Top Java Development Methodologies

SCAND - Oct 7 '20 - - Dev Community

Any project can be managed better when the activities are defined under various stages beforehand. A software development methodology helps to structure, plan, and control the software app development process.

Choosing a methodology can be tough, however it allows to cut down on the development errors or defects, make the development life-cycle shorter, and increase the app quality and team productivity.

Java is one of the most widely used languages for application development, thus it is essential to use the right methodology to handle the development process properly and cope with the project requirements.

Here are five most commonly used software development methodologies to overcome Java application development complexity:


Waterfall is conceived as a traditional model of the software development process. From the requirement analysis and design to the testing and maintenance phases, this model sticks to rigid and linear development flow.

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The whole development process consists of the sequential phases, each of them should be finished before the next starts. Such an approach presupposes precise up-front requirements and lacks the possibility to go back and change something while testing.

Despite the fact that some developers consider Waterfall to be ‘old school’, it’s useful to understand the roots and structure of this methodology to appreciate the adaptability of current approaches.

Originated in the construction and manufacturing industries, Waterfall is now widely used for software development.


  • rigid and linear approach,
  • easy to manage,
  • time-saving as phases are processed and completed coincidentally.

Agile Software Development

Agile is a flexible software development methodology that is intended to suit changes and deliver programming faster. With a number of iterations or incremental steps, a customer can keep track of the results and decide whether there is something that needs change or not.

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The Agile concept makes it possible to concentrate on people’s interaction and continuous delivery of value to an enterprise.
Concerning the workflow, traditionally the project divides requirements into smaller steps for them to be further prioritized by the development team. Agile is widely used in many spheres starting from software app development to manufacturing processes.


  • promoting collaborative work with the customer and inside the team,
  • responsive to changes,
  • prototyping over detailed documentation.


Scrum is globally conceived as the proven methodology applied for project maintenance and development. According to this report, Scrum continues to be the world’s most popular project management framework surpassing Kanban and Lean.

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Scrum is used to develop, deliver, and sustain complex products. With Scrum path, the programming is divided into even sprints shaped as periods normally from 2 to 3 weeks depending on the team’s line-up and the complexity of the project.

Before starting a new sprint, the latest sprint’s goals and results are discussed by the team. All that is making the execution control way flexible and helps the team to continue working on the project improvement and maintain clear communication.

Teams of all kinds use Scrum: HR, marketing, and design whereas the most common domains are software development and engineering.


  • adjustable to changes,
  • more manageable allowing teams to work faster,
  • short iterations reduce risks and costs.


Kanban is another effective way to implement a flexible software development methodology. Its main purpose is to find a balance inside the team and distribute the work between all specialists. Initially, this methodology was designed to operate the available resources effectively, find and solve the issues right off.

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Kanban differs in a way it comprehends the business-process which is here divided into the stages of performing tasks: ‘Developed’, ‘Tested’, ‘Completed’, and so forth.

Kanban’s core concept is the development process visualization, which is called a Kanban board. The latter helps to monitor the task status and spot the issues. Unlike Scrum, there’s no limit to the time of sprints.

Known as the ‘Toyota nameplate system’, Kanban is widely used by software development companies.


  • development process visualization (Kanban board),
  • preventing team overloading,
  • limitless time of sprints.


Being one of the most flexible software development methodologies, Lean allows developers to specify the main and the minor project’s elements during the working process. To put it simply, everything that adds no value for the client referring only to losses is to be eliminated. This procedure is also done in order to reduce development time.

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Lean is directed at delivering easily changeable software. Its development methodology is based on several core principles: deliver fast, increase feedback, eliminate waste, delay commitment, empower the team, and see the whole picture.

To provide a high-quality product, Lean makes it possible to provide changes and eliminate bugs at every testing stage.
Such companies as Toyota, Nike, Intel, and others use Lean software development methodology.


  • elimination of invaluable elements reduces the project’s costs and life-cycle,
  • delivering more functionality in a short period of time,
  • team empowerment.

Bottom Line

Nowadays, it’s highly important to concentrate on the world’s changing conditions and keep an eye on customers’ feedback as this empowers developers to experiment and seek new solutions.

All the above-mentioned Java development methodologies allow us to provide timely project completion, cost efficiency, and building of top-notch up-to-date apps to meet business requirements. If you need custom software development services, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

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