Symfony Station Communiqué — 04 October 2024. A look at Symfony, Drupal, PHP, and programming news!

Reuben Walker, Jr. - Oct 6 - - Dev Community

This communiqué originally appeared on Symfony Station.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station communiqué. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy.

There's good content in all of our categories, so please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you. This is why we publish on Fridays. So you can savor it over your weekend.

Or jump straight to your favorite section via our website.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve cursing. Because humans. Especially tech bros.

We are back from holiday and as you might expect, there is a lot of previous weeks content this week. There is also a ship ton of Drupal content.


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight -> "This week, the upcoming Symfony 7.2 version added new features such as support for defining trusted hosts and headers using env vars, improve the debug:asset-mapper command to search and filter assets and allow request parsers to return multiple RemoteEvent in webhooks. In addition, we published more talks for the SymfonyCon Vienna 2024 conference."

A Week of Symfony #926 (23-29 September 2024)

They also have:

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024: Symfony Mapper component

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024: From Pickles to Pie: Sweeten Your PHP Extension Installs

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024: Symfony Notifier : Return of the Mailman

SymfonyLive Berlin 2025: 3 days left to take advantage of early bird tickets!

SymfonyCasts has:

This week on SymfonyCasts!

Featured Item

Drupal founder, Dries Buyaert shares:

How open source projects can balance Makers and Takers: lessons from Drupal's contribution credit system and recommendations for WordPress and other open source communities.

Solving the Maker-Taker problem

Matt Mullenweg has the right of the argument with WP Engine, but he has approached it like a tech bro c^nt. He would do well to emulate his friend, Dries.

This Week

There is a heavy whiff of AI about Mayur Koshti's posts, but they are about Symfony so I will let them slide:

How to Create a Custom Symfony Bundle in Symfony

Twig: The Powerful Template Engine for PHP

Symfony Debug Routes

Symfony Event Dispatcher Component: How It Works

Top 10 Useful Functions in Symfony

What is the Role of the Doctrine ORM in Symfony?

Mastering Email Sending in Symfony with Symfony Mailer

Evolving Web shows us:

How to Use Timber & Twig for Better WordPress Theming

Roberto Butti explores:

Consuming HTTP Streams in PHP with Symfony HTTP Client and Ollama API


Shopware has:

Twig Block Versioning in Shopware PhpStorm Plugin

Prestashop has:

Register Now for the PrestaShop Developer Conference 2024

Mister Digital shows us how to:

Instalar Prestashop en DDEV

Bleeping Computer reports:

Over 4,000 Adobe Commerce, Magento shops hacked in CosmicSting attacks

Sulu CMS has:

Sulu Meets Sylius: A Partnership for Redefining Online Shopping

That's a very solid pairing.



Sulu Release 2.5.21 & 2.6.5

TYPO3 has:

Enhancing E-commerce Security: A Comprehensive Guide to CMS Threats and Solutions

Spotlight on Excellence: TYPO3 Awards 2024 Nominees Announced

September 2024: Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)

Mass Editing Columns in TYPO3 v13

How to Streamline Your Data Exports with Download Presets in TYPO3 v13

Joomla has:

Joomla 5.2.0 Release Candidate

DrupalCon Europe just finished. So there are several reviews this week.

Drupal has:

State of Drupal presentation (September 2024)

Dries Buyaert has:

State of Drupal presentation (September 2024)

Evolving Web shares:

Dries Presents Drupal CMS at DrupalCon Barcelona - Leading the Way in AI-Assisted Site Building
1XInternet has:

DrupalCon Barcelona - A seminal moment in Drupal’s history

ImageX Media has:

Under the Barcelona Sun: A Recap of Our Team’s Journey at DrupalCon Europe 2024

And The Drop Times has:

All Aboard the White Horse to Vienna

Drupalize Me says:

Adopt a Document: Sponsor Drupal CMS Documentation

Drupal AI: How to Set It Up and Try It Out

Specbee examines:

Simplifying Drupal and Salesforce integration: A how-to guide

Droptica asks:

Curious about Drupal 7 to 11 migration costs? Collect all the info for estimation in 5 minutes

Very interesting.

