The diffrence between os.WritString and os.WriteFile

Raymond Madara - Sep 25 - - Dev Community

In the Go programming language, the os package provides several functions for handling files and other operating system tasks.For now i will take you through the diffrence between os.WriteFile and os.WriteString, which are commonly used for writing data to files.


The os.WriteFile function simplifies the process of writing data to a file. It takes care of opening the file, writing the data, and closing the file. This function is especially useful for quick and straightforward file operations where you don't need to manage the file descriptor explicitly.
A file descriptor: is an integer that identifies an open file within a process. When you open a file, the operating system creates an entry to represent that file and stores information about it. The file descriptor allows you to interact with the opened file, providing an API for reading and writing to it.
Here is a syntax example of os.WriteFile;

func WriteFile(name string, data []byte, perm fs.FileMode) error
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  • name: This parameter specifies the name of the file you want to write to. It should include the path to the file if it's not in the current working directory.

  • data: This parameter represents the data to be written to the file. It's provided as a slice of bytes ([]byte). You can write any binary or text data to the file using this parameter.

  • perm:The perm parameter specifies the file permissions to be set when creating the file. It's of type fs.FileMode, which allows you to define permissions like read, write, and execute for the file.

Return Value

  • The os.WriteFile function returns an error value. If the operation is successful, the error will be nil, indicating that the data was successfully written to the file. If an error occurs during the operation, the error value will contain information about the error encountered.

Example Usage

package main

import (

func main() {
    data := []byte("Hello, World!")
    err := os.WriteFile("example.txt", data, 0644)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to write to file: %v", err)
    log.Println("File written successfully")
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In this example:

  • We create a byte slice data containing the string "Hello, World!".

  • We call os.WriteFile("example.txt", data, 0644) to write the data to a file named example.txt with permissions 0644.

  • If an error occurs during the operation, we log a fatal error. Otherwise, we print a success message indicating that the file was written successfully.

The os.WriteFile function provides a convenient way to write data to a file in Go without having to manage file operations manually. By encapsulating the process of opening, writing, and closing the file, it simplifies file I/O tasks and allows you to focus on your application logic.


The os.WriteString function writes a string to a file represented by an open file descriptor. It is part of the File type's methods, not a standalone function like os.WriteFile.
Here is a syntax example of os.WriteString:

func (f *File) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error)
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This syntax indicates that WriteString is a method associated with the *os.File type.


  • f: Represents the file descriptor, an instance of *os.File. This file must be opened beforehand using functions like os.Create, os.Open, or os.OpenFile.

  • s: Specifies the string to be written to the file.

Return Values

  • n: Returns the number of bytes written. This can be less than the length of the string (s) if an error occurs during the write operation.

  • err: Returns an error value. If the operation is successful, the error will be nil. Otherwise, it will contain information about the error encountered during the write operation.

Example Usage

package main

import (

func main() {
    file, err := os.Create("example.txt")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to create file: %v", err)
    defer file.Close()

    n, err := file.WriteString("Hello, World!")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to write to file: %v", err)
    log.Printf("wrote %d bytes to file\n", n)
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In this example:

  • os.Create is used to create a file named `"example.txt".

  • file.WriteString writes the string "Hello, World!" to the file.

  • The number of bytes written (n) and any error encountered (err) are returned and logged accordingly.

Key Diffrence

Function Type:

  • os.WriteFile is a standalone function provided by the os package. You call it directly with the filename, data, and permissions.

  • os.WriteString is a *Method of os.File defined on the *os.File type. This means you first need to obtain a file descriptor (*os.File) before you can use it.


  • os.WriteFile; Filename, Data, Permissions: takes the filename you want to write to, the data to be written (as a byte slice), and the permissions to set for the file.

  • os.WriteString; File Descriptor, String: It requires an open file descriptor (an instance of *os.File) and the string you want to write to the file.


  • os.WriteFile has Simpler Write Operations It's simpler for straightforward file writing tasks. You provide the data, and the function takes care of the rest—opening, writing, and closing the file.

  • os.WriteString has Control and Flexibility It offers more control over file writing operations. You can manage the file descriptor explicitly, allowing you to perform multiple write operations on the same file without reopening it each time.

Additional Considerations

  • Convenience vs. Control: os.WriteFile is convenient for simple write operations, while os.WriteString offers more control and flexibility, making it suitable for scenarios where you need to manage file descriptors or perform sequential writes efficiently.

  • Error Handling: Both functions handle errors, but you may need to handle errors differently depending on the context. For example, when using os.WriteString, you might need to handle errors related to file opening separately.

In summary, the choice between os.WriteFile and os.WriteString depends on your specific use case and the level of control and convenience you require in your file writing operations. Both functions are valuable tools in the Go standard library, offering different approaches to achieving the same goal.

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