Quick tip: Using R, OpenAI and SingleStore Notebooks

Akmal Chaudhri - May 1 - - Dev Community

Update: As of September 2024, running R is no longer possible on the SingleStore Portal. I will find another way to show the integration between SingleStore and R.


In this short article, we'll see how to create vector embeddings using R and OpenAI. We'll also store the embeddings in SingleStore. R is not officially supported by OpenAI, but a community library provides access to the API.

The notebook file used in this article is available on GitHub.

Create a SingleStore Cloud account

A previous article showed the steps to create a free SingleStore Cloud account. We'll use the following settings:

  • Workspace Group Name: R Demo Group
  • Cloud Provider: AWS
  • Region: US East 1 (N. Virginia)
  • Workspace Name: r-demo
  • Size: S-00

Create a new notebook

From the left navigation pane in the cloud portal, we'll select DEVELOP > Data Studio.

In the top right of the web page, we'll select New Notebook > New Notebook, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. New Notebook.

Figure 1. New Notebook.

We'll call the notebook r_openai_demo, select a Blank notebook template from the available options, and save it in the Personal location.

Create a database and table

In our SingleStore Cloud account, let's use the SQL Editor to create a new database and table. We'll call these r_demo and articles, respectively, as follows:


USE r_demo;

    id SMALLINT,
    text TEXT,
    vector VECTOR(1536) NOT NULL
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Fill out the notebook

First, let's install the R kernel and some other packages we need for this article:

!conda install -y --quiet -c conda-forge r-irkernel r-rjava r-rjdbc r-remotes
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Next, we need to change the kernel. Refreshing the page will help the notebook detect any changes, including the installation of a new kernel.

In the top right, we can see that Python is currently selected, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Python 3 (ipykernel).

Figure 2. Python 3 (ipykernel).

Selecting Python 3 will present a box with a pull-down as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Select Kernel.

Figure 3. Select Kernel.

Clicking the pull-down will show some options and R should be one of the options. We'll choose R, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Select Kernel.

Figure 4. Select Kernel.

Next, we'll click the Select button.

To connect to SingleStore, we'll use JDBC, as follows:

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This will also load DBI and rJava:

Loading required package: DBI

Loading required package: rJava
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Next, we'll download the SingleStore JDBC Client and save it in a jars directory:

# URL of the JDBC driver file
driver_url <- "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/singlestore/singlestore-jdbc-client/1.2.1/singlestore-jdbc-client-1.2.1.jar"

# Set the JDBC driver class name
driver <- "com.singlestore.jdbc.Driver"

# Local directory to save the driver file
local_dir <- "jars"
dir.create(local_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

# Check if the driver file already exists
driver_file <- file.path(

if (!file.exists(driver_file)) {
    # Download the JDBC driver file if it doesn't exist
        destfile = driver_file,
        mode = "wb",
        quiet = TRUE

# Check if the driver file has been downloaded successfully
if (file.exists(driver_file)) {
    print("Driver file downloaded successfully")
} else {
    print("Failed to download the driver file")
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Now we'll create the connection details to SingleStore:

host <- "<HOST>"
port <- 3306
database <- "r_demo"
user <- "admin"
password <- "<PASSWORD>"

url <- paste0("jdbc:singlestore://", host, ":", port, "/", database)
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Replace <HOST> and <PASSWORD> with the values for your environment. These values can be obtained from the workspace using Connect > SQL IDE.

We'll now prepare the connection to SingleStore.

# Establish the JDBC connection
conn <- dbConnect(
    drv = JDBC(driver, driver_file),
    url = url,
    user = user,
    password = password
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Next, we'll install rgpt3:

remotes::install_github("ben-aaron188/rgpt3", force = TRUE)
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and import some libraries:

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We'll now enter and save our OpenAI Key:

# Prompt for the OpenAI Key
openai_key <- readline(prompt = "OpenAI Key:")

# Specify the file path
file_path <- "access_key.txt"

# Write the string to the file with a newline
writeLines(openai_key, file_path)
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and check that it was saved correctly:

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Next, we'll load a built-in dataset:

