Explore 90+ Essential React Component Categories

Vinish Bhaskar - Aug 18 - - Dev Community

In the ever-evolving world of web development, React has become a go-to library for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces. Whether working on a complex web application, a sleek e-commerce site, dashboards, or a personal project, leveraging pre-built React components can significantly enhance your development efficiency and user experience.

Today, we’ll dive into a diverse collection of over 90 React component categories, each designed to address different needs and elevate your projects.

Why Use React Components?

React components allow developers to create reusable and modular user interface pieces, promoting clean code, consistency, and maintainability. By incorporating these components into your project, you can avoid reinventing the wheel and focus on building unique features and functionalities.

90+ React Component Categories

Here’s a curated selection of React component categories to help you find exactly what you need for your next project:

1. Best React E-Commerce Header Components

Give your online store a professional look with customizable React e-commerce header components. These components feature search bars, cart icons, and navigation links tailored to shopping experiences.

2. Top React Contact Form Components

Craft engaging and responsive contact forms that include validation, multi-step forms, and dynamic inputs, ensuring seamless communication with your users.

3. React Cookie Consent Banner Components

Ensure your website complies with GDPR and other privacy regulations by integrating customizable React cookie consent banners that are both user-friendly and non-intrusive.

4. React Testimonial Slider Components

Showcase customer feedback with dynamic React testimonial sliders, which offer responsive designs, smooth transitions, and easy customization options.

5. React Statistics & Data Display Components

Highlight important metrics and KPIs with visually appealing statistics components, such as counters, graphs, and progress bars, tailored for dashboards and reports.

6. React Button Styles & Variants

Enhance user interaction with various React button components, featuring various styles, sizes, and states like hover, disabled, and loading.

7. React Select Box Dropdown Components

Improve form usability with select box dropdown components that offer searchable, multi-select, and grouped options, making user data selection effortless.

8. React Tabs & Navigation Components

Organize content with React tabs and navigation components, allowing users to switch between different sections of your site without refreshing the page.

9. React Data Table & Grid Components

Manage and display large data sets with React data tables and grids, which include sorting, filtering, pagination, and customizable columns.

10. React Data & Stats Display Components

Present data insights effectively using components that combine charts, graphs, and stats displays, perfect for dashboards and analytical applications.

11. React Modal Dialog Components

With these React components, you can create sleek and accessible modal dialogs for notifications, confirmations, and more. They support animations and various triggers.

12. React Portfolio Gallery Components

Showcase your work or products with beautiful portfolio gallery components that offer grid, masonry, and carousel layouts, with support for image lightboxes.

13. React AI-Powered Hero Section Components

Leverage AI to create engaging and dynamic hero sections that adapt to user behaviour and preferences, making the first impression count.

14. React Dropdown Button Components

Integrate dropdown button components that provide users multiple options in a single click, enhancing UI/UX with nested menus and custom actions.

15. React Product Category Components

Organize your e-commerce site with product category components that help users browse and find products easily, featuring customizable filters and sorting options.

16. React Video Player & Generator Components

Embed videos seamlessly into your web pages with React video player components, offering features like autoplay, captions, and responsive design.

17. React Pagination & Navigation Components

Improve content navigation with efficient pagination components. This will allow users to browse through long lists of items without overwhelming them.

18. React Dashboard Dropdown Components

Enhance dashboard interfaces with dropdown components that support complex interactions, multi-level menus, and real-time data updates.

19. React Toggle Switch & Checkbox Components

Simplify user input with sleek toggle switches and checkboxes, offering various styles and states for forms, settings, and more.

20. React Breadcrumb Navigation Components

Enhance website navigation with breadcrumb components that provide users with a clear path back to previous sections, improving usability on complex sites.

21. React Image Gallery Components

Display your images beautifully with responsive image gallery components, offering features like lightboxes, carousels, and grid layouts.

22. React Skeleton Loader Components

Improve perceived loading times with skeleton loaders that provide a visual cue while content is being loaded, enhancing user experience.

23. React Tooltip & Popover Components

Add informative tooltips and popovers that appear when users hover or click, providing additional context without cluttering the interface.

24. React Shopping Cart Components

Build a smooth shopping experience with React shopping cart components, featuring dynamic updates, item management, and checkout integration.

