NGINX: multi-branch deployment with Ansible, NGINX map and HTTP Headers

Arseny Zinchenko - Jun 26 '19 - - Dev Community

We have a standard LEMP setup NGINX, PHP-FPM.

Application – Yii-framework, deployed from Jenkins using Ansible role with the synchronize module on backend hosts in a /data/projects/prjectname/frontend/web, directory which is set as a root for an NGINX virtual host.

The task is to have the ability to deploy the same application on the same backend but to have multiple branches deployed by Ansible and served by NGINX.

Let’s use map in NGINX here: if a special header will be added during a GET-request – then NGINX has to return code from the /data/projects/prjectname/<BRANCHNAME>/frontend/web, if no header was set – then use the default directory /data/projects/prjectname/frontend/web.

Accordingly and deploy process needs to be updated – code must be placed to the /data/projects/prjectname/frontend/web or into the /data/projects/prjectname/<BRANCHNAME>/frontend/web – depending on conditions.


Update nginx.conf:

    map $http_ci_branch $app_branch {
        default "";
        ~(.+)   $1;

Check syntax:

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# nginx -t
nginx: [emerg] unknown "1" variable
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

Check NGINX’s version:

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.10.3

Update it.

Uninstall already installed NGINX:

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# apt -y purge nginx

Add its official repository:

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# echo "deb stretch nginx" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# wget

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# apt-key add nginx_signing.key

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# apt update

Install the latest version:

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# apt -y install nginx


root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.17.0

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# systemctl start nginx

Go back to its config.

In the nginx.conf we have now:

    underscores_in_headers on;
    map $http_ci_branch $app_branch {
        default "";
        ~(.+)   $1;

Here we are getting http_ci_branch variable (which will be created from the ci_branch header which will be passed during a request) and then saving its value to the app_branch variable:

  • default – if ci_branch is empty the save app_branch with the “” value
  • otherwise, get the ci_branch‘s value using regex ((.+)) and save it to the app_branch

To be able to use underscores in headers names – enable NGINX’s “underscores_in_headers” option.

Then, update a virtual host’s config – add $app_branch to the virtual host’s root:

    set $root_path /data/projects/projectname/$app_branch/frontend/web;
    root $root_path;

Check it.

Create a new directory, for example, “develop“:

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/home/admin# mkdir -p /data/projects/projectname/develop/frontend/web/

Now we have to catalogs on a host – /data/projects/projectname/frontend/web/ and /data/projects/projectname/develop/frontend/web/.

The first must be used by NGINX if ci_branch will be empty, and the second one – if ci_branch will have “develop” value.

Files are almost identical.

The default directory’s index file:

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/etc/nginx# cat /data/projects/projectname/frontend/web/index.php


headers =  getallheaders();

foreach($headers as $key=>$val){

echo $key . ': ' . $val . '<br>';



And in the develop:

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/etc/nginx# cat /data/projects/projectname/develop/frontend/web/index.php



headers =  getallheaders();

foreach($headers as $key=>$val){

echo $key . ': ' . $val . '<br>';



Let’s check.

Without the ci_branch header first:

$ curl

Accept: */*<br>User-Agent: curl/7.65.1<br>X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-5d1205f9-66ee8ea4b58b3400e02ecac4<br>Host:<br>X-Forwarded-Port: 443<br>X-Forwarded-Proto: https<br>X-Forwarded-For:<br>Content-Length: <br>Content-Type: <br>

And with it and its value as “develop“:

$ curl -H "ci_branch:develop"

Ci-Branch: develop<br>Accept: */*<br>User-Agent: curl/7.65.1<br>X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-5d120606-7e42cd0b419e20071d7f8a97<br>Host:<br>X-Forwarded-Port: 443<br>X-Forwarded-Proto: https<br>X-Forwarded-For:<br>Content-Length: <br>Content-Type: <br>

Great – all works here.

Ansible deploy

Now we can serve different content with the header passed and it’s time to update deployment – to copy the code to a specific (or default) directories on hosts.

The deployment’s role main task now looks like next:

- name: "Deploy application to the {{ aws_env }} environment hosts"
    src: "app/"
    dest: "/data/projects/{{ backend_project_name }}"
    use_ssh_args: true
    delete: true
      - "--exclude=uploads"

backend_project_name variable passed to the role from a playbook’s file:

    - role: deploy
      tags: deploy
      backend_prodject_git_branch: "{{ lookup('env','APP_REPO_BRANCH') }}"
      backend_project_git_repo: "{{ lookup('env','APP_REPO_RUL') }}"
      backend_project_name: "{{ lookup('env','APP_PROJECT_NAME') }}"
      when: "'backend-bastion' not in inventory_hostname"

To make new deployment working need to add one more directory in the dest: "/data/projects/{{ backend_project_name }}" with the next conditions:

  • must be applied only for Dev or Staging environments
  • apply only if a branch’s name != develop, as develop is the default branch for Dev and Staging, and code from this branch must be deployed to the default directory /data/projects/{{ backend_project_name }}

Add set_fact in the role’s playbook:

- set_fact: 
    backend_branch: "{{ lookup('env','APP_REPO_BRANCH') }}"
  when: "'develop' not in lookup('env','APP_REPO_BRANCH') and 'production' not in env"

But now if this role will be used from a Production or with the develop branch – the backend_branch variable will not be set at all.

