Mastering WordPress CLI: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Your Productivity

Robiul Awal - Nov 23 '23 - - Dev Community

WordPress CLI, or Command Line Interface, is a powerful tool that often remains underutilized by many WordPress users. If you're accustomed to managing your WordPress site through the familiar web interface, diving into the command line might seem daunting at first. However, the benefits are substantial, offering increased efficiency and control over your WordPress installation.

Understanding the Basics
Before we delve into the advanced features, let's start with the basics. The WordPress CLI allows you to perform various tasks from the command line, such as installing and updating plugins, managing users, and even updating the WordPress core itself. Familiarizing yourself with basic commands like wp plugin install and wp user list can significantly speed up your workflow.

Installing and Configuring WordPress via CLI
One of the standout features of WordPress CLI is the ability to install and configure a WordPress site directly from the command line. This is particularly handy for developers and system administrators who want to automate the setup process. Learn how to use commands like wp core download and wp config create to streamline your installation process.

Managing Themes and Plugins Efficiently
Are you tired of navigating through the WordPress dashboard to install and activate themes or plugins? With the WordPress CLI, you can perform these tasks with just a few simple commands. Discover how to use commands like wp theme install and wp plugin activate to manage your site's appearance and functionality seamlessly.

Advanced Tips and Tricks
Once you've mastered the basics, it's time to explore some advanced tips and tricks. Learn how to create custom commands, automate tasks with scripts, and integrate WordPress CLI into your development workflow. Unlock the full potential of the command line to save time and streamline your processes.

Troubleshooting and Best Practices
As with any powerful tool, understanding how to troubleshoot common issues is crucial. Explore common error messages and their solutions, and discover best practices for using WordPress CLI in different environments. From local development to production servers, ensure that you're making the most of this powerful tool while maintaining a secure and stable WordPress site.

Stay Updated and Join the Community
The world of WordPress CLI is continually evolving, with new features and improvements regularly being introduced. Stay informed about the latest updates and join the community of developers and enthusiasts who leverage the command line to enhance their WordPress experience.

In conclusion, WordPress CLI is a valuable tool that can significantly enhance your WordPress management experience. Whether you're a developer, site administrator, or power user, mastering the command line interface can boost your productivity and give you greater control over your WordPress site. Dive in, explore the possibilities, and elevate your WordPress game with the power of the CLI.

list of all wp cli command

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the list of WordPress CLI commands may have expanded or changed. It's always a good idea to check the official WP-CLI documentation for the most up-to-date information. Here's a list of common WP-CLI commands as of my last update:

  1. Core Commands:

    • wp core install
    • wp core update
    • wp core download
    • wp core version
  2. Plugin Commands:

    • wp plugin install
    • wp plugin activate
    • wp plugin deactivate
    • wp plugin update
    • wp plugin list
  3. Theme Commands:

    • wp theme install
    • wp theme activate
    • wp theme deactivate
    • wp theme update
    • wp theme list
  4. Post and Page Commands:

    • wp post create
    • wp post list
    • wp post delete
    • wp post update
  5. User Commands:

    • wp user create
    • wp user list
    • wp user delete
    • wp user update
  6. Comment Commands:

    • wp comment list
    • wp comment delete
    • wp comment spam
  7. Option Commands:

    • wp option get
    • wp option update
    • wp option delete
  8. Search and Replace:

    • wp search-replace
  9. Database Commands:

    • wp db export
    • wp db import
    • wp db query
  10. Server and Maintenance Commands:

    • wp server
    • wp maintenance-mode
  11. Widget Commands:

    • wp widget add
    • wp widget update
    • wp widget delete
  12. Menu Commands:

    • wp menu create
    • wp menu list
    • wp menu item add
    • wp menu location assign
  13. Post Type Commands:

    • wp post-type list
    • wp post-type create
    • wp post-type update
  14. Taxonomy Commands:

    • wp taxonomy list
    • wp taxonomy create
    • wp taxonomy update
  15. Export and Import Commands:

    • wp export
    • wp import
  16. Rewrite Commands:

    • wp rewrite flush
    • wp rewrite structure
  17. Site and Network Commands:

    • wp site
    • wp network

This is just a selection of WP-CLI commands. The WordPress CLI is extensive, and you can get a full list of commands by running wp --help. Additionally, you can get help for a specific command by running, for example, wp plugin install --help. Keep in mind that new commands and features may have been added since my last update, so referring to the official documentation is recommended.

How to add a custom CLI command?

To add a custom CLI command in WordPress using WP-CLI, you'll need to create a custom command file and register it. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Create a Custom Command File:

    • Start by creating a PHP file for your custom command. This file will contain the code for your command. For example, create a file named custom-command.php.
  2. Write Your Custom Command Code:

    • Open custom-command.php in a text editor and define your custom command. Below is a simple example:
    if ( class_exists( 'WP_CLI_Command' ) ) {
         * Custom CLI command.
        class Custom_Command extends WP_CLI_Command {
             * Display a custom message.
             * ## EXAMPLES
             *     wp custom command
             * @when after_wp_load
            public function command() {
                WP_CLI::success( 'Custom command executed!' );
        WP_CLI::add_command( 'custom', 'Custom_Command' );

This example creates a custom command named custom that, when executed, displays a success message.