25. React Authentication & Sign-In Components

Secure your application with authentication components that handle sign-in, sign-up, and password recovery, ensuring a seamless user experience.

26. React Footer Design Components

Create professional and informative footers with components that include links, social icons, and copyright notices tailored to fit any design.

27. React Chat List Components

Enable real-time communication with chat list components, supporting messaging, user status, and conversation management.

28. React Calendar & Date Picker Components

Integrate calendars and date pickers into your forms with components that support date ranges, time selection, and localization.

29. React Call To Action Button Components

Drive conversions with eye-catching call-to-action buttons that encourage users to take specific actions, such as signing up or making a purchase.

30. React Popover Tooltip Components

Enhance interactivity with popovers that display additional content or actions when hovering or clicking, adding depth to your UI.

31. React Vertical Navbar Components

Design vertical navigation menus with components perfect for dashboards, admin panels, and other complex applications.

32. React Accordion & Collapse Components

Organize content with accordion components that allow users to expand and collapse sections, ideal for FAQs and lengthy content.

33. React Team Member Showcase Components

Highlight your team members with stylish components that include profiles, bios, and social links, perfect for About pages.

34. React Product Carousel Components

Showcase multiple products in a limited space with responsive carousels that support swiping, autoplay, and custom transitions.

35. React Quick View Components

Enable users to view product details quickly without leaving the current page, improving the shopping experience with quick view components.

36. React Button Group Components

Group related actions together with button group components, making it easier for users to interact with your app's functionality.

37. React Order Summary Components

Summarize orders clearly with components that include item details, pricing, and totals, essential for checkout pages.

38. React Settings Page Components

Create intuitive settings pages with components that allow users to customize their experience, featuring toggle switches, dropdowns, and input fields.

39. React Toast Notification Components

Provide users with non-intrusive notifications using toast components that can display messages, alerts, or updates without interrupting their workflow.

40. React Filter & Search Components

Enhance search functionality with filter components that allow users to narrow down results based on specific criteria, improving content discoverability.

41. React Brand Logo Components

Showcase your brand or your partners' logos with stylish components that can be displayed in headers, footers, or carousels.

42. React Pricing Table Components

Design clear and attractive pricing tables with React components, including comparison features, pricing tiers, and customizable styles, perfect for subscription services.

43. React AI-Powered Navbar Components

Utilize AI to create intelligent navigation bars that adapt to user behaviour, offering personalized menus and improved usability.

44. React Video Embedding Components

Embed and controlled video content seamlessly with React video embedding components, featuring responsive design, playback controls, and customization options.

45. React Newsletter Signup Form Components

Grow your audience with newsletter signup forms that include email validation, customizable fields, and integrations with email marketing services.

46. React Form Element Components

Build user-friendly forms with various form elements such as inputs, text areas, select boxes, and validation components, enhancing form functionality and usability.

47. React List Style Components

Style and organize lists with React components that offer various layouts and designs, including ordered, unordered, and nested lists.

48. React Profile Card Components

Showcase user profiles with components that include profile pictures, bios, and contact details, ideal for team pages, social platforms, and directories.

49. React Card Design Components

Create visually appealing cards for displaying content such as articles, products, or services with customizable designs and interactive elements.

50. React Image Generator Components

Generate and manipulate images dynamically with React components, allowing for custom image creation, resizing, and filtering.

51. Tailwind CSS UI Components & Sections

Explore a vast library of Tailwind CSS UI components designed for React, featuring pre-designed sections, layouts, and elements that can be easily customized.

52. React Code Generator Components

Automate code creation with components that simplify boilerplate code generation, reducing development time and effort.

53. React Error Page Design Components

Design user-friendly error pages with React components that provide clear messages and guidance for handling common issues like 404 errors.

54. React Promo Banner Components

Highlight special offers and promotions with eye-catching banner components that can be customized with images, text, and call-to-action buttons.

55. React Feature & Service Section Components

Showcase the features and services of your product with components that include icons, descriptions, and interactive elements, perfect for marketing pages.

56. React E-Commerce Navbar Components

Design effective navigation bars for e-commerce sites featuring product categories, search bars, and user account options.

57. React Page Title & Header Components

Create compelling page titles and headers that set the tone for your content, offering customization options for fonts, colours, and layouts.

