My First Project
Demo Link
Link to Code
How I built it
The project was built with Html5, CSS, BootStrap, and JavaScript for the front end, python-FLask for the backend, and SQLite for the database. During the course of the project, I discovered the use of Jinja for the communication of the data from the backend into the HTML view is not very efficient in that commented codes are still been read by the Jinja templating engine.
Additional Thoughts / Feelings / Stories
The idea behind the project is to help farmers to easily sell their goods to end consumers, taking away the need for middlemen who purchase the farm produce at ridiculous prices from the farmers and sell at exorbitant prices to the consumers. Also, the platform exposes farmers to intending investors who would like to partner with farmers to enlarge their farms and increase the production rate.
The Project is not being used yet but work is still ongoing to get it into production.
[Final Note]: I Enjoying coding but I derive more pleasures when the codes solve people's problems.