WebWash shows us how to:

How to Organize Content Entity Forms in Drupal

Dominique De Cooman looks at:

Drupal and the Sagrada Família

Computer Minds explores:

Automatically generate forms from config schema

Previous Next has:

Vite and Storybook frontend tooling for Drupal

Overly complicated overkill.

Next level theming with Pinto

Entity theming with Pinto

Tag 1 Consulting explores:

Migrating Your Data from D7 to D10: Migrating field formatter settings

Golems looks at:

Drupal integrations with Popular Cloud Services: AWS vs MS Azure vs GCP

Prometsource announces:

DUSWDS: Your Agency's USWDS-Aligned CMS Solution

Previous Weeks

Symfony has:

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024: Component Thinking with Symfony

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024: Cutting-Edge Symfony Pipelines with Dagger

SymfonyCon Vienna 2024: Symfony Authentication: What's next?

Bernard Ngandu shares a:

Passkey Authentication Guide for Symfony

Bhavin Nakrani shows us:

How to manage multiple processes with Symfony Lock

Engin Meral demonstrates:

SignatureCheckListener With Symfony’s AsEventListener Attribute

Jakub Pradeniak examines:

Symfony 7 — Twig extension for Stimulus values

TechniveK looks at:

Le cache dans les applications web : le secret des performances

1XInternet shares:

Community survey analysis and revised implementation of search in Drupal CMS (formerly Starshot)

Metadrop explores:

Improving headers in a Drupal site using Dries' HTTP Header Analyzer

Optimizing Drupal Performance - Internal Page Cache

Acquia examines:

Project View: Realizing the Power of Drupal's Constraint Validation


This Week

The PHP Foundation has:

The PHP Foundation Calls for Sponsors: Help Shape the Future of PHP

PHP Core Roundup #19

Take the 2025 PHP Landscape Survey

Laravel News says:

PHP 8.4 Release Candidate 1 is here

Peter Fox looks at:

Mastering PHP: Type Hinting techniques

Atakan Demircioğlu explores:

Property Hooks in PHP

Tom Smykowski opines:

PHP’s Revival: Against All Odds, It’s Thriving

Dragan Rapić asks:

PHP and machine learning. Is it possible?

Tramposo examines:

Unlocking PHP's Hidden Gems: 7 SPL Data Structures You Need to Know

LordNeic looks at:

The Magic of PHP Getters, Setters, and Readonly Classes: Crafting Clean and Efficient Code

Nacho Colomina Torregrosa explores:

Focusing your tests on the domain. A PHPUnit example

More Programming

The Open Source Initiative announces:

The Open Source AI Definition RC1 is available for comments

MIT Technology Review reports on:

Why bigger is not always better in AI

CIO reports:

Devs gaining little (if anything) from AI coding assistants

Spicy Web says:

SolidJS is Not the Future

Unplanned Obsolescence opines:

Less htmx is More


CSS Tricks examines:

CSS Masonry & CSS Grid

Battalion Logo

Fighting for Democracy (sponsored by Battalion)

Here we feature several items from each section of Battalion's weekly "Defending Democracy" report.

Get all the news from the front of democracy's battle against autocracy via its latest "Defending Democracy" post. And please follow Battalion via RSS or on the Fediverse at Or even Bluesky if that floats your boat.

Please visit Symfony Stations Support Ukraine pageto learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually, like ending apartheid in South Africa).

The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery

Dark Reading reports:

DoJ Charges 3 Iranian Hackers in Political 'Hack & Leak' Campaign

Euro News reports:

German authorities arrest AfD-linked Chinese spy for allegedly leaking military flight details

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

The Guardian reports:

Russia’s FSB protected Evil Corp gang that carried out Nato cyber-attacks

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project reports:

‘Make a Molotov Cocktail’: How Europeans Are Recruited Through Telegram to Commit Sabotage, Arson, and Murder


TechCrunch reports:

How the FBI and Mandiant caught a ‘serial hacker’ who tried to fake his own death

Ars Technica reports:

Systems used by courts and governments across the US riddled with vulnerabilities


The Fediverse Report has:

The Fediverse Report – ep 86

Elena Rossini opines:

Beyond technical features: why we need to talk about the values of the Fediverse (part 1)

Other Federated Social Media

The Fediverse Report has:

Last Week in the ATmosphere – Oct 24 week 1

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our toddler stage, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content on our communiqués page.


Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker

Symfony Station

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