How do you automate PIM for Groups? (Part 1 - Setup)

Roman Kiprin - Apr 21 - - Dev Community

Recently, I wrote a boring text explaining the advantages of PIM for Groups. Today, I want to step further and show how to automate it.

What? Automate PIM for Groups? Why?

Yep. You can have a list of security group members from your PowerShell script, can you? You can administer a security group membership, right? But can you assign PIM eligibility for a user without expiration from a PowerShell script? I doubt that. However, that is a very similar operation and should be performed easily.

What permissions do we need to begin?

Let us assume that we have an EntraID tenant in which you can have one of two roles: Global Administrator or Privileged Role Administrator.

To read PIM-related data from Entra ID, you might get out with Global Reader, but making any change is only allowed for the two mentioned above.

PowerShell and modules?

The entire post is about using PowerShell to automate PIM for Groups. Technically, you can use any supported language or none since everything is available via Microsoft Graph API. However, the examples here are written in PowerShell.

Today, the latest version is 7.4.

To play with the examples, you will need to install several PowerShell modules:

# Install the required modules
install-module Microsoft.Graph.Groups
install-module Microsoft.Graph.Users
install-module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Governance
install-module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement

# Import them
import-module Microsoft.Graph.Groups
import-module Microsoft.Graph.Users
import-module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Governance
import-module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement
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Are we ready? Can we start?

Yes. Almost.

We need to authenticate the PowerShell session against Microsoft Graph and request permissions.

pwsh> Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Group.ReadWrite.All", "User.ReadWrite.All", "PrivilegedAssignmentSchedule.ReadWrite.AzureADGroup", "Domain.Read.All", "RoleManagementPolicy.ReadWrite.AzureADGroup"

Welcome to Microsoft Graph!

Connected via delegated access using 14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e
SDK Docs:
API Docs:

NOTE: You can use the -NoWelcome parameter to suppress this message.

pwsh> get-mgContext

ClientId               : 14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e
TenantId               : c23a6ba9-4536-4e44-a7b8-9c643e365d2f
Scopes                 : {Group.ReadWrite.All, openid, PrivilegedAssignmentSchedule.ReadWrite.AzureADGroup, profile}
AuthType               : Delegated
TokenCredentialType    : InteractiveBrowser
CertificateThumbprint  : 
CertificateSubjectName : 
Account                :
AppName                : Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools
ContextScope           : CurrentUser
Certificate            : 
PSHostVersion          : 7.4.2
ManagedIdentityId      : 
ClientSecret           : 
Environment            : Global
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Why do we need these particular permissions?

The short answer - trust me!

If, for some reason, you don't, here is a screenshot of one of the Microsoft Graph API calls List assignmentScheduleRequests:

Image description

Every Microsoft Graph API call has a "Permissions" paragraph, and you can perform your research.

You can also look at Microsoft Graph permissions reference. But in this post, I will stop with permissions.

Can we start playing with PIM already?

I know, I know. Let's set up global variables and create/check our Entra ID object!

pwsh> $groupName01    = "GROUP-PLAY-01"
pwsh> $pimGroupName01 = "PIM-GROUP-PLAY-01"
pwsh> $userName01     = "pim-user-play-01"
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And then, let's create a couple of groups and ...

pwsh> $g01 = Get-MgGroup -Filter ("DisplayName eq '{0}'" -f $groupName01)
pwsh> if ($null -eq $g01) {
     $params = @{
         DisplayName = $($groupName01)
         MailEnabled = $False
         MailNickName = $($groupName01)
         SecurityEnabled = $True
         Description = "PIM for Groups tests"
     $g01 = New-MgGroup @params

pwsh> $pg01 = Get-MgGroup -Filter ("DisplayName eq '{0}'" -f $pimGroupName01)
pwsh> if ($null -eq $pg01) {
     $params = @{
         DisplayName = $($pimGroupName01)
         MailEnabled = $False
         MailNickName = $($pimGroupName01)
         SecurityEnabled = $True
         Description = "PIM for Groups tests"
     $pg01 = New-MgGroup @params

pwsh> $g01

DisplayName   Id                                   MailNickname  Description          GroupTypes
-----------   --                                   ------------  -----------          ----------
GROUP-PLAY-01 d8800de8-1e79-4881-8cb3-814c0f6cd935 GROUP-PLAY-01 PIM for Groups tests {}
pwsh> $pg01

DisplayName       Id                                   MailNickname      Description          GroupTypes
-----------       --                                   ------------      -----------          ----------
PIM-GROUP-PLAY-01 853d7402-51b4-4cd4-9b8d-9f159311859d PIM-GROUP-PLAY-01 PIM for Groups tests {}
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... a user:

pwsh> $domain = Get-MgDomain
pwsh> $u01 = Get-MgUser -Filter ("DisplayName eq '{0}'" -f $userName01)
pwsh> if ($null -eq $u01) {
     $PasswordProfile = @{Password = '<here-should-be-password>'}
         DisplayName = $userName01
         AccountEnabled = $true
         MailNickName = $userName01
         PasswordProfile = $PasswordProfile
         UserPrincipalName = "$($userName01)@$($domain.Id)"
     $u01 = New-MgUser @params
pwsh> $u01

DisplayName      Id                                   Mail UserPrincipalName
-----------      --                                   ---- -----------------
pim-user-play-01 c8816325-d172-44f5-b72d-a1b8de5673c2
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So we can confirm the groups...

Image description

... and the user are visible via the Portal

Image description

What will we do?

I spent quite some time preparing the stage for the demonstration, and the goal of this text might have slipped out a little.

My previous text provides a profound explanation of the PIM for Group technology. Based on its terms, let's say what we will do.

  • We will make a user (pim-user-play-01) PIM eligible to activate the membership of the PIM Group (PIM-GROUP-PLAY-01).

  • We will make ALL members of the security group (GROUP-PLAY-01) PIM eligible to activate the membership of the PIM Group (PIM-GROUP-PLAY-01).

  • We will check if the specific user or group is PIM-eligible.

  • We will activate PIM eligibility.

  • We will remove PIM eligibility.

  • And perform some additional bonus stuff, too.

Stay tuned for the "Part 2. Playing with PIM for Groups via API"!

. . . . .
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