The Best Microservices Design Patterns Explained Like You’re Ordering Pizza

Harshit Singh - Oct 6 - - Dev Community

Picture this: You're the mastermind behind a restaurant chain that serves customized pizzas. Each pizza has its own unique topping, but instead of having one gigantic kitchen churning out all pizzas, you have a separate tiny kitchen for each topping. You guessed it—that’s how microservices work! Each service does one thing, and it does it well. Let’s dive into some microservices design patterns while making your pizza as memorable as possible (pun intended).

1. The Single Responsibility Pattern (aka "The Only Pepperoni Guy"):

  • What it is: This is your pepperoni guy. His job? Only to slap those delicious slices of pepperoni onto pizzas.
  • Why it works: The pepperoni guy is focused and specialized. If you need to tweak the recipe (maybe switch to turkey pepperoni), you can easily change just that part. No need to mess with the rest of the kitchen.
  • Real-life microservice example: Your User Service only handles user data (authentication, profiles), while your Order Service manages orders. No overlap. No drama. Clean, isolated, just like a pro pepperoni guy.

2. API Gateway Pattern (aka "The Friendly Waiter")

  • What it is: The waiter doesn’t ask you to go to the kitchen, chop tomatoes, and bake the crust yourself. Nope, they take all your requests, juggle them with grace, and bring you exactly what you want.
  • Why it works: In the microservices world, an API Gateway consolidates all those scattered services into one neat entry point. It’s like the waiter bringing all the toppings together—without you needing to visit 17 different kitchens.
  • Real-life example: Instead of calling the user service, inventory service, and payment service separately, your client just speaks to the API Gateway. It does all the heavy lifting behind the scenes. Just like that helpful waiter.

3. Database per Service Pattern (aka "Each Chef Has Their Own Fridge")

  • What it is: Imagine every chef in your pizza kitchen had their own fridge. One has the cheese, another the tomato sauce, another the mushrooms. They don’t touch each other’s ingredients.
  • Why it works: With microservices, each service should have its own database. That way, your user data doesn’t interfere with your order data, and vice versa. Less risk, more modularity.
  • Real-life microservice example: Your Product Service uses MongoDB for flexibility (who knows what wild toppings might come next?), but your Payment Service sticks with the solid OLTP performance of Oracle DB. Separate fridges, no fights in the kitchen.

4. The Circuit Breaker Pattern (aka "The Pizza Overload Savior")

  • What it is: Let’s say you’ve got a kitchen dealing with a sudden overload of pizza orders. Instead of letting them get overwhelmed and serve cold, sad pizzas, the manager steps in and says, “Nope! We’re taking a break before things get out of hand.”
  • Why it works: In microservices, a circuit breaker pattern is like that manager. When one service is overwhelmed or failing, it “trips the breaker” and stops sending requests. Instead, it returns a fallback response, like “We’re too busy, try again later.”
  • Real-life microservice example: If your Payment Service is down, you don’t want every single transaction to fail miserably. The Circuit Breaker says, “Hey, things are getting messy—how about a polite ‘service unavailable’ message instead of an app meltdown?”

5. Event Sourcing Pattern (aka "The Order History Vault")

  • What it is: Imagine if every pizza order was recorded in such detail that you could go back and recreate exactly what was ordered, at any time. The sauce choices, the crust thickness, even the time it was placed.
  • Why it works: Event sourcing keeps a log of all changes made to data. Instead of just storing the latest state (the final pizza), it stores a history of all the changes (like the steps in pizza creation).
  • Real-life microservice example: If you need to track every status update of an order (from “placed” to “in the oven” to “delivered”), Event Sourcing lets you replay all the actions, like a DVR for your data.

Design-Patterns Diagram From 1 to 5

6. Saga Pattern (aka "The Pizza-Making Assembly Line")

  • What it is: Making a pizza isn’t a one-step job—it’s a series of actions. First, you knead the dough, then add sauce, followed by toppings, and finally, it goes into the oven. If any step fails, you either try again or compensate (like scraping off a burnt topping).
  • Why it works: The Saga pattern helps coordinate complex workflows across multiple services. Each step in the process is a transaction that can either succeed or trigger compensation (like rolling back if something breaks).
  • Real-life microservice example: In an e-commerce app, placing an order involves multiple services: payment, inventory, and delivery. The Saga makes sure if any service fails (payment declines, inventory runs out), you can roll back or retry the whole transaction.

