SQL Operators Made Easy for Beginners

Shikha Gupta - Jul 9 - - Dev Community

SQL Operators Made Easy for Beginners

SQL (Structured Query Language) uses operators to perform operations on data. Here’s a simple guide to understand the basics:

  1. Arithmetic Operators These are used for mathematical operations.
  • + (Addition): Adds two numbers.
  SELECT 3 + 2; -- Result is 5
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  • - (Subtraction): Subtracts one number from another.
  SELECT 5 - 3; -- Result is 2
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  • (Multiplication): Multiplies two numbers. sql SELECT 4 2; -- Result is 8 ``
  • / (Division): Divides one number by another. `sql SELECT 10 / 2; -- Result is 5 `
  • % (Modulus): Returns the remainder of a division. `sql SELECT 10 % 3; -- Result is 1 `
  1. Comparison Operators These are used to compare two values.
  • = (Equal): Checks if two values are equal. `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE salary = 50000; `
  • != or <> (Not Equal): Checks if two values are not equal. `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE department != 'HR'; `
  • > (Greater Than): Checks if the left value is greater than the right value. `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE age > 30; `
  • < (Less Than): Checks if the left value is less than the right value. `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE age < 25; `
  • >= (Greater Than or Equal To): Checks if the left value is greater than or equal to the right value. `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE experience >= 5; `
  • <= (Less Than or Equal To): Checks if the left value is less than or equal to the right value. `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE experience <= 2; `
  1. Logical Operators These are used to combine multiple conditions.
  • AND: Combines two or more conditions. All conditions must be true. `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE age > 25 AND department = 'Finance'; `
  • OR: Combines two or more conditions. At least one condition must be true. `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE age < 30 OR department = 'HR'; `
  • NOT: Reverses the result of a condition. `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE NOT (age < 30); `
  1. Between and In Operators
  • BETWEEN: Selects values within a given range (inclusive). `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE salary BETWEEN 30000 AND 50000; `
  • IN: Checks if a value is within a set of values. `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE department IN ('HR', 'Finance', 'IT'); `
  1. LIKE and IS NULL Operators
  • LIKE: Used for pattern matching. % represents zero or more characters, _ represents a single character. `sql SELECT FROM employees WHERE name LIKE 'J%'; -- Names starting with 'J' SELECT FROM employees WHERE name LIKE '_


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