Lazy Loading: Why Make Your Users Wait? Let's Make the Web Faster (and Fun!) | Web Theory: Part 11

Mohammadreza Emamyari - Sep 27 - - Dev Community

Have you ever wondered why some websites seem to take forever to load while others just… zip by?

It’s 2024, and while we’re not living in space yet or teleporting to work, we do expect things online to be fast. Waiting for images and content to load on a website is about as fun as watching paint dry. Luckily, web developers have a trick up their sleeves to make sites faster and more efficient: lazy loading.

Lazy loading isn't about your code taking a nap or avoiding work (although, wouldn’t that be nice?). It’s about optimizing how your website loads content so that users don’t have to wait around forever.

But how does it work? What are the different ways to implement lazy loading? And most importantly, can you pull it off without pulling out your hair?

What is Lazy Loading, and Why Should You Care?

Imagine you walk into an all-you-can-eat buffet (stay with me, I promise this is going somewhere). Now, do you pile all 47 dishes onto your plate at once? Probably not. You’d grab a few things, eat what’s in front of you, and then go back for more when you’re ready.

Lazy loading is like that buffet, but for your website. Instead of loading everything at once and overwhelming the user’s browser, you only serve what’s needed immediately. As the user scrolls or interacts with the page, more content is loaded.

In more technical terms, lazy loading defers the loading of non-critical resources (images, videos, iframes, etc.) until they're actually needed. This boosts performance and reduces the amount of data being loaded upfront. Your site loads faster, and users get to enjoy their content without long delays. Everyone wins!

Types of Lazy Loading (Because, Yes, There Are Options!)

Now, just like your morning coffee, lazy loading comes in different flavors. Let’s break down the most common approaches:

1. Lazy Loading with the loading Attribute (The Super-Easy Way)

This is the “I can’t believe it’s this simple” method. If your website mainly uses images and iframes, the loading attribute will be your new best friend.

<img src="path/to/image.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="A lazy-loaded image">
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That’s it. No fancy JavaScript, no backflips required. It tells the browser to only load the image when it’s about to enter the viewport (i.e., the visible part of the page).

Best For: Basic image-heavy sites, or when you want quick performance gains with minimal effort.

2. Lazy Loading with JavaScript Intersection Observer (The Power User Way)

For those who like a little more control, or if you want to lazy load more than just images, the Intersection Observer API is the way to go. This method is like the “custom-built pizza” of lazy loading. You decide how and when each element gets loaded.

Here’s a simple example of how you might use Intersection Observer to lazy load images:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
  let lazyImages = document.querySelectorAll("img.lazy");

  let observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries, observer) {
    entries.forEach(function(entry) {
      if (entry.isIntersecting) {
        let img =;
        img.src = img.dataset.src;

  lazyImages.forEach(function(img) {
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In this snippet, the images won’t load until they’re in view, saving precious loading time upfront.

Best For: When you need more fine-grained control or have complex elements (like videos or carousels) that need lazy loading.

3. Lazy Loading with jQuery Plugins (The Old-School Way)

For all my jQuery diehards out there, yes, there’s still room for you in the lazy loading world. There are plenty of jQuery plugins, like LazyLoad or Echo.js, which simplify the lazy loading process.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

With these plugins, you can add lazy loading functionality without reinventing the wheel. However, keep in mind that modern browsers and vanilla JavaScript solutions are often more efficient.

Best For: Developers maintaining older projects or who are still comfortable working with jQuery.

Why Does Lazy Loading Matter for SEO and Performance?

Alright, I hear you thinking, “Lazy loading sounds cool and all, but what’s in it for me?” Great question! Lazy loading isn’t just a neat trick for making your website feel more responsive—it can have significant impacts on SEO and overall performance.

Faster Loading Times = Happier Users

Nobody enjoys waiting for a website to load. In fact, if your page doesn’t load within 3 seconds, most users will bounce. Lazy loading reduces initial load times by deferring non-essential elements. That means users can start interacting with your content sooner.

Improved SEO Ranking

Google has publicly stated that page speed is a ranking factor. The faster your site, the more likely it will rank higher in search results. Lazy loading can help your site meet those speed benchmarks, giving you an edge in SEO.

Potential Pitfalls of Lazy Loading (Because Nothing is Perfect)

Now, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t warn you about some common lazy loading challenges.

  1. Image Caching Issues:
    If you’re lazy loading images but not caching them properly, users may experience a jarring flicker effect when scrolling. Make sure you’re caching those images for smooth loading!

  2. Bad for Accessibility if Not Done Right:
    Lazy loading can affect users who rely on screen readers or keyboard navigation. Always ensure your lazy loading setup is accessible by properly labeling images and maintaining good UX practices.

  3. JavaScript Dependency:
    Some users might have JavaScript disabled, which can cause lazy loading to break. It’s rare these days, but always test your site to make sure it functions well even without JavaScript.

A Real-World Example of Lazy Loading Success

Let’s say you’ve created an online portfolio showcasing your work as a web developer. It’s packed with images, videos, and demos. Without lazy loading, all those assets would load at once, making the initial load time painfully slow.

By implementing lazy loading, only the top section of the page loads immediately. As the user scrolls down, your images and videos load progressively. This makes your portfolio feel snappier, and the user can interact with it almost immediately.

The Future of Lazy Loading

As web development evolves, lazy loading is likely to become the default for media-heavy websites. The modern user expects instant gratification, and anything that slows down their experience is a dealbreaker. With advancements in browsers and JavaScript APIs, we’re only going to see more innovative ways to implement lazy loading in the future.

In Conclusion…

Lazy loading is one of those rare win-win strategies: it improves website performance, boosts SEO, and makes for a better user experience. Whether you go the simple route with the loading attribute or dive into the more advanced Intersection Observer API, lazy loading is an essential tool in your developer toolkit.

So, next time you’re optimizing your site, remember: don’t make your users wait for that entire buffet to be served—let them start with the appetizers first.

🔗 Link to my article pertaining to Enhancing User Experience

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