite nodes for your player and donut.
Step 2: Player Moves (Python-Style)

This is GDScript — think of it as Python but way more game-friendly.

extends Sprite

var speed = 200

func _process(delta):
    var direction = 0
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
        direction -= 1
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
        direction += 1

    position.x += direction * speed * delta
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Your player now moves like it’s rushing for the last donut in the box.

Step 3: Donut Rain, Activate

Here’s a simple script to make those donuts fall and reset when they hit the ground:

extends Sprite

var fall_speed = 150

func _process(delta):
    position.y += fall_speed * delta
    if position.y > 600: 
        position.y = 0
        position.x = rand_range(0, 1024)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now donuts fall, and your job is to catch them all! 🍩 Think of it as the Pokémon of the pastry world.

4. Key Ingredients of Every Game (a.k.a. Stuff You Can’t Forget)

1. Assets

  • Your game's assets are like toppings on a pizza. Sprites, sounds, music — all the fun stuff. Grab them from Unity’s Asset Store, Unreal’s Marketplace, or Godot’s Library.

2. Physics

  • Every game engine has built-in physics, so objects know how to behave. It’s like gravity telling you, "Yes, that donut will fall!" 🍩⏬

3. User Input

  • Games react to what you do. Whether you’re mashing buttons on a controller or tapping a screen like it owes you money, input makes your character move, jump, and catch those delicious donuts.

5. Final Thoughts (and Donut Rewards)

Congratulations! 🎉 You now have a basic understanding of how to make a game in Unity, Unreal, or Godot. Whether you’re moving boxes or catching donuts, these tools make game development accessible, fun, and surprisingly easy.

So, grab your engine of choice, start small, and work your way up to making the next big hit! And remember: catching donuts is just step one. Soon, you’ll be creating galaxies, epic battles, or the next virtual cooking simulator. Who knows? Just don’t forget to have fun! 🍩👾

Happy game making! 🎮

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