Docker crash notes..

Sujith V S - Apr 23 '22 - - Dev Community

Image description
I am sharing you the notes that i have taken while learning about docker..

Container - isolated environment for running an application.

Docker Architecture
(Rest Api)
(Docker Engin)
All Container share the kernal of the host.
Kernal-It is like the engin of the car.
Diff os has diff kernal and the diff types of containers are used in each of that kernal.

Docker installation

Developement workflow

Take an application/project
We add docker file to it.
Dockerfile is a plain text file that includes information that docker uses to package up this application into an image.
image contain everything our application needs to run.(like.. cut-down os, a runtime environment, application files, third party libraries, environment variable)
once we have an image, we tell docker to start a container using that image.
So our app gets loaded inside a container.

Docker to Docker hub(like git to github)
We can push image from docker to docker hub.

Docker in action

Add Dockerfile.
inside dockerfile addd:
FROM node:alpine -//base image. here we are taking an image called node and adding some changes to it.alpine-its a linux distribution.
COPY . /app -//coping the current directory into the app directory in that image.
WORKING /app -//mentioning the current working directory.
CMD node app.js -//command to execute.

Creating image to package up the appli...
docker build -t hello-docker . (docker|build|-t|#image-name#|#where we can find the Dockerfile#.)

To list all the created image:
docker image ls

To run the image:
docker run image-name

To rename docker image -
docker image tag server:latest myname/server:latest(latest- tag name)

To push
docker login
docker push my-name/image-name

To pull
docker pull my-name/image-name
Then run .....

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