Dependency Injection Pattern ( For beginners)

Olawale Afuye - May 28 '23 - - Dev Community

Dependency injection is a design pattern used in software development to manage dependencies between components of an application. In a nutshell, it's a way to organize code so that the dependencies between different parts of the system are clearly defined and managed. The basic idea behind dependency injection is to pass dependencies into a component, rather than having the component create them itself.

There are several libraries and frameworks in JavaScript that use dependency injection (DI) to manage object creation and dependencies. Here are a few examples:

  1. Angular: Angular is a popular framework for building web applications in TypeScript. It uses a hierarchical injector system to manage object creation and dependency injection. Angular provides a built-in @Injectable decorator that can be used to annotate classes as injectable services.

  2. Awilix: Awilix is a lightweight dependency injection container for Node.js applications. It provides a fluent API for declaring dependencies and supports both constructor injection and property injection. Awilix also supports middleware-style dependency injection, which can be useful for managing complex application workflows.

  3. NestJS: NestJS is a progressive Node.js framework for building scalable and maintainable web applications. It uses a modular architecture based on Angular's DI system to manage object creation and dependency injection. NestJS provides a built-in @Injectable decorator for declaring injectable services and supports a variety of injection patterns.

Using Dependency Injection in an authentication system

Let's take an authentication system as an example. In a typical authentication system, you might have a number of different components that need to interact with each other, such as a user model, a password hasher, and a session manager. Rather than having each component create its own dependencies, we can use dependency injection to pass them in from outside.

Here's an example implementation of an authentication system in JavaScript using dependency injection:

class User {
  constructor(id, name, passwordHash) { = id; = name;
    this.passwordHash = passwordHash;

class PasswordHasher {
  hash(password) {
    // Hash the password using some algorithm
    return password + "hashed";

class SessionManager {
  startSession(user) {
    // Create a new session for the user
    return "session_token";

  endSession(sessionToken) {
    // End the user's session

class Authenticator {
  constructor(userModel, passwordHasher, sessionManager) {
    this.userModel = userModel;
    this.passwordHasher = passwordHasher;
    this.sessionManager = sessionManager;

  authenticate(username, password) {
    const user = this.userModel.getUserByName(username);
    if (!user) {
      throw new Error("User not found");

    const hashedPassword = this.passwordHasher.hash(password);
    if (user.passwordHash !== hashedPassword) {
      throw new Error("Invalid password");

    const sessionToken = this.sessionManager.startSession(user);
    return sessionToken;

  endSession(sessionToken) {

const userModel = {
  getUserByName(username) {
    // Look up the user in the database
    return new User(1, "Alice", "password_hash");

const passwordHasher = new PasswordHasher();
const sessionManager = new SessionManager();
const authenticator = new Authenticator(userModel, passwordHasher, sessionManager);

const sessionToken = authenticator.authenticate("Alice", "password");

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In the above code snippet, we have a number of different components: User, PasswordHasher, SessionManager, and Authenticator. Rather than having each component create its own dependencies, we pass them in when the component is created. For example, when we create the Authenticator, we pass in the userModel, passwordHasher, and sessionManager as arguments to the constructor.

Dependency Injection is a powerful design pattern that can bring a number of benefits to your codebase. Here are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of using dependency injection:


Loose Coupling: Dependency injection helps to reduce the coupling between components by allowing them to depend on abstractions rather than concrete implementations. This means that changes to one component won't necessarily require changes to others, which can help to make your code more flexible and easier to maintain.

Easier Testing: By using dependency injection, you can more easily write unit tests for your code. Since dependencies are passed in as arguments, it's easy to create mock objects for testing purposes, which can help to isolate your code and make it more testable.

Flexibility: Dependency injection allows you to easily swap out one implementation for another. This means that you can change the behavior of your code without having to modify the code itself. This can be especially useful if you need to support multiple environments or configurations.

Reusability: By separating concerns and dependencies, it's easier to reuse code in other parts of your application or even in other projects.


Complexity: Implementing dependency injection can add complexity to your code. There are a number of different ways to implement the pattern, and choosing the right one for your situation can be difficult. Additionally, it can be difficult to manage the lifecycle of dependencies, especially when dealing with complex object graphs.

Performance: Depending on how you implement dependency injection, it can have a negative impact on performance. In particular, using a lot of small dependencies can increase the overhead of object creation and initialization, which can slow down your application.

Overuse: It's possible to overuse dependency injection, which can lead to code that's difficult to understand and maintain. In particular, injecting too many dependencies into a component can make it hard to reason about its behavior and make it difficult to test. It's important to strike a balance between flexibility and simplicit

Here are some resources to learn more about Dependency Injection:

Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns by Mark Seemann - This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Dependency Injection, including best practices and design patterns. It covers a variety of popular DI frameworks and libraries, including Unity, Autofac, and Castle Windsor.

The Clean Code Talks Dependency Injection by Misko Hevery - This video provides an in-depth look at Dependency Injection, including why it's important and how to use it effectively. It's a great resource for those who want to dive deeper into the theory behind DI.

Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern by Martin Fowler - This article by one of the pioneers of Dependency Injection provides a detailed look at the benefits of using an Inversion of Control (IoC) container and how to use them effectively.

These resources should provide a good starting point for learning more about Dependency Injection and how to use it effectively in your code.

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