Neovim’s built-in LSP functionality provides powerful coding assistance. However, there may be times when you want to disable LSP features entirely for the duration of your session. This guide will show you how to toggle LSPs on and off globally until you close Neovim.
Why Toggle LSPs?
Performance Issues: In larger projects, LSPs can consume resources, leading to slower performance.
Distraction-Free Coding: You may want to focus on code without the assistance of LSP features such as autocompletion or linting.
Testing Changes: Disabling LSPs can help you test specific changes without interference.
Code Implementation
-- Initialize a flag to toggle LSPs on or off
local lsp_enabled = true
-- Store buffers attached to each LSP client
local attached_buffers_by_client = {}
-- Store configurations for each LSP client
local client_configs = {}
-- Store a reference to the original buf_attach_client function
local original_buf_attach_client = vim.lsp.buf_attach_client
-- Function to add a buffer to the client's buffer table
local function add_buf(client_id, buf)
if not attached_buffers_by_client[client_id] then
attached_buffers_by_client[client_id] = {}
-- Check if the buffer is already in the list
local exists = false
for _, value in ipairs(attached_buffers_by_client[client_id]) do
if value == buf then
exists = true
-- Add the buffer if it doesn’t already exist in the client’s list
if not exists then
table.insert(attached_buffers_by_client[client_id], buf)
-- Middleware function to control LSP client attachment to buffers
-- Prevents LSP client from reattaching if LSPs are disabled
vim.lsp.buf_attach_client = function(bufnr, client_id)
if not lsp_enabled then
-- Cache client configuration if not already stored
if not client_configs[client_id] then
local client_config = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
client_configs[client_id] = (client_config and client_config.config) or {}
-- Add buffer to client’s attached buffer list and stop the client
add_buf(client_id, bufnr)
return false -- Indicate the client should not attach
return original_buf_attach_client(bufnr, client_id) -- Use the original attachment method if enabled LSP
-- Update state with new client IDs after a toggle
local function update_clients_ids(ids_map)
local new_attached_buffers_by_client = {}
local new_client_configs = {}
-- Map each client ID to its new ID and carry over configurations
for client_id, buffers in pairs(attached_buffers_by_client) do
local new_id = ids_map[client_id]
new_attached_buffers_by_client[new_id] = buffers
new_client_configs[new_id] = client_configs[client_id]
attached_buffers_by_client = new_attached_buffers_by_client -- Update global attached buffer table
client_configs = new_client_configs -- Update global client config table
-- Stops the client, waiting up to 5 seconds; force quits if needed
local function client_stop(client)
vim.lsp.stop_client(, false)
local timer = vim.uv.new_timer() -- Create a timer
local max_attempts = 50 -- Set max attempts to check if stopped
local attempts = 0 -- Track the number of attempts
timer:start(100, 100, vim.schedule_wrap(function()
attempts = attempts + 1
if client.is_stopped() then -- Check if the client is stopped
vim.diagnostic.reset() -- Reset diagnostics for the client
elseif attempts >= max_attempts then -- If max attempts reached
vim.lsp.stop_client(, true) -- Force stop the client
vim.diagnostic.reset() -- Reset diagnostics for the client
-- Toggle LSPs on or off, managing client states and attached buffers
local function toggle_lsp()
if lsp_enabled then -- If LSP is currently enabled, disable it
client_configs = {} -- Clear client configurations
attached_buffers_by_client = {} -- Clear attached buffers
-- Loop through all active LSP clients
for _, client in ipairs(vim.lsp.get_clients()) do
client_configs[] = client.config -- Cache client config
-- Loop through all buffers attached to the client
for buf, _ in pairs(client.attached_buffers) do
add_buf(, buf) -- Add buffer to the client’s buffer table
vim.lsp.buf_detach_client(buf, -- Detach the client from the buffer
client_stop(client) -- Stop the client
print("LSPs Disabled")
else -- If LSP is currently disabled, enable it
local new_ids = {}
-- Reinitialize clients with previous configurations
for client_id, buffers in pairs(attached_buffers_by_client) do
local client_config = client_configs[client_id] -- Retrieve client config
local new_client_id, err = vim.lsp.start_client(client_config) -- Start client with config
new_ids[client_id] = new_client_id -- Map old client ID to new client ID
if err then -- Notify if there was an error starting the client
vim.notify(err, vim.log.levels.WARN)
return nil
-- Reattach buffers to the newly started client
for _, buf in ipairs(buffers) do
original_buf_attach_client(buf, new_client_id)
update_clients_ids(new_ids) -- Update client IDs
print("LSPs Enabled") -- Notify that LSPs are enabled
lsp_enabled = not lsp_enabled -- Toggle the LSP enabled flag
-- Set key mapping to toggle LSP on or off with <leader>tl
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tl", toggle_lsp)
Understanding LspStop
While the :LspStop
command can stop LSP clients for the current buffer, it has some limitations. Here’s how it behaves:
Stop Current Buffer: Executing
detaches the LSP client from only the currently active buffer. This means that LSP features will be disabled only for that buffer.Reopening the Buffer: If you close and reopen the buffer, the LSP client automatically restarts and reattaches. This behavior is standard in Neovim, ensuring that once you access a buffer again, the language server is reactivated.
Opening New Buffers: Similarly, if you open a new buffer associated with an LSP client, Neovim will trigger the LSP to start again. Thus, even if you previously stopped LSP for one buffer, any new buffer supported by a language server will reactivate the client.