How to ship code

Carl Vitullo - Aug 20 '18 - - Dev Community

(Cover photo by Tobias A. Müller)

There are a ton of "best practices" preached when talking about authoring software. Ways to improve performance, readability, maintainability, flexibility. Much of the advice is more dogmatic than pragmatic, though. When you're actually shipping features, what you really need is code that isn't a mass of spaghetti and performs well enough to be useful. Adhering to all the best practices won't always improve the quality of the end product.

So how can we balance best practices and shipping code? I'd like to offer some pragmatic advice on how to ship features that you won't hate to maintain in 6 months.

Don't start with code.

Think about the problem at hand for a minute. Define what the outcome you're trying to achieve is, and how the code you're going to write will accomplish that. This could be a written specification, a wireframe, a swagger definition, a mind mapping diagram, a pro and cons list (or even several of these!). If you don't have a preferred way of thinking about code, try out different strategies until you find what helps you. At work, my team lead wrote a spec template with 5 or 6 questions on it. I'm a frontend developer using React, so the questions are geared for that area of development. It's very helpful for getting the words flowing, though often most of the questions don't end up being directly answered.

  • What state will the feature have?
  • How does the user interact with it?
  • What tools will help you build it?
    • Tools that are already used in the project.
    • New dependencies.
    • New library code you'll write.

Thinking through and documenting what your end goal is will help you stay focused on the result. It's easy to get off in the weeds of refactoring and optimizing existing code. If you come up for air and refocus on your original goal, you may realize that what you've focused on doesn't get you closer to shipping. Spotting when you've begun working on a tangent can help you isolate the new problem and work on it later.

Prototype quickly

It's very unlikely that the code you start writing will survive unchanged, so it doesn't need to be perfect. It doesn't even need to be good! When you begin, you're discovering edge cases you couldn't spot while thinking abstractly about the feature. The assumptions you made about the technology you're building will be challenged. The faster you can figure out what the limitations are and what faulty assumptions you held, the faster you'll ship something you're happy with.

As you get deeper into the implementation, you can begin cleaning up and refactoring the hacky garbage you generated at first. Once you've built out more of the feature, you'll have a better understanding of what your needs are. The best part about deliberately writing sloppy code is that you can feel good about throwing it out. Because you focused on writing it fast, you minimize lost time from rewriting it.

Don't stress the tests

This is probably controversial, but I am not rigorous about test-driven development (TDD) in all cases. I'm usually not sure exactly what I'm building to start with, let alone understand it well enough to write tests. I find that writing tests prematurely either makes me feel locked-in to my first idea or forces me to burn a lot of time rewriting tests. Once I've written some garbage and cleaned it up into the rough shape of the final product, I'll start thinking of tests. At that point, I'll do some TDD in the form of finalizing the API I want to thinking about edge cases.

That's not to say I never do TDD. While prototyping I find sometimes that I need to do a somewhat complex calculation. If I am confident that I understand what inputs and outputs I'll need, I'll write some tests first. This is the ideal case for TDD in my experience, and I will happily write tests before implementing when it makes sense.

Tests should be informative, and good tests save you time. If you're frequently changing them—or avoiding changes because you know it will require changing tests—they may be better off deleted. I only add tests for UI once I'm confident that it's in a stable state.

Polish code as it stabilizes

Once your pile of trash has begun to have some good structure and clearly defined responsibilities, start polishing those parts. I would call polishing code any changes that don't directly affect its correctness. You might add some inline comments to clarify why the code is written the way it is. Revise variable names to clarify their purpose. Add some documentation about how to use it. Profile performance and optimize hot code paths. If you're writing a UI component, you might add more subtle visual effects and animations.

Waiting until your code has stabilized before polishing helps balance creating new features, keeping performance adequate, and paying down technical debt. I personally find it's also very helpful to revisit code periodically in the weeks after I've written it. It's a short enough amount of time that I still remember the bulk of it, but long enough that I have to read the code to refresh my memory of how it works. Some of my best refactors come when I'm rereading my code at this stage.

Thanks for reading! I'm on Twitter as @cvitullo (but most other places I'm vcarl). I moderate Reactiflux, a chatroom for React developers and Nodeiflux, a chatroom for Node.JS developers. If you have any questions or suggestions, reach out!

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