🛠️ Understanding the Relationship Between chunk() Size and fetchSize in Spring Batch 🔄

Shaogat Alam - Sep 11 - - Dev Community

In Spring Batch, the chunk() size and fetchSize in the JdbcPagingItemReader serve different purposes. Here's how they interact and what happens when one is larger than the other:

1. chunk() Size (Chunk-Oriented Processing)

  • The chunk() size defines the number of items that will be processed (read, processed, and written) in a single transaction.
  • When the chunk size is reached, Spring Batch will commit the transaction, and a new chunk begins.

2. fetchSize (Database Fetch Size)

  • The fetchSize controls the number of rows retrieved from the database in one query execution (or one "fetch" from the database cursor).
  • It is a performance optimization that helps reduce the number of database round-trips, especially for large datasets.

Relationship Between fetchSize and chunk() Size

  • If chunk() size > fetchSize:

    • Spring Batch will fetch data from the database in smaller batches (based on the fetchSize) but will still process and commit data in larger chunks.
    • For example, if fetchSize = 100 and chunk() = 200, Spring Batch will first fetch 100 records, then another 100, and process all 200 records in a single chunk before committing.
    • There will be more database round-trips compared to a scenario where fetchSize equals or exceeds chunk() size.
  • If fetchSize > chunk() size:

    • Spring Batch will fetch more records than it needs for one chunk, but it will only process the chunk size before committing the transaction.
    • For example, if fetchSize = 500 and chunk() = 200, Spring Batch will fetch 500 records from the database but only process 200 before committing. The remaining 300 will stay in memory for the next chunks.
    • This can be more efficient in terms of reducing database round-trips but may consume more memory because the remaining records will be kept in memory until processed.

Ideal Configuration

  • Match chunk() size and fetchSize if possible: This ensures that Spring Batch fetches exactly the number of records needed for each chunk, minimizing round-trips while avoiding excessive memory usage.
  • Adjust based on database and memory constraints:
    • If your database can handle large fetch sizes without performance degradation, you can set a higher fetchSize than chunk() size.
    • If memory consumption is a concern, setting fetchSize equal to or lower than chunk() size ensures that only the necessary records are held in memory at any time.


  1. Chunk Size > Fetch Size Example:
       .<User, Email>chunk(500)  // Process 500 records per chunk (per transaction)
       .reader(userReader())  // Fetch 200 records at a time from the database
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  • Fetches 200 records from the database.
  • Processes the first 200, then fetches another 200, and so on until 500 records are processed in the current chunk.
  • The transaction is committed after processing the chunk of 500 records.
  1. Fetch Size > Chunk Size Example:
   JdbcPagingItemReader<User> reader = new JdbcPagingItemReader<>();
   reader.setFetchSize(1000);  // Fetch 1000 records from the database
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  • Fetches 1000 records from the database.
  • Processes 500 records at a time (assuming chunk(500)), and the remaining 500 records are stored in memory for the next chunk.
  • This reduces the number of database fetches but increases memory usage.


  • If chunk() size is larger than fetchSize, it leads to multiple database fetches to process one chunk.
  • If fetchSize is larger than chunk() size, the fetched data will stay in memory until fully processed, reducing database fetches but consuming more memory.
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