58. React Account Dropdown Components

Enhance user profiles with dropdown components that provide easy access to account settings, notifications, and other features.

59. React Checkbox & Radio Button Components

Design interactive forms with checkboxes and radio buttons that include customizable styles and states for various user selections.

60. React Progress Bar Components

Track progress and completion with visually appealing progress bars that support different styles and animation effects, suitable for forms, tasks, and loading states.

61. React FAQ Accordion Components

Organize frequently asked questions with accordion components that allow users to expand and collapse answers, improving content accessibility.

62. React Breadcrumbs Navigation Components

Provide users with an intuitive navigation path using breadcrumb components, ideal for hierarchical content and large websites.

63. React Responsive Grid Components

Build flexible and responsive layouts with grid components that adjust to various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent user experience across devices.

64. React Image Carousel Components

Showcase images in a carousel format with components that support swiping, autoplay, and customizable navigation controls.

65. React Data Visualization Components

Create informative charts and graphs with data visualization components that offer various types of charts, including bar, line, and pie charts.

66. React Social Media Share Components

Integrate social media sharing functionality with components that allow users to easily share content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

67. React Toast Notification Components

Deliver real-time notifications with toast components that appear temporarily on the screen, offering feedback for user actions and system updates.

68. React Rating & Review Components

Enable users to rate and review products or services with components that include star ratings, review forms, and aggregated feedback.

69. React Multi-Step Form Components

Simplify complex forms with multi-step components that break down the form into manageable sections, improving user experience and data collection.

70. React Sidebar Components

Create collapsible sidebars that can include navigation links, widgets, and other interactive elements, perfect for dashboards and admin panels.

71. React Event Calendar Components

Manage and display events with calendar components that support event scheduling, filtering, and interactive views.

72. React File Upload Components

Allow users to upload files with components that support drag-and-drop, file previews, and progress tracking.

73. React Pagination Components

Pagination components facilitate navigation through large datasets by providing controls for moving between pages and adjusting the number of visible items.

74. React User Profile Components

Display user profiles with components that include personal information, social links, and activity summaries, ideal for social and community platforms.

75. React Tooltip & Info Popup Components

Enhance UI interactivity with tooltips and info popups that provide additional context or details when users hover or click on elements.

76. React Notification Banner Components

Implement notification banners that inform users of important updates, alerts, or messages, with options for customization and dismiss functionality.

77. React Pricing Cards Components

Present pricing information clearly with card components that highlight different plans, features, and pricing options.

78. React Animated Loader Components

Improve user experience with animated loaders that provide visual feedback while content or data is being fetched or processed.

79. React Timeline Components

Visualize chronological events or processes with timeline components that display events in a linear format, ideal for project milestones or histories.

80. React Map Integration Components

Integrate maps into your application with components that support various map providers, interactive features, and location markers.

81. React Customizable Slider Components

Create interactive sliders for adjusting values, selecting ranges, or navigating through content, with customizable styles and behaviors.

82. React Drawer Components

Design sliding drawers that can contain navigation links, actions, or additional content, enhancing the user interface with a responsive layout.

83. React Progress Tracker Components

Track the progress of tasks, projects, or workflows with components that display progress steps and visual indicators.

84. React Form Wizard Components

Guide users through complex forms with form wizard components that include step-by-step navigation, validation, and data saving features.

85. React Product Comparison Components

Enable users to compare products side by side with components that highlight differences and similarities, ideal for e-commerce and review sites.

86. React Interactive Maps Components

Create interactive and dynamic maps with components that support zooming, panning, and custom markers, suitable for location-based


87. React Countdown Timer Components

Add countdown timers to your application with components that display remaining time until a specific event or deadline.

88. React Search Bar Components

Integrate effective search bars with components that support autocomplete, suggestions, and filtering to enhance user search capabilities.

89. React Chart & Graph Components

Visualize data with a variety of chart and graph components that support different types of visualizations, including bar, line, and pie charts.

Get Started Today

With 90+ categories of React components available, you’re equipped with a comprehensive toolkit to build robust and engaging web applications. Explore the various categories, integrate the elements that best fit your project, and take your development to the next level. Happy coding!

Feel free to dive into the component libraries and discover how these elements can transform your React projects. Whether you’re developing a new application or enhancing an existing one, these components will help you create exceptional user experiences.

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