Backend Developers Roadmap with Free Resources For Beginners

WISDOMUDO - Mar 14 '23 - - Dev Community

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As a backend developer, your role is to build and maintain the server side of web applications, handling the logic and processing of data, and ensuring that the application runs smoothly. In this article, we are going to look at the general roadmap for becoming a backend developer,and below are the subjects we will consider in this guide.

  • Who is a backend developer?
  • What are the backend basics?
  • Which language is used in the backend?
  • Which is the easiest backend language?
  • Which backend language is most in demand?
  • Which database is best for the backend?
  • What are the 3 parts of backend development?
  • What are backend developer tools?
  • What are the advantages of back-end development?
  • Free resources for backend development
  • Conclusion

Who is a backend developer?

A programmer with expertise in creating the server-side logic and functioning of a web application is known as abackend developer. They develop and manage the databases, APIs, andserver-side logic that are necessary for a web application to work effectively. To make sure the web application can properly connect with the server-side components, they also collaborate closely with front-end developers.

What are the backend basics?

A backend’s fundamental components include:

  • HTTP request routing: Client-side requests from the backend are handled and routed by backend services.
  • Processing server-side logic: Backend systems manage and process data, carry out operations like validation, and process any other necessary server-side logic.
  • To store, retrieve, and alter data, backend systems must connect to databases.
  • Backend systems manage CRUDoperations—the creation, reading, updating, and deleting of data.
  • User permission and authentication are handled by backend systems, guaranteeing that only authorized users can access particular resources or capabilities.

Typical backend development technologies include:

Databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL Programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and GoLang. Server-side frameworks such as ExpressJS (JavaScript), Flask (Python), and Ruby on Rails (Ruby).

Which language is used in the backend?

The language used in the backend can vary depending on the specific application or system being developed. Common languages used in backend development include Java, Python, Ruby, and PHP, among others. Some developers might also use JavaScript for backend development with the help of Node.js.

Which is the easiest backend language?

The “easiest” backend language can vary depending on the individual and their background, but generally, some of the popular languages that are considered relatively easier to learn for beginners include:

  • Python: Python is a high-level, interpreted language that is known for its simplicity and easy-to-read syntax. It’s a great choice for beginners as it has a large number of libraries and frameworks that make web development easy.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript is a versatile and widely-used language that can be used for both front-end and back-end development. It’s also relatively easy to learn, especially if you already have experience with front-end development.
  • Ruby:Ruby is a high-level, interpreted language that is known for its simplicity and readability. It’s often used in web development with the Ruby on Rails framework, which makes building web applications relatively easy.
  • PHP: PHP is a widely used language for web development. Its popularity is because it’s relatively easy to learn and has a large number of libraries and frameworks that make building web applications easy.

Remark: It’s important to note that, while these languages may be considered easier to learn for beginners, they still require a significant amount of time and effort to master. The best language for you will depend on your personal preferences and what you’re trying to achieve.

Which backend language is most in demand?

It is challenging to determine which backend language is most in demand because demand varies by area and industry. But a few often employed backend languages are as follows:

It is important to keep in mind that many businesses use multiple backend languages for various components of their applications and that the popularity of certain languages can shift over time.

Which database is best for the backend?

The choice of a database for the backend depends on several factors such as:

  1. Scale: How much data will be stored and how fast does it need to be retrieved?
  2. Performance: How many loads the database can handle and how quickly does it return results?
  3. Data Modeling: How the data will be structured and what kind of relationships need to be established between data entities.

Based on these criteria, here are some popular choices:

  1. Relational databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server
  2. NoSQL databases: MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB
  3. In-memory databases: Redis, Memcached

Ultimately, the best database for your backend will depend on the specific requirements of your application.

What are the 3 parts of backend development?

  1. Server: The backend program operates on the server, which also manages incoming client requests. It could be a cloud-hosted virtual or physical server.
  2. Database: Data is saved, processed, and retrieved from a database. It could be a NoSQL database or a relational database (like MySQL or PostgreSQL) (such as MongoDB, or Cassandra).
  3. Application logic: This is the computer code that controls business logic, data processing, and database communication on the server. Different programming languages, including Python, Ruby, Java, etc., can be used to create it.

What are backend developer tools?

Backend developers use several tools to develop, test, and deploy their applications. Here are some commonly used tools in backend development:

  1. Database management systems: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, etc.
  2. Server software: Apache, Nginx, IIS, etc.
  3. Programming languages: Python, Ruby, Java, PHP, etc.
  4. Web frameworks: Flask, Django, Ruby on Rails, Express, etc.
  5. Version control systems: Git, SVN, Mercurial, etc.
  6. Text editors or IDEs: Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, etc.
  7. Task runners: Grunt,Gulp, etc.
  8. Deployment and hosting platforms: Heroku, AWS, Google Cloud, etc.
  9. Testing tools: JUnit, TestNG, Mocha, etc.
  10. Monitoring and logging tools: New Relic, LogRocket, Logstash, etc.

Remark: The choice of tools depends on the specific requirements of the project and the preferences of the developer.

What are the advantages of back-end development?

Advantages of back-end development include:

  1. Scalability: Back-end systems can handle a large amount of traffic and data, making them easily scalable.
  2. Performance: Back-end systems can handle complex tasks and calculations, providing fast performance.
  3. Flexibility: Back-end systems can be integrated with various front-end technologies, providing flexibility in the overall development process.
  4. Security: Back-end systems are responsible for securing sensitive data and ensuring the safety of user information.
  5. Maintenance: Back-end systems are easier to maintain and update, as the majority of the logic and processing takes place on the server side.
  6. Language choice: Back-end developers have a wide range of programming languages to choose from, allowing them to select the best one for the task at hand.
  7. Control: Back-end developers have more control over the functionality and performance of the overall system, making it easier to troubleshoot issues.

Free resources for a backend developer

Here are some free resources for backend development:

  1. GitHub: A platform for version control and collaboration that offers a large number of open-source projects and libraries.
  2. Stack Overflow: A Q&A community for developers to share knowledge and find solutions to programming problems.
  3. W3Schools: A website that offers tutorials and references on a wide range of web technologies, including backend development languages such as PHP and Node.js.
  4. Codecademy: An online learning platform that offers interactive coding lessons and tutorials on various programming languages and frameworks.
  5. MDN Web Docs: A comprehensive resource for web developers, covering topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
  6. Coursera: Online courses and specializations from top universities and organizations, covering a wide range of topics, including backend development.
  7. FreeCodeCamp: A non-profit organization that offers a comprehensive curriculum in web development, with a focus on JavaScript and full-stack development.
  8. Udemy: Online courses on a wide range of topics, including backend development, from industry experts.
  9. Khan Academy: Free online courses on computer science, including web development and programming.
  10. A YouTube channel that offers video tutorials on web development and backend development, covering topics such as Node.js, MongoDB, and Express.


As a backend developer, you will be responsible for creating the server-side of web applications, which includes designing and maintaining databases, managing server-side programming languages, and implementing security protocols.

However, as a beginner your focus should be on learning the basics of programming, understanding the web architecture, know about the database management system, backend framework, get acquainted with security protocols, get to know cloud computing platforms, then keep practicing and stay updated.

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