Twitter Algorithm Explained: Why Big Accounts Lose Engagement [Concentric Circles Model]

TheHighSecond - Sep 11 - - Dev Community

Twitter's 2024 algorithm is turning the social media world upside down. Big accounts are watching their engagement plummet while smaller, niche players are stealing the spotlight. It's not about your follower count anymore; it's about making waves in your own pond.

Ready to dive into the nitty-gritty of this seismic shift? Let's explore the custom framework that explains why your Twitter strategy might need a complete overhaul.

Understanding Twitter's 2024 Algorithm: The Concentric Circles Model

I stumbled on Tibo’s tweet about this, and it makes so much sense.

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Twitter's latest algorithm is taking cues from TikTok's viral success, prioritizing content impact over account size. To grasp this shift, let's introduce the concentric circles model - a game-changer for understanding tweet performance in 2024.

Imagine your audience as a series of expanding circles:

  • Circle A: Your die-hard followers, the engagement powerhouse
  • Circle B: A larger group of casual observers
  • Circles C, D, and beyond: Increasingly distant audience segments

Here's the kicker: your tweet must create a splash in Circle A to even have a shot at reaching Circle B. If it falls flat with your core audience, it's dead on arrival. This isn't just theory - it's the new reality that's leaving even the biggest accounts scrambling to adapt.

Why Big Accounts Are Losing Engagement

Big accounts are facing a harsh reality in 2024. Despite millions of followers, their engagement rates are nosediving. The culprit? That all-important first circle.

Let's break it down:

  1. Diverse follower base: Once a strength, now a weakness
  2. Algorithm prioritizes engagement over follower count
  3. Failure to resonate with Circle A means limited reach

Take Gary Vaynerchuk, for instance. With 3 million followers, their tweets used to rack up hundreds of thousands of likes. Now? They're lucky to hit 200 likes. The algorithm isn't giving them a free pass to Circle B anymore.

It's like trying to please everyone at a potluck with a single dish - nearly impossible. And in this new Twitter world, that's a recipe for disaster.

The Secret to Breaking Through: Focus on Circle A

Want to crack the Twitter code and watch your engagement soar? Zero in on Circle A. These are your digital cheerleaders, the ones who'll catapult your tweets to viral status. Here's your battle plan:

  1. Identify your core audience
  2. Tailor your content
  3. Engage consistently

Remember, if you can't win over Circle A, you won't even get a shot at Circle B. Your first circle is your springboard to Twitter stardom.

Google for the top Twitter Chrome extensions to discover tools that provide valuable insights into your Twitter analytics, helping you better understand your audience and optimize your content.

Strategies for Succeeding in the New Twitter Landscape

Imagine you're a small business owner specializing in eco-friendly home products. Here's how you'd apply these strategies:

  1. Know your niche
  2. Create targeted content
  3. Experiment with tweet timing
  4. Encourage interaction
  5. Analyze and adapt

This is why small, niche accounts are thriving. They're not trying to be everything to everyone - they're laser-focused on their core audience. And in 2024, that's the golden ticket to Twitter success.

Leveraging the Algorithm for Growth

Here's the silver lining: the playing field is leveled. A brand-new account with killer content can outperform a stagnant big account any day of the week.

The key? Create content that hits home with your target audience. If you're just starting, don't sweat your follower count. Focus on crafting tweets that'll make your niche sit up and take notice.

New Business is designed to help you navigate this new Twitter landscape like a pro. It analyzes your audience, suggests content ideas tailored to Circle A, and tracks your engagement metrics. It's like having a Twitter growth expert in your pocket, helping you implement these strategies effortlessly.


The Twitter game has changed, but the new rules favor those who truly understand their audience. By focusing on your core followers and creating content that speaks directly to them, you can unlock unprecedented engagement - regardless of your account size.

Ready to supercharge your Twitter strategy and ride the wave of the 2024 algorithm? Give New Business a try. It's time to turn those concentric circles into a bullseye for your content and watch your Twitter presence explode.

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FAQs about Twitter's 2024 Algorithm

  1. Q: Can big accounts still go viral?
    A: Absolutely! But they need to laser-focus on engaging their core audience first. It's about quality interactions, not just quantity of followers.

  2. Q: How often should I tweet to maximize engagement?
    A: Quality trumps quantity. Aim for 1-3 high-quality tweets daily that really resonate with your Circle A, rather than flooding timelines with mediocre content.

  3. Q: Can I grow my account quickly with the new algorithm?
    A: It's possible if your content strongly resonates with a specific audience. Focus on providing unique value, not chasing vanity metrics.

  4. Q: How do I identify my Circle A followers?
    A: Use Twitter Analytics or tools like SuperX to find your most engaged followers. Look for those who consistently interact with your tweets.

  5. Q: Does tweet timing still matter?
    A: Absolutely! But it's more about when your Circle A is most active, not general peak times. Use analytics to find your audience's prime browsing hours.

  6. Q: How can I recover if my engagement has dropped?
    A: Reassess your content strategy, focus on your niche, and consistently engage with your core audience. Don't be afraid to ask them directly what content they want to see more of.

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