Exploring AWS !!
Day 20:
VPC Hands-on: Part 2
- Create 2 VPCs in the North Virginia region named MYVPC1 and MYVPC2
- Create one VPC in Oregon region named VPCOregon1
- Create a peering connection between MYVPC1 and MYVPC2
- Create a peering connection between MYVPC2 and VPCOregon1
Steps to perform above task:
- Create MYVPC-1 in N.Virginia.
- VPC created.
- Created MYVPC-2 in same region
- Both VPCs are created
- Create another VPC in Oregon region
- Go to Peering Connection and click Create
- A peer request will be generated
- Click Accept from Actions.
- A VPC peering connection will be established
- Go to next Peering connection to be established, select the region as Oregon and paste the VPC ID.
- Peering Connection is requested between MYVPC-2 and Oregon VPC
- Click Accept Request
- Peering connection established between MYVPC-2 and Oregon VPC
Finally, our VPC Peering handson is completed.