  1. Save the Custom Command File:

    • Save the custom-command.php file.
  2. Place the File in the WP-CLI Custom Commands Directory:

    • Move the custom-command.php file to the wp-cli/commands/ directory within your WordPress installation. If the commands directory doesn't exist, create it.
   mv custom-command.php /path/to/your/wordpress/installation/wp-cli/commands/
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  1. Verify the Custom Command:
    • Open a terminal, navigate to your WordPress installation, and run the custom command:
   wp custom command
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You should see the success message you defined in your custom command code.

That's it! You've added a custom command to WP-CLI. You can extend this example to create more complex commands based on your specific needs. Remember to check the official WP-CLI documentation for more details and best practices when working with custom commands.

How to watch directory files and run CLI commands in the node.js environment

Certainly! The node-watch package is a simple and effective solution for watching files and directories in a Node.js environment. Here's an example of how you can use node-watch to watch a directory and execute a CLI command when changes occur:

  1. Install the node-watch package:

    npm install node-watch
  2. Create a Watcher Script:

    Create a JavaScript file, e.g., watcher.js, with the following content:

    const watch = require('node-watch');
    const { exec } = require('child_process');
    const directoryToWatch = '/path/to/your/directory';
    const runCommand = () => {
        // Replace the following command with your specific WP-CLI command
        exec('wp your custom command', (error, stdout, stderr) => {
            if (error) {
                console.error(`Error: ${error.message}`);
            console.log(`Command Output: ${stdout}`);
            console.error(`Command Errors: ${stderr}`);
    console.log(`Watching directory: ${directoryToWatch}`);
    watch(directoryToWatch, { recursive: true }, (evt, name) => {
        console.log(`${name} has been ${evt}`);

    Replace /path/to/your/directory with the actual path of the directory you want to watch, and update 'wp your custom command' with the specific WP-CLI command you want to run.

  3. Run the Watcher Script:

    node watcher.js

The script using node-watch will now watch the specified directory and execute the WP-CLI command whenever changes occur (file added, changed, or removed).

This example provides a basic setup, and you may need to adapt it according to your specific needs or add error handling based on your project requirements. Remember to handle errors and implement necessary optimizations if you plan to use this in a production environment.

More details about How to add various arguments on the custom command

Certainly! Let's create a more elaborate example with a custom command named greet that takes multiple arguments and options. In this example, the command will allow users to customize the greeting message, choose a language, and specify whether they want a formal or informal greeting.

Step 1: Register the Command

In your main plugin file or wherever you're registering your commands:

WP_CLI::add_command('greet', 'Greet_Command');
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Step 2: Create the Custom Command Class

Create a new PHP file (e.g., greet-command.php) and define your custom command class:

class Greet_Command extends WP_CLI_Command {

     * Display a personalized greeting.
     * ## OPTIONS
     * <name>
     * : The name of the person to greet.
     * [--message=<message>]
     * : A custom message to include in the greeting.
     * [--language=<language>]
     * : The language of the greeting (e.g., English, Spanish).
     * ---
     * default: English
     * options:
     *   - English
     *   - Spanish
     * ---
     * [--formal]
     * : Use a formal greeting.
     * ## EXAMPLES
     *     wp greet John
     *     wp greet --message="Hi there" --language=Spanish --formal Mary
     * @param array $args
     * @param array $assoc_args
    public function __invoke($args, $assoc_args) {
        $name = $args[0];

        $message = isset($assoc_args['message']) ? $assoc_args['message'] : 'Hello';
        $language = isset($assoc_args['language']) ? $assoc_args['language'] : 'English';
        $formal = isset($assoc_args['formal']);

        $greeting = $this->generateGreeting($message, $name, $language, $formal);


     * Generate a personalized greeting based on options.
     * @param string $message
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $language
     * @param bool $formal
     * @return string
    private function generateGreeting($message, $name, $language, $formal) {
        $greetings = [
            'English' => $formal ? "Good day, $name." : "$message, $name!",
            'Spanish' => $formal ? "Buen día, $name." : "$message, $name.",

        return $greetings[$language];
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In this example:

  • The <name> option is a required argument for the greet command, representing the name of the person to greet.

  • The --message option allows users to provide a custom greeting message. If not provided, it defaults to "Hello."

  • The --language option lets users specify the language of the greeting. It has predefined options and defaults to English.

  • The --formal option, if present, indicates that a formal greeting should be used.

  • The generateGreeting method is a helper function that constructs the greeting based on the provided options.

Step 3: Run the Command

Run the command in the terminal:

wp greet John
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This will output a default informal greeting in English. You can also use various options:

wp greet --message="Hi there" --language=Spanish --formal Mary
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This will output a formal greeting in Spanish.

Feel free to customize the command and options based on your specific needs. This example demonstrates how to handle required arguments, optional options, default values, and how to incorporate logic in your command.

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