Let’s add some default value here in the group_vars/all.yml file:

backend_branch: ""

Thus, it will be set with the “” value first but with the lowest priority (see Ansible’s priorities here>>>), and then, if the when condition in the set_fact will be applied – it will overwrite the backend_branch variable’s value.

Update deployment role add the {{ backend_branch }} variable and a couple debug messages:

- set_fact: 
    backend_branch: "{{ lookup('env','APP_REPO_BRANCH') }}"
  when: "'develop' not in lookup('env','APP_REPO_BRANCH') and 'production' not in env"

- name: Test task
    msg: "Backend branch: {{ backend_branch }}"

- name: Test task
    msg: "Deploy dir: {{ web_data_root_prefix }}/{{ backend_project_name }}/{{ backend_branch }}"

- meta: end_play 

Check it – add an environment’s variable APP_REPO_BRANCH="blabla" and an application’s name variable, used in the deploy role:

$ export APP_PROJECT_NAME=projectname
$ export APP_REPO_BRANCH="blabla"

Run the script:

$ ./ -t deploy

TASK [deploy : Test task] ****

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Backend branch: blabla"

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Backend branch: blabla"

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Backend branch: blabla"

skipping: []

TASK [deploy : Test task] ****

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Deploy dir: /data/projects/projectname/blabla"


ok: [] => {
"msg": "Deploy dir: /data/projects/projectname/blabla"

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Deploy dir: /data/projects/projectname/blabla"


Now change the branch’s variable value to the develop:

$ export APP_REPO_BRANCH="develop"
$ ./ -t deploy

TASK [deploy : Test task] ****

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Backend branch: "

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Backend branch: "

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Backend branch: "

skipping: []

TASK [deploy : Test task] ****

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Deploy dir: /data/projects/projectname/"

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Deploy dir: /data/projects/projectname/"

ok: [] => {
"msg": "Deploy dir: /data/projects/projectname/"

Looks good?

Update deployment tasks – add {{ backend_branch }} to the destination path:

- name: "Deploy application to the {{ aws_env }} environment hosts"
    src: "app/"
    dest: "/data/projects/{{ backend_project_name }}/{{ backend_branch }}"
    use_ssh_args: true
    delete: true
      - "--exclude=uploads"

Deploy from Jenkins, application’s branch used here – sentinel-cache-client:

Check directories on a backend host:

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/etc/nginx# ll /data/projects/projectname/
total 1380
drwxr-xr-x 14 projectname projectname   4096 Jun 13 17:19 backend
-rw-r--r--  1 projectname projectname    167 Jun 13 17:19 codeception.yml
-rw-r--r--  1 projectname projectname   5050 Jun 13 17:19 requirements.php
drwxr-xr-x 11 projectname projectname   4096 Jun 25 17:29 sentinel-cache-client
drwxr-xr-x  3 projectname projectname   4096 Jun 13 17:22 storage
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      5 Jun 25 17:29 test.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 projectname projectname   2624 Jun 13 17:19 Vagrantfile

The sentinel-cache-client directory created – nice.

And it has the same content as the default directory, just with the sentinel-cache-client branch:

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/etc/nginx# ll /data/projects/projectname/sentinel-cache-client/
total 1380
drwxr-xr-x 14 projectname projectname   4096 Jun 13 17:19 backend
-rw-r--r--  1 projectname projectname    167 Jun 13 17:19 codeception.yml
drwxr-xr-x 13 projectname projectname   4096 Jun 13 17:19 common
-rw-r--r--  1 projectname projectname   2551 Jun 13 17:19 composer.json
-rw-r--r--  1 projectname projectname 222276 Jun 13 17:19 composer.lock
drwxr-xr-x  9 projectname projectname   4096 Jun 13 17:19 console
drwxr-xr-x  6 projectname projectname   4096 Jun 13 17:19 docker

Check it.

Create a test file in the /data/projects/projectname/sentinel-cache-client/ directory:

root@bttrm-dev-app-1:/etc/nginx# echo "sentinel-cache-client" > /data/projects/projectname/sentinel-cache-client/frontend/web/test.php

Now call URL without header:

$ curl
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>

And with the ci_branch header and “sentinel-cache-client” as its value:

$ curl -H "ci_branch:sentinel-cache-client"

All works.


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