How to detect SOLID principle violations?

ROHIT SINGH - Sep 28 - - Dev Community
  1. Single Responsibility (SRP):
    Symptom: Large classes handling multiple tasks.
    Detection: Check for classes with too many responsibilities or methods. Use tools like SonarQube for complexity warnings.

  2. Open/Closed (OCP):
    Symptom: Modifying existing classes for new features.
    Detection: Review change logs and check for frequent edits to core classes.

  3. Liskov Substitution (LSP):
    Symptom: Subclasses that break functionality when used in place of base classes.
    Detection: Write unit tests that fail when incorrect subclass behavior is introduced.

  4. Interface Segregation (ISP):
    Symptom: Classes implementing methods they don't use.
    Detection: Look for bloated interfaces. Check if classes use all implemented methods.

  5. Dependency Inversion (DIP):
    Symptom: High coupling between classes.
    Detection: Identify direct dependencies on concrete classes. Use tools like NDepend to detect tight coupling.

💡General Tips: Use code reviews, static analysis tools (SonarQube, NDepend), and automated tests to catch violations.

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