Differences Between Slice and Splice : javascript

sagar - Jun 20 - - Dev Community

In Javascript slice and splice are used to manipulate Array, both sound a little bit the same but they work differently, first let’s talk about slice

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slice method used cut out some portion from the array or extract sub-array but it don’t change the origin array instead return new updated array of extracted sub-array as you can see in above example

it takes two argument first starting index , second ending index . The ending index default value is length of its original array if you don’t pass the ending index.

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splice method use to remove and add values in the array , but it don’t create new array like splice instead it changed the original array as you can see above example

it take three argument first : starting index , second : number of values to be remove , here is a point to be noted its second argument is not ending index but the length of value you want to delete from the array , third: value needs to be added in replacement of removed values

conclusion: both used manipulate array , slice extract sub-array and create new array of extracted value it don’t changed original array and splice add and remove array values but changed original array.

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