Building a Timezone-Aware API with Node.js: Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs

Prince Raj - Sep 20 - - Dev Community


Handling timezones effectively is crucial for applications that operate across multiple geographical locations. Timezone issues can lead to confusing user experiences and data inconsistencies, especially when your application relies heavily on scheduling or timestamps. This article dives deep into the journey of building a timezone-aware API using Node.js, discussing the challenges faced and providing detailed solutions.

Part 1: Understanding the Problem

When building web applications that serve users from different time zones, developers often encounter challenges with datetime values appearing incorrect or inconsistent due to timezone differences. This issue is particularly problematic for applications involving scheduling or events logged in real-time.

Part 2: Exploring Solutions

To address these challenges, we explored several solutions including:

  • GeoIP Integration: We used the geoip-lite library to infer the user's timezone from their IP address, providing a context-aware experience for each user without manual input.
  • DateTime Libraries: We compared moment.js with luxon by DateTime, deciding on luxon for its modern API and moment-timezone for its extensive features and community support.

Part 3: Developing the Middleware

Middleware Initialization and Request Interface Extension

We start by setting up our middleware and extending the Express Request interface to include a clientTimezone property.

import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express";
import { DateTime } from "luxon";
import moment from "moment-timezone";
import { Types } from "mongoose";
const geoip = require("geoip-lite");

declare module "express-serve-static-core" {
  interface Request {
    clientTimezone?: string;
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This setup allows us to later inject the detected timezone into every request, ensuring that all subsequent operations can consider the user's local timezone.

Recursive Date Conversion Function

This function is crucial for traversing and converting all dates in our response objects to the appropriate timezone.

function convertDates(
  obj: any,
  timezone: string,
  depth: number = 0,
  maxDepth: number = 5
): any {
  if (depth > maxDepth || obj === null || typeof obj !== "object") {
    return obj;
  if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
    return => convertDates(item, timezone, depth + 1, maxDepth));
  const newObj: any = {};
  for (const key in obj) {
    if (, key)) {
      if (key.startsWith("$") || key.startsWith("__")) {
      const value = obj[key];
      if (value instanceof Date) {
        newObj[key] = DateTime.fromJSDate(value).setZone(timezone).toISO();
      } else if (typeof value === "string" && moment(value, moment.ISO_8601, true).isValid()) {
        newObj[key] = moment(value).tz(timezone).format();
      } else {
        newObj[key] = convertDates(value, timezone, depth + 1, maxDepth);
  return newObj;
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Timezone Detection and Response Formatting Middleware

This middleware detects the client's timezone and formats all outgoing responses accordingly.

export const timezoneResponseMiddleware = (
  req: Request,
  res: Response,
  next: NextFunction
) => {
  let timezone = req.headers["x-timezone"] as string;
  if (!timezone) {
    const ip = req.ipAddress || req.connection.remoteAddress;
    const geo = geoip.lookup(ip);
    timezone = geo && geo.timezone ? geo.timezone : "UTC";
  req.clientTimezone = timezone || "UTC";
  const oldJson = res.json.bind(res);
  res.json = function (data: any): Response {
    if (data && typeof data.toObject === "function") {
      data = data.toObject();
    if (Array.isArray(data)) {
      data = => item && typeof item.toObject === "function" ? item.toObject() : item);
    const convertObjectIds = (obj: any) => {
      for (const key in obj) {
        if (, key)) {
          if (obj[key] instanceof Types.ObjectId) {
            obj[key] = obj[key].toString();
          } else if (typeof obj[key] === "object" && obj[key] !== null) {
    const convertedData = convertDates(data, req.clientTimezone as string);
    return oldJson(convertedData);
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Part 4: Challenges and Troubleshooting

We faced various challenges, such as handling nested objects and arrays, ensuring performance efficiency, and debugging timezone misalignments. We tackled these by setting a maximum recursion depth, using efficient libraries, and incorporating extensive logging for debugging.

Part 5: Lessons Learned

This project underscored the importance of handling datetime values correctly across different time zones. We learned valuable lessons in API design, user experience considerations, and the robust handling of datetime values in a distributed system.


Building a timezone-aware API is crucial for global applications. The solutions we implemented effectively addressed the initial challenges, providing a robust framework for future projects. We encourage developers to adapt these strategies to enhance their applications' usability and correctness.

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