Improving User Experience: The Role of Lazy Loading in Web Development using ReactJs

Justin Dominic S. Veloso - Feb 19 - - Dev Community

This article was co-authored by @teocutie0213


In today's continuously evolving digital era, where online visibility has become synonymous with success, the performance of a website plays a significant impact on influencing user experiences. The internet has evolved into a dynamic environment in which users expect smooth and quick interactions. In such a setting, web performance can be a very essential key in constructing a successful website.

Web performance refers to how quickly and efficiently a website or web application loads and responds to user interactions. It includes several factors such as page load times, responsiveness, and general efficiency in providing material to visitors. In today's digital environment filled with fast-paced transactions, users have increasingly high expectations about the speed and smoothness of their online interactions.

At the core of effective web design is User Experience (UX), wherein web performance stands out as a critical component. Users, consciously or unconsciously, criticize a website based on how quickly it responds. A slow and complicated website can cause dissatisfaction, a poor user experience, ultimately leading to shorter and lesser page visits.

Following that, web performance is fundamentally linked to user satisfaction in the digital space. As customers want quick services and seamless experiences, designers and developers must prioritize the optimization of the performance of their websites. In the following section, we will look deeper into a specific technique, known as lazy loading, that helps to improve web performance, and as a result, a better overall user experience.

What is Lazy Loading?

Lazy loading, also called on-demand loading, is a technique used in web development to improve web performance by delaying the loading of unnecessary content until when it is actually required. This method enables websites to prioritize the loading of key elements, such as images, scripts, or other resources, that users see instantly when they arrive on a page.

Meanwhile, in the traditional method, page elements are loaded all at once, which can result in lengthier loading times; where its drop in loading speed is caused by the loaded content that is not immediately required. On the other hand, lazy loading selectively loads material according to the user’s perspective and interactions, reducing the initial page load time and offering a faster and more responsive user interface.

Lazy Loaded Image

The following are the benefits or advantages of adapting Lazy loading in websites:

  1. Faster Initial Page Load - By loading only the necessary material in the beginning, websites may greatly decrease the amount of data transferred over the network, resulting in faster page loading times.

  2. Improved Resource Management - Lazy loading minimizes the use of system resources, and avoids using unnecessary memory and rendering power.

  3. Enhanced User Engagement - Visitors can begin interacting with the accessible material sooner, without being slowed by lengthy loading times. This can improve user satisfaction and encourage longer engagement periods.

  4. Optimized Performance for Graphic-Heavy Websites - From a user experience perspective, a smoother experience can be achieved, particularly for pages with a lot of images and videos as content.

Implementing Lazy Loading using ReactJs

  • Native Lazy Loading: Use the loading="lazy" attribute on your img tags to enable native lazy loading in modern browsers

Native Lazy Loading

  • React Lazy and Suspense: You can combine React.lazy() and React.Suspense to dynamically load components only when they are needed, while also providing a fallback UI during the loading process.

React Lazy


  • Error Boundaries: Use error boundaries to handle any errors that occur when lazy-loaded components fail to load

Error Boundaries

  • Route-based Lazy Loading: Use dynamic imports with React Router to lazily load route components

Route-based Lazy Loading

Best Practices and Tips

General best practices for implementing lazy loading effectively

  • Prioritize Content: Identify and prioritize the critical content that needs to be loaded initially to ensure a smooth user experience. Lazy load non-essential information to minimize initial loading times.

  • Optimize Images: Optimize images for the web to reduce file sizes without compromising quality. Consider using responsive image techniques and formats like WebP to further enhance performance.

  • Chunking and Code Splitting: Implement code splitting techniques to break down your codebase into smaller, manageable chunks. This allows for more efficient lazy loading of components and resources, reducing the initial payload size.

  • Set Loading Priorities: Determine the loading priorities for different resources based on user interactions and page structure. Load critical resources first and progressively load less important content as the user engages with the page.

  • Fallback Mechanisms: Implement fallback mechanisms, such as placeholders or loading spinners, to provide users with visual feedback while lazy-loaded content is being fetched. This helps manage user expectations and improves perceived performance.

Common pitfalls to avoid

  • Over-Lazy Loading: Avoid excessive lazy loading, as it can lead to unnecessary delays in content delivery and degrade the user experience. Strike a balance between lazy loading and loading critical resources upfront for optimal performance.

  • Ignoring SEO Impact: Consider the SEO implications of lazy loading, especially for content that contributes to search engine rankings. Ensure that lazy-loaded content is accessible to search engine crawlers and properly indexed for improved visibility.

  • Incomplete Fallbacks: Ensure that fallback mechanisms are implemented effectively to handle cases where lazy-loaded content fails to load or encounters errors. Provide informative error messages and graceful degradation to mitigate user frustration.

  • Lack of Monitoring and Optimization: Continuously monitor and optimize lazy loading performance based on real user data and feedback. Regularly review and refine lazy loading strategies to address evolving user needs and technological advancements.


Lazy Loading is an effective strategy for speeding up and improving website performance. It's all about having web pages load and respond to user input more swiftly. Lazy Loading makes your website more efficient, providing a better experience for your web users. Today's digital world is full of fancy websites with interesting designs and animations. However, making these sites run smoothly can be difficult. This is where Lazy Loading comes in useful. It is becoming increasingly significant since it allows websites to keep up with designers' creative ideas.

Lazy Loading is a behind-the-scenes assistance, ensuring that content loads quickly, providing users with a seamless experience when exploring your website. It's more than simply a great idea; it should become a regular practice for web developers, and that aspiring designers should also look into it to improve and make their websites more accessible to everybody.

*Sources: *

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