How To Choose The Right Mobile App Development Approach For Your Next Mobile App

Tarun Nagar - Apr 7 '22 - - Dev Community

Mobile apps allow businesses to reach the finger-tips of the end-users, literally. These days, the apps are required to be designed keeping in mind the customers who are spoilt for the choices while selecting the types of devices.

Therefore, even before choosing the best Mobile App Development Company for the right approach, the question that remains valid is, “What kind of mobile app should be my next?”

The answer to this question lies in your study of the target consumers. Are they using only Apple products or are the fans of Android devices or are reachable on both? Accordingly, the companies can choose from native or cross-platform applications, and others to go next.

So, let’s begin with the native apps and try to summarize the right approach for mobile application development.

1. Native Apps

Native apps are developed for a particular type of platform. The programming language chosen goes in accordance with the type of platform chosen.

As discussed in the introduction, mobile apps can be made for an iOS or Android device.

When To choose The Development of Native Apps?

1.Availability of ample time and tools for developing iOS and Android apps, such as dedicated teams or web development company for both types of applications.
2.Ample finance is available for spending extra on exceptional quality UI and a high-performance app.
3.The requirement of building a graphic-rich app that offers a high-quality gaming experience.

Examples of Native Apps

The most common examples of native apps are Google Maps, LinkedIn, Twitter, and similar others. So, if you want to deliver the same experience as these apps, you can consider developing a native app.

Resources Required For Native App Development

For iOS

  • Programming languages available — Swift, Objective C
  • Popular tools — AppCode, Xcode, Atom
  • Software Development Kit — iOS SDK
  • IDE — Xcode

For Android

  • Programming languages –Kotlin, Java
  • Popular tools — Android studio, Android IDE
  • SDK — Android SDK
  • IDE — Android Studio

2. Hybrid App

Hybrid apps are useful when the app has to be developed for both the iOS and Android devices using a single codebase.

The users can reach more customers in fewer resources in terms of hiring a fewer number of app developers and less time required for hitting the markets.

When To Go For Hybrid Apps

1.You have a resource for developing only a single codebase
2.The developer budget is limited
3.The reaching market is required in the shortest timeframe
4.Businesses need an easily scalable app
5.When you need apps that can utilize device features

Some Shortcomings of Developing Hybrid Apps

The hybrid app does not guarantee the same experience as that delivered by a native app.

Also, UI/UX will not be the same quality as a native app. Further, the experience delivered by a hybrid is not at par with the one offered by the native app.

Examples of Hybrid Apps

Yelp, Untappd, BaseCamp, Instagram, UBER, Gmail are some of the hybrid apps we all deal with practically on a daily basis.

So, when your target audience and requirements are similar to these kinds of apps, you know what the ensuing approach will look like.

3. Cross-platform Apps

Cross-platform and hybrid apps are not exact synonyms of each other. The cross-platform apps share the common feature of code repurposing that also means a faster development process.

Unlike hybrid apps, these apps will use a single code to be able to run on all types of platforms.

When Cross-platform App Development Proves Beneficial

When you have a low budget and a tight deadline to make an appearance in the market, you can consider making a cross-platform app development.

Also, if your business requires an app having simple UI but heavy logic, and within a budget, the cross-platform app can help.

With 70% code reusability, you can optimize the expertise of mobile app development company in your favor.

The other crucial advantage is consistent brand identity becomes easy to achieve across all platforms.

Examples of Cross-platform Apps

Ionic, Xamarin, Appcelerator Titanium are some of the popular examples of cross-platform apps.

This list can give you a fair idea of what to expect, who to target, and whether to go for the development of such apps or not.

4. Progressive Web Apps

Apps are meant to support online businesses. However, these should not stop you from being available when the user is offline.

The UI/UX of the progressive app is almost at par with the native app. Moreover, it is designed to deliver the finest user experience by offering features like desktop notifications, push notifications, home screen access, and others which will provide by the best web development companies in san Francisco.

Some of The Best Benefits of Progressive Web Applications

1.No download required — it comes in-built in the devices
2.Linkable and sharable
3.Indexed by Google
4.Requires no update or huge data size
5.Offers offline functioning support
6.Mobile-specific navigation

The features of PWAs insinuate at the possibility of making business more visible and more available to the end-users.

Thus, when you need to cut the competition, be where the customers are, and continue to be with the customers when others fail to reach, you may need to get a Pwa development.

In The Nutshell

All the features and comparisons above indicate what the structure of the right approach is supposed to look like. The approach involves:

1.Understanding the target audience and their requirements and choose the app accordingly
2.Assessing the budget size and availability of resources
3.Defining the functionalities expected
4.Understanding the need for having flexible and scalable application
5.Evaluating the way to reach the audience more smartly than competitors
6.What will work — a blog, e-commerce, or an informative website?

When you have made all the assessments, you can take a look at the requirements, benefits, and challenges offered by the types of apps mentioned above.

Sit with the product team, find the correct combination of need and delivery, and then go for the app type. This is the way you can hire dedicated developers and get the job done.

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