Redis on Windows & Rate Limiting: A Practical Guide

Suryansh Singh - Oct 10 - - Dev Community

Ever tried running Redis on Windows only to find out there's no official support? Don't worry! After battling with this myself (and bringing down a production server once or twice 😅), I've found three reliable ways to get Redis running on Windows, plus a neat implementation for rate limiting.

Getting Redis on Windows

1. The Docker Way (Recommended for Teams)

docker pull redis
docker run --name redis-test -p 6379:6379 -d redis
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Pro: Works exactly like production
Con: Docker Desktop can be resource-heavy

2. WSL Method (Great for Personal Projects)

wsl --install  # In PowerShell as admin
# Install Ubuntu from Microsoft Store, then:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis-server
sudo service redis-server start
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Pro: Lightweight
Con: WSL networking can be tricky

3. Windows Build (Simplest Setup)

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Pro: Runs as a Windows service
Con: Not officially supported

Why Redis for Rate Limiting?

I recently needed rate limiting for a Firebase project. While Firebase is great, it's not ideal for rate limiting because:

  • Writing counters to Firestore/RTDB is slow and expensive
  • Built-in limits are basic and inflexible

Redis, however, is perfect because:

  • Sub-millisecond responses
  • Atomic operations
  • Auto-expiring keys
  • Ridiculously cheap to run

The Simple Rate Limiting Code

Here's a clean Express middleware that just works:

const Redis = require('ioredis');
const redis = new Redis();

async function rateLimit(req, res, next) {
  const key = `limit:${req.ip}`;
  const limit = 100; // requests per window
  const window = 3600; // 1 hour in seconds

  try {
    const hits = await redis.incr(key);

    if (hits === 1) {
      await redis.expire(key, window);

    if (hits > limit) {
      return res.status(429).json({
        message: "Slow down there, speed racer!"

  } catch (err) {
    console.error('Redis error:', err);
    next(); // Fail open
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Real Numbers That Matter

Switching from Firebase to Redis for rate limiting:

  • Rate limit check: ~100ms → ~1ms
  • Monthly costs: Dropped ~$30
  • Code complexity: Cut in half

When to Use This Setup

✅ Perfect for:

  • API rate limiting
  • Session management
  • Quick counters/flags
  • When you need speed

❌ Skip it if:

  • Very low traffic (< 100 requests/minute)
  • Using API Gateway with built-in rate limiting
  • Internal APIs only

Quick Troubleshooting

90% of Redis connection issues are because:

  1. Redis isn't running (check services)
  2. Wrong port/host (default: localhost:6379)
  3. WSL/Docker networking issues (check IP addresses)

Wrap Up

Redis might not officially support Windows, but with these methods, you're covered. For rate limiting specifically, it's like using a racing car instead of a regular car - sure, both will get you there, but one is purpose-built for speed!

Happy coding! 🚀

P.S. - Always remember to start Redis before spending hours debugging connection issues. Trust me on this one. 😉

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