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We'll select some text from the dataset and create OpenAI embeddings:

my_text = travel_blog_data$gpt_content[1]

my_embeddings = rgpt_single_embedding(
    input = my_text,
    model = "text-embedding-3-small"
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Next, we'll create a new DataFrame:

# Create a DataFrame with one row
article <- data.frame(
    id = travel_blog_data$n[1],
    text = my_text,
    vector = as.character(toJSON(my_embeddings))
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and then write the DataFrame to SingleStore:

# Write the DataFrame to the database
dbWriteTable(conn, "articles", article, append = TRUE)
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We'll read the data back and check it, as follows:

# Read the data from the database
article_from_db <- dbReadTable(conn, "articles")

# Print the summary of the DataFrame
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Example output:

'data.frame': 1 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ id    : num 1
 $ text  : chr "Title: Paws Across the UK: A Tail-Wagging Journey Through Britain\n\nAs someone who firmly believes that advent"| __truncated__
 $ vector: chr "[0.0215000007,0.0126999998,0.0524000004,0.0340999998,-0.0328000002,-0.0188999996,-0.0214000009,0.0250000004,-0."| __truncated__
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We can also create embeddings for multiple rows, as follows:

multiple_embeddings = rgpt_embeddings(
    input_var = travel_blog_data$gpt_content,
    id_var = travel_blog_data$n,
    param_model = "text-embedding-3-small"
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Next, we'll create a new DataFrame:

# Convert each row of embeddings to a JSON array
embeddings_json <- apply(multiple_embeddings[, 1:1536], 1, function(row) {

# Create the DataFrame with id and vector columns
articles <- data.frame(
    id = multiple_embeddings$id,
    vector = embeddings_json

# Merge articles with travel_blog_data based on id and n columns
merged_data <- merge(articles, travel_blog_data[, c("n", "gpt_content")], by.x = "id", by.y = "n", all.x = TRUE)

# Update the articles DataFrame with the merged gpt_content
articles$text <- merged_data$gpt_content

# Reorder the columns to match the database schema
articles <- articles[, c("id", "text", "vector")]
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and then write the DataFrame to SingleStore:

# Write the DataFrame to the database
dbWriteTable(conn, "articles", articles, append = TRUE)
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We'll read the data back and check it, as follows:

# Read the data from the database
articles_from_db <- dbReadTable(conn, "articles")

# Print the summary of the DataFrame
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Example output:

'data.frame': 11 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ id    : num  10 7 4 6 2 1 9 8 3 5 ...
 $ text  : chr  "# A Tail-Wagging Tour: Roaming the UK on Four Paws\n\nAs a devoted dog parent, planning a trip that's both exci"| __truncated__ "### Paws Across the UK: A Tail-Wagging Adventure\n\n#### Introduction\nHello fellow adventurers and animal love"| __truncated__ "**Paws Across the Pond: A Dog's Journey Through the UK**\n\nEmbarking on an adventure across the United Kingdom"| __truncated__ "# A Tail-Wagging Tour: A Dog's Journey Through the UK\n\n### Day 1: London Calling\n\nMy journey began in the b"| __truncated__ ...
 $ vector: chr  "[0.0399999991,0.0186000001,0.0647,0.0353000015,-0.0469999984,-0.0313999988,-0.0147000002,0.0162000004,-0.012299"| __truncated__ "[0.0282000005,0.0137,0.0423999988,0.0421000011,-0.0549000017,-0.00639999984,-0.0324000008,0.0272000004,-0.00680"| __truncated__ "[0.0339000002,0.00939999986,0.0269000009,0.0445999987,-0.0397000015,-0.00779999979,-0.0337000005,0.0299999993,-"| __truncated__ "[0.0245999992,0.00980000012,0.0460000001,0.0223999992,-0.0593000017,-0.0110999998,-0.0113000004,-0.00400000019,"| __truncated__ ...
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There are 11 rows. One row was added earlier and 10 rows were added later.

Finally, we'll close the JDBC connection:

# Close the JDBC connection
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In this short article, we've seen how to create vector embeddings using R and OpenAI. We've also seen how we can store and retrieve the vector embeddings using SingleStore.

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