How to structure your files with VIPER Architecture

Sazardev - Jul 16 - - Dev Community

Maybe you already had the theory of how VIPER Architecture work but that's only the THEORY, in the real work can be painful implement a Software Architecture because you can have a lot of cases that you can't know how to implement correctly accordly VIPER Architecture (But this can happen when whatever Architecture).

I'll explain you how to implement correctly VIPER with a common cases, but if you have an especific scenario you can comment to discuss how VIPER can solvent correctly.

PhonebookApp (iOS)

A classic one. Let's supouse that you need to do a simple Phonebok application where stores contact.

PhonebookApp # Root directory of the application

├── Common # Shared code between features
   ├── Models # Data models representing entities
       ├── Contact.swift # Represents a single contact with its information
       └── ContactGroup.swift # Represents a group of contacts
   ├── Utils # Utility classes for common functionalities
       ├── NetworkManager.swift # Handles communication with network services
       └── StorageManager.swift # Handles data persistence and retrieval
   └── ViewModels # View models for data presentation
       ├── ContactDetailViewModel.swift # Prepares data for the contact detail view
       ├── ContactGroupListViewModel.swift # Prepares data for the contact group list view
       └── ContactListViewModel.swift # Prepares data for the contact list view
├── Features # Individual features of the application # Feature for managing a single contact
    ├── ContactDetail
        ├── Views # UI components for displaying the contact
           └── ContactDetailView.swift # Xcode Storyboard or SwiftUI view for contact details
        ├── Interactors # Business logic for contact data
           └── ContactDetailInteractor.swift # Fetches, updates, and deletes contact data
        ├── Presenters # Prepares data for the contact detail view
           └── ContactDetailPresenter.swift # Receives data from interactor and formats it for view
        └── Routers # Navigation logic for the contact detail screen
            └── ContactDetailRouter.swift # Handles navigation to other features from contact detail # Feature for managing contact groups
    ├── ContactGroupList
        ├── Views # UI components for displaying contact groups
           └── ContactGroupListView.swift # Xcode Storyboard or SwiftUI view for contact group list
        ├── Interactors # Business logic for contact group data
           └── ContactGroupListInteractor.swift # Fetches, updates, and manages contact groups
        ├── Presenters # Prepares data for the contact group list view
           └── ContactGroupListPresenter.swift # Receives data from interactor and formats it for view
        └── Routers # Navigation logic for the contact group list screen
            └── ContactGroupListRouter.swift # Handles navigation to other features from contact group list # Feature for managing the list of contacts
    └── ContactList
        ├── Views # UI components for displaying contacts
           └── ContactListView.swift # Xcode Storyboard or SwiftUI view for contact list
        ├── Interactors # Business logic for contact data
           └── ContactListInteractor.swift # Fetches, updates, and manages contacts
        ├── Presenters # Prepares data for the contact list view
           └── ContactListPresenter.swift # Receives data from interactor and formats it for view
        └── Routers # Navigation logic for the contact list screen
            └── ContactListRouter.swift # Handles navigation to other features from contact list
├── App # Entry point and core application logic
   ├── AppDelegate.swift # Manages the application lifecycle
   ├── SceneDelegate.swift # Manages window scene lifecycle and transitions on iOS 13+
   └── MainCoordinator.swift # Coordinates navigation between features
├── Tests # Unit tests for application components
   ├── CommonTests # Tests for shared code
       ├── ModelsTests.swift # Unit tests for `Contact` and `ContactGroup` models
       └── UtilsTests.swift # Unit tests for `NetworkManager` and `StorageManager`
   ├── FeaturesTests # Tests for individual features
       ├── ContactDetailTests.swift # Unit tests for contact detail functionality
       ├── ContactGroupListTests.swift # Unit tests for contact group list functionality
       └── ContactListTests.swift # Unit tests for contact list functionality
   └── AppTests # Tests for application entry point
       └── AppDelegateTests.swift # Unit tests for `AppDelegate`
└── Resources # Assets and configuration files
    ├── Images.xcassets # App icons and other images
    ├── LaunchScreen.storyboard # Storyboard for the launch screen
    └── Info.plist # Configuration file for the application
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Shop App (Android)

├── app
   ├── build.gradle
   ├── src
       ├── main
           ├── AndroidManifest.xml
           ├── assets
              └── ... # app assets like images
           ├── java
                   ├── data
                       ├── model
                           ├── # Represents a product with details
                           └── # Represents a product category
                   ├── network
                       └── # Handles network communication
                   ├── persistence
                       └── # Handles data persistence on device
                   ├── repository
                       └── # Provides access to product data
                   ├── features
                       ├── productdetail  # Feature for managing a single product detail
                          ├── contract
                             ├── ProductDetailContract.kt # Interface for VIPER communication
                                 ├── ProductDetailView.kt # Interface for View
                                 ├── ProductDetailInteractor.kt # Interface for Interactor
                                 ├── ProductDetailPresenter.kt # Interface for Presenter
                                 └── ProductDetailRouter.kt # Interface for Router
                          ├── data
                             └── ProductDetailRepositoryImpl.kt # Implementation of ProductRepository for product detail
                          ├── presentation
                             ├── ProductDetailPresenterImpl.kt # Implementation of ProductDetailPresenter
                          ├── ui
                             └── ProductDetailActivity.kt # Activity for displaying product details
                          └── ... (other implementation classes)
                       ├── productlist  # Feature for managing the product list
                          ├── contract
                             ├── ProductListContract.kt # Interface for VIPER communication
                                 ├── ProductListView.kt # Interface for View
                                 ├── ProductListInteractor.kt # Interface for Interactor
                                 ├── ProductListPresenter.kt # Interface for Presenter
                                 └── ProductListRouter.kt # Interface for Router
                          ├── data
                             └── ProductListRepositoryImpl.kt # Implementation of ProductRepository for product list
                          ├── presentation
                             ├── ProductListPresenterImpl.kt # Implementation of ProductListPresenter
                          ├── ui
                             └── ProductListActivity.kt # Activity for displaying product list
                          └── ...
                   ├── ...
                   └── util
                       └── ... # Utility classes
   └── gradlew.bat  # or gradlew (depending on OS)
├── build.gradle
└── # Optional for local development configuration
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