Avoiding Memory Leaks in PHP Loops: My Experience with dump()

Sebastian Larisch - Sep 22 - - Dev Community

When working with large systems, memory management is crucial. Recently, while developing in Spryker using Docker, I encountered a frustrating memory issue that taught me an important lesson about debugging.

The Problem

In one of my worker classes, which runs continuously using a loop to process messages, I had a simple dump() call to help debug an issue. The loop was responsible for checking system resources and skipping cycles if there wasn't enough memory available. However, the memory consumption of my script kept growing until I hit an out-of-memory exception.

Image Out of Memory caused by  raw `dump()` endraw  inside loop

The process got killed and memory was released. A new worker process was started after 1min by a cronjob and the game starts over.

Here’s a simplified version of the code:

while ($this->canProcess()) {

    if (!$this->sysResManager->enoughResources()) {
        $this->logWarning('NO MEMORY');
        dump("NO MEMORY"); // Debugging purpose


    // Process remaining logic
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The Culprit: dump() Inside the Loop

The issue turned out to be the dump() call inside the loop. Each time dump() was executed, it allocated memory to display the output. Because the loop was running continuously (and very often!), memory kept piling up until no more was available. The result? My application crashed due to an out-of-memory error.

While dump() is helpful for quick debugging, using it in a frequently executed loop—especially in long-running processes—is a bad idea. It continually consumes memory without freeing it, leading to memory leaks.

Optimizing the Loop Frequency

In addition to the memory leak from dump(), I realized the loop itself wasn’t optimized. It was running too many times per second, which contributed to the rapid memory increase.

A small but effective change was adding a short delay using sleep(). This reduced the number of iterations per second, lowering the rate at which memory was consumed and giving the system more breathing room to manage resources.

The Fix

Once I removed dump() from the loop and replaced it with a proper logging mechanism, the memory usage stabilized.

With proper logging, the memory leak was gone, and my worker class ran smoothly without crashing.

Also the while loop was not optimal and called to often per second. This was also causing memory increasing that quickly of course. An optimized loop, even with a little sleep() could help here as well.

Key Takeaways

  • Be cautious with dump(): It’s great for debugging small code blocks but avoid it in performance-critical loops, especially for long-running scripts.

  • Optimize loop frequency: In long-running processes, make sure your loops aren't running too aggressively. Adding a small delay with sleep() can reduce memory consumption and prevent your system from being overwhelmed.

  • Memory management in loops: Always monitor memory usage when working with loops that run continuously. Unreleased resources can easily lead to memory leaks. I have used the Docker extension ContainerWatch

  • Use proper logging mechanisms: In production code, replace dump() with lightweight logging functions like error_log() or a logging library (such as Monolog) to track issues without unnecessary memory consumption.

By making this small adjustment, I was able to resolve a significant memory issue. Lesson learned: Not all debugging tools are created equal, especially when memory is involved.

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