Understanding the Composition Pattern in React

Wallace Freitas - Sep 26 - - Dev Community

React's Composition Pattern is a fundamental design concept that enables programmers to create modular, reusable components by joining them together. Composition, as opposed to inheritance, concentrates on fusing discrete, standalone parts to produce intricate user interfaces (UIs) that improve program scalability, readability, and reuse.

In this article, we'll dive deep into the Composition Pattern, its benefits, and how to apply it in React using practical examples.

1. What is the Composition Pattern?

One common technique for code reuse in conventional object-oriented programming is inheritance. Nonetheless, composition is a more adaptable method of organizing and repurposing components in React. Composition gives us the ability to send components to other components as props, which makes it possible to create reusable user interfaces with more structural flexibility.

In simple terms, composition is about building UI by assembling components rather than inheriting behavior from other components.

2. The Problem with Inheritance in UI Components

Inheritance can lead to tight coupling between components, making it harder to manage and scale the code. If a parent component needs to be updated, all its child components are affected. This results in less flexibility and maintainability.

React encourages composition over inheritance because:

1️⃣ It allows for better separation of concerns.

2️⃣ Components can be reused without being overly dependent on a shared base class.

3️⃣ It provides more granular control over rendering logic.

3. Basic Example of Composition in React

Let's look at a basic example of how to use the composition pattern in React.

Parent Component

function Layout({ header, content, footer }) {
  return (
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Using the Layout Component

function App() {
  return (
      header={<Header />}
      content={<Content />}
      footer={<Footer />}
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In this example, the Layout component uses composition to render different sections (header, content, and footer) passed as props. This is more flexible than hardcoding these sections inside the layout.

4. Children Prop: A Core Part of Composition

One of the most common ways to implement composition in React is through the children prop. This special prop allows components to pass content into nested components dynamically.

Example of Using children Prop

function Card({ children }) {
  return <div className="card">{children}</div>;

function App() {
  return (
      <p>This is a description inside the card.</p>
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In this example, the Card component is acting as a container that wraps any child content passed into it. This pattern is great for components that need to wrap or enhance other components or elements.

5. Specialization through Composition

In addition to simply composing components, you can specialize components using composition. This is helpful when you want to create a more specific version of a general component without modifying the original one.

Example: Specialized Button Component

function Button({ children, type }) {
  const className = type === 'primary' ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-secondary';
  return <button className={className}>{children}</button>;

function PrimaryButton({ children }) {
  return <Button type="primary">{children}</Button>;

function SecondaryButton({ children }) {
  return <Button type="secondary">{children}</Button>;

function App() {
  return (
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Here, we’ve created two specialized button components (PrimaryButton and SecondaryButton) by composing the base Button component. This technique allows you to avoid duplication and ensures consistency across your application.

6. Slot Pattern

The Slot Pattern is another variation of the composition pattern where components receive multiple "slots" (regions) to render different parts of the UI. This is especially useful for more complex layouts.

Example of Slot Pattern

function Modal({ title, body, footer }) {
  return (
    <div className="modal">
      <div className="modal-header">{title}</div>
      <div className="modal-body">{body}</div>
      <div className="modal-footer">{footer}</div>

function App() {
  return (
      title={<h2>Modal Title</h2>}
      body={<p>This is the modal content.</p>}
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Here, the Modal component has multiple slots (title, body, and footer) where different content can be passed in, allowing for greater flexibility in composing the UI.

7. Higher-Order Components (HOCs) and Render Props

Composition is also central to more advanced React patterns, such as Higher-Order Components (HOCs) and Render Props. These patterns are often used to share logic across components without resorting to inheritance.

Higher-Order Components Example

function withLogger(Component) {
  return function WrappedComponent(props) {
    console.log('Component is rendered');
    return <Component {...props} />;

const EnhancedComponent = withLogger(MyComponent);
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The withLogger HOC adds logging functionality to MyComponent through composition. You can reuse this behavior with other components without altering their structure.

8. Benefits of Composition in React

The Composition Pattern offers several key benefits:

Reusability: Components are designed to be reused across the application, reducing duplication.

Flexibility: You can pass different content to components without modifying their internal structure.

Maintainability: Since components are loosely coupled, updating one component doesn’t necessarily affect others.

Readability: Composing components promotes a cleaner, more modular structure, making the code easier to read and maintain.


The foundation of creating scalable, adaptable, and maintainable React user interfaces is the Composition Pattern. Effective use of composition guarantees that your components stay modular and reusable whether you're creating a straightforward component or a sophisticated user interface. Slot patterns, the children prop, and specialization techniques can be used to construct extremely dynamic and adaptable components for your applications.

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