NeoVim , install Packer

sa3i0l - May 2 '23 - - Dev Community

Create the plugins file:

touch ~/.config/nvim/lua/user/plugins.lua
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Add the following to plugins.lua

local fn = vim.fn

-- Automatically install packer
local install_path = fn.stdpath('data')..'/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim'
if fn.empty(fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then
  PACKER_BOOTSTRAP = fn.system({'git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '', install_path})
  print("Installing packer close and reopen Neovim...")

-- Autocommand that reloads neovim whenever you save the plugins.lua file
  augroup packer_user_config
    autocmd BufWritePost plugins.lua source <afile> | PackerSync
  augroup end

-- Use a protected call so we don't error out on first use
local status_ok, packer = pcall(require, "packer")
if not status_ok then

-- Have packer use a popup window
    display = {
      open_fn = function()
        return require('packer.util').float({ border = 'single' })

-- Install your plugins here
return packer.startup(function(use)
  -- My plugins here
  use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim' -- Have packer manage itself
  use "nvim-lua/popup.nvim" -- An implementation of the Popup API from vim in Neovim
  use "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" -- Useful lua functions used ny lots of plugins

  -- Automatically set up your configuration after cloning packer.nvim
  -- Put this at the end after all plugins
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Require in init.lua


NOTE (you will need to open and close Neovim at least once to install packer automatically)


-- You must run this or `PackerSync` whenever you make changes to your plugin configuration
-- Regenerate compiled loader file

-- Remove any disabled or unused plugins

-- Clean, then install missing plugins

-- Clean, then update and install plugins

-- Perform `PackerUpdate` and then `PackerCompile`
-- Loads opt plugin immediately
:PackerLoad completion-nvim ale
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Where are my plugins?

To see your plugins go to ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/

and your plugin will be under either start or opt

What is the difference between start and opt?

Plugins in the start directory will be sourced automatically on Neovim startup

Plugins in the opt directory will be sourced usually on some autocommand

What is the compiled file do?

The packer_compiled.lua found here: ~/.config/nvim/plugin/packer_compiled.lua

It essentially optimizes the plugins startup time, it will also allow you to disable plugins without any startup penalty.

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