Our game progress ~ Mirror Movement ~

Akira Game - May 6 - - Dev Community


In the previous posts, I introduced the basic concept of the game and implemented the login screen. From this article onwards, I will introduce the implementation of the main part of the game. We will cover the following topics, each of which is currently under active development.

  • User Animation and Items
  • Timer
  • Basic Rules ( Victory, Defeat )
  • Mirror
  • Mirror Movement ( Through, Break, Trap )

This post will shows the implementation of Mirror mechanism.

Summary of the implementation of Mirror mechanism

At this time, mirrors can be choke points, offering players strategic options to enhance the game's enjoyment. Players can use mirrors to move to another worlds, destroy mirrors, and set traps. In this implementation, we've added functions for moving and destroying mirrors.

Moving via Mirrors

Players can use mirrors to move to another world. To keep the implementation simple, we've prepared two same levels, and using a mirror changes the player's position accordingly. To indicate the transition to the user, we adjust the lighting to represent the mirror world.

Code Example

public void MoveAnotherWorld(float distance)
  Vector3 currentPosition = transform.position;
  // Z direction -83.4
  currentPosition.z += distance;
  // move
  transform.position = currentPosition;
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Here's the video of moving via mirrors.

Breaking Mirrors

The Survivor has the ability to destroy mirrors, rendering them unusable and preventing Hunters from passing through.

The implementation is relatively easy : when using the gun, it casts a ray to detect collisions. If the hit object is a mirror and it's usable, the destruction process is executed.

Code Example

Ray ray = cam.ViewportPointToRay(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));

if(Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit))
  if(hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Mirror")
    Mirror mirror = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Mirror>();
    if (mirror != null)
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Here's the video of breaking mirrors.


This time, We could not implement the trap function, so I'd like to try it in next time.

  • User Animation and Items
  • Timer
  • Basic Rules ( Victory, Defeat )
  • Mirror
  • Mirror Movement ( Through, Break, Trap )
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