In this video I cover one part of the broader Kubernetes Networking topic, which is container communication inside pods.
Considering Pods mostly contain only 1 main container, I start by answering the question of why having a Pod as an abstraction over container is such an important concept in Kubernetes.
I show how container port mapping is a problem with hundreds of containers, specifically how to allocate ports without getting conflicts, and how Pods solve this port allocation problem. 💪🏼
Using containers directly, you can only use a specific port once on a server:
The same port can be used multiple times:
In addition, I show you in which cases you would need to run multiple containers in one pod and how these containers communicate with each other inside this pod:
You can find the full video here:
Complete Kubernetes Networking Course 🎬:
I'm making a complete course about Kubernetes Networking, covering rest of the topics, like
► how pods communicate with each other on the same node and across hundreds of servers?
► how does the outside world communicate with K8s cluster?
► how K8s cluster plugs into the underlying infrastructure network?
► Docker Container Networking
Kubernetes 101 ► Compact and easy-to-read ebook bundle 🚀
It's a handy way to quickly look something up or refresh your knowledge at work and use it as your cheatsheet 😎
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