Currying in javascript!!

sakethk - Aug 20 '21 - - Dev Community

What is currying ?

Currying is an advanced technique of working with functions. It is a transformation of functions that translates a function from callable as f(x, y, x) into callable as f(x)(y)(z).

Example :

//Normal function
function add(x, y){
  return x + y

add(1, 2) //3

//Curried function
function add(x){
  return function(y){
    return x + y

add(1)(2) //3
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Why currying

With currying we can break function in to pieces and can reuse those pieces.

"Breaking function in to pieces and reusing" does it sounds crazy ? 🤔

Here is an basic example :

function add(x){
  return function(y){
    return x + y

const addTen = add(10)

addTen(5) //15
addTen(90) //100
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Now lets see simple real world example

function logger(type){

    function createLogRequest(endPoint){
      return function(data){
        return fetch(`<DOMAIN>/${endPoint}`, {
          method: 'POST',
          body: data

  const sendLogs = createLogRequest(type)
  const showLogs = console[type] || console.log

  const transformData = (data) => `${new Date()} : ${JSON.stringify(data)}`

  return function(logData){
    const data = transformData(logData)

const infoLog = logger('info')
const errorLog = logger('error')
const warningLog = logger('warning')

infoLog("Some Info....")  //Calls /info api and shows info with date
errorLog("Some Error....") //Calls /error api and shows error with date
warningLog("Some Warning....") //Calls /waningr api and shows warning with date
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Function memorisation will be easy

const add = a => {
  const memo = {}
  return b => {
     return c => {
       const storedResult = memo[`${a}+${b}+${c}`]
       if(storedResult) return storedResult
       const result = a + b + c
       memo[`${a}+${b}+${c}`] = result
       return result

const addOne = add(1)
const addThree = addOne(2)
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Can we convert normal function to curry function 🤔 ?

Yes of-course with the following code we can use function in both curry and normal way.

Here is an example for that

function curry(func) {
  function curried(...args) {
    if (args.length >= func.length) {
      return func.apply(this, args);
    } else {
        return function(...args2) {
          return, ...args,...args2);
  return curried.bind(this);

const add = (a,b,c) => a + b + c

const curriedAdd = curry(add)

curriedAdd(1)(2)(3) //6

curriedAdd(1,2,3) //6

//curried + normal
curriedAdd(1,2)(3) //6

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Hope you learned something new and interesting 🤨

Thank you!!!

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