7. Strangler Pattern (aka "Replace the Old Pizza Recipe, One Slice at a Time")

  • What it is: Let’s say you’ve got an old family pizza recipe that’s pretty outdated. Instead of throwing it all away at once, you start slowly replacing slices—first, the crust, then the cheese—until eventually, the whole pizza is new, without anyone noticing.
  • Why it works: With legacy systems, you can’t always rip and replace them entirely. The Strangler pattern lets you replace parts of the system incrementally. The old and new versions coexist until the new system fully takes over.
  • Real-life microservice example: You’ve got a big, clunky monolith. You start by pulling out individual services (like Order Management), converting them to microservices, and strangling that monolith one piece at a time. Soon, it’s all microservices, baby!

8. Bulkhead Pattern (aka "The Titanic, But With Pizza")

  • What it is: Picture the Titanic with bulkheads between rooms (this analogy would have been way better if the Titanic didn’t sink, but roll with me). If one room gets flooded, the others stay dry, and the ship doesn’t sink right away.
  • Why it works: The Bulkhead pattern isolates parts of the system to prevent cascading failures. If one service is overwhelmed, it doesn’t take down the entire app. Kind of like how one bad pizza oven won’t shut down your whole restaurant.
  • Real-life microservice example: Your Inventory Service is getting hammered, but thanks to bulkheads, your User Service and Payment Service are blissfully unaffected. No one sinks today.

9. CQRS Pattern (aka "Order and Track with Two Different Windows")

  • What it is: Imagine you’ve got two windows in your pizzeria—one for placing orders and another just for checking order status. No need to bother the kitchen every time someone asks for an update!
  • Why it works: CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. You separate the logic for reading data from the logic for writing data. This way, your system can scale differently for reading versus writing.
  • Real-life microservice example: In your e-commerce app, the Order Service handles placing new orders (write), while a separate Order Query Service is optimized for reading data about existing orders.

10. Sidecar Pattern (aka "The Pizza Assistant")

  • What it is: Let’s say your chef has an assistant who handles all the boring tasks—like washing dishes, restocking ingredients, or even keeping the oven temperature stable. This assistant (sidecar) helps your chef focus on what they do best.
  • Why it works: In microservices, the Sidecar Pattern allows you to deploy helper services (like logging, monitoring, or caching) alongside the main service, without cluttering the main codebase.
  • Real-life microservice example: Deploying Envoy as a sidecar alongside your Product Service can help with networking, retries, and monitoring—without making the service itself more complex.

Microservices-Design-Pattern from 6-10

11. BFF (Backend for Frontend) Pattern (aka "Customized Pizza Delivery")

  • What it is: You don’t deliver the same pizza to everyone—each customer might want different toppings, crusts, and sizes. With BFF, you create separate backends for different clients (like mobile apps vs. web apps), customizing the experience for each.
  • Why it works: In the BFF pattern, each frontend gets its own backend service tailored to its specific needs. It improves performance by reducing unnecessary data fetching or operations.
  • Real-life microservice example: Your mobile app calls a Mobile BFF Service for lightweight responses, while your web app uses a Web BFF Service for a more detailed UI.

CTA: Ready to Slice and Dice Your Architecture?
Let’s be real. A well-designed microservices architecture is like crafting the perfect pizza: lots of small parts, but when done right, the result is delicious. Now that you know the top patterns, it’s time to apply them to your own systems. Don’t just cook up code—bake an architecture you can be proud of.

BFF Design Pattern and CQRS Pattern

Ready to Slice and Dice Your Architecture?

Let’s be real. A well-designed microservices architecture is like crafting the perfect pizza: lots of small parts, but when done right, the result is delicious. Now that you know the top patterns, it’s time to apply them to your own systems. Don’t just cook up code—bake an architecture you can be proud of.

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