Continuously Deploying to GitLab's NPM Package Registry

webbureaucrat - Jul 5 '22 - - Dev Community

In a previous article, we explored how to continuously deploy to the package registry. This is all well and good, but an advantage of CI/CD is that we can easily deploy wherever we want. This article will explore how to deploy an npm package to both and GitLab's own package registry, including how to change package names when necessary.

Starting point: ordinary CI/CD for npm

The earlier article built out a complete .gitlab.yml file for an npm package, and it leverages environment variables in a way that makes it very transferrable between projects. I will be adding a stage to this pipeline, so I recommend familiarizing yourself with this pipeline as a starting point before proceeding. The comments in the first stage provide a kind of legend for the file in case you're not familiar with .gitlab.yml attributes.

image: node:latest

compile: # arbitrary name to identify the script
  stage: build # indicates its chronological order in the pipeline
    - npm ci # the recommended best practice for CI/CD (as opposed to npm i)
    - npm run build 
    - dev # only run this script for the dev branch

  stage: test
    - npm ci
    - npm run build
    - npm run test
    - dev

    - dev
    - git remote set-url origin https://merge-token:${MERGE_TOKEN}${CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE}/${CI_PROJECT_NAME}.git
    - git pull origin main
    - git checkout main
    - git merge origin/dev
    - git push origin main
  stage: deploy

    - main
  stage: deploy
    - echo "//${NPM_TOKEN}" >> .npmrc
    - npm publish
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If you're still confused, refer to theprevious article, which builds this file step by step (or, as always,open an issue).

Scaffolding our new deployment step

Let's start by creating a new deployment script which runs on the main branch in the deployment stage.

    - main
    - echo "Hello, world."
  stage: deploy
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So now we've defined the circumstances under which we want to run.

Managing your package namespace and name

I would expect that you'd want to publish your package under the same name on GitLab as, but the GitLab package registry requires that all packages be namespaced by their repository namespace.

So we need to swap out our old package name with our new namespaced package name. For me, since I am working in ReScript and need to rename in bsconfig.json as well as the package files, I've found the easiest way to reconfigure my namespace is through the npm package file-find-replace-cli.

(You could also use sed if you're smart enough, but I've decided my life is too short for that.)

file-find-replace-cli uses a json file to define its commands. This can be predefined and checked into source control, but it's more fun to echo it out from environment variables (which will make our .gitlab.yml more reusable).

    - main
    - npm i -g file-find-replace-cli
    - echo "{ \"find\":\"$CI_PROJECT_NAME\"," >> replace.json
    - echo "\"replace\":\"@$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE/$CI_PROJECT_NAME\" }" >> replace.json
  stage: deploy
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With the package installed and the replace.json file in place, you can run the find-replace command against your package.json and package-lock.json_files using package*.json (and _bsconfig.json if you, like me, are using ReScript).

    - main
    - npm i -g file-find-replace-cli
    - echo "{ \"find\":\"$CI_PROJECT_NAME\"," >> replace.json
    - echo "\"replace\":\"@$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE/$CI_PROJECT_NAME\" }" >> replace.json
    - find-replace replace.json -f 'bsconfig.json' -f 'package*.json'
    - npm config set @${CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE}:registry${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/npm/
    - npm config set -- '//${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/npm/:_authToken' "${CI_JOB_TOKEN}"
    - npm publish
  stage: deploy
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Next, set the package registry to GitLab for the namespace you just changed to, and authenticate with the built-in CI_JOB_TOKEN, and, finally, publish.

    - main
    - npm i -g file-find-replace-cli
    - echo "{ \"find\":\"$CI_PROJECT_NAME\"," >> replace.json
    - echo "\"replace\":\"w$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE/$CI_PROJECT_NAME\" }" >> replace.json
    - find-replace replace.json -f 'bsconfig.json' -f 'package*.json'
    - npm config set @${CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE}:registry${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/npm/
    - npm config set -- '//${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/npm/:_authToken' "${CI_JOB_TOKEN}"
    - npm publish
  stage: deploy
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Publish or perish

I hope this has been useful to developers trying to deploy to GitLab's registry or deploy to multiple registries. The default registry is an invaluable developer resource, but it's always a good idea to have multiple baskets for one's proverbial eggs. (More on this in a future article.)

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