PHP Design Patterns: Table Data Gateway

Antonio Silva - Sep 12 '23 - - Dev Community

What would be Table Data Gateway?

Table Data Gateway is a design pattern in which it is represented by a class that transports data between the application and the database. Thus, classes have only persistence methods as operations, that is, data recording.

Gateway Class

We will also have another class, which is the application's business class, using the gateway class whenever it needs to search or save data in the database.

Product Class

In the majority of cases, a Table Data Gateway deals with a relational model, having a 1:1 relationship with the main tables of the database.

Realational Model


Step 1 - Directory System:

 ┣ 📂class
 ┃ ┣ 📜Product.php
 ┃ ┗ 📜ProductGateway.php
 ┣ 📂config
 ┃ ┗ 📜config.ini
 ┣ 📂database
 ┃ ┗ 📜product.db
 ┗ 📜index.php

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Step 2 - Database Config File:

host = 
name = database/product.db
user = 
pass = 
type = sqlite

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Step 3 - Database:

  description TEXT,
  stock FLOAT,
  cost_price FLOAT,
  sale_price FLOAT,
  bar_code TEXT,
  date_register DATE,
  origin CHAR(1)

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Step 4 - ProductGateway Class:


    class ProductGateway

        private static $conn;

        public function __construct()


        public static function setConnection(PDO $conn)
            self::$conn = $conn;

        public function find($id, $class = 'stdClass')
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE id = '$id'";
            print "$sql <br>";
            $result = self::$conn->query($sql);
            return $result->fetchObject($class);

        public function all($filter = '', $class = 'stdClass')
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM product";

            if( $filter )
                $sql .= " WHERE $filter";

            print "$sql <br>";
            $result = self::$conn->query($sql);
            return $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $class);


        public function delete($id)
            $sql = "DELETE FROM product WHERE id = '$id'";
            print "$sql <br>";
            return self::$conn->query($sql);

        public function save($data)

            if( empty($data->id) )
                $sql = "INSERT INTO product
                                (description, stock, cost_price, sale_price, bar_code, date_register, origin)
                $sql = "UPDATE product SET 
                                description = '{$data->description}', stock = '{$data->stock}', cost_price = '{$data->cost_price}',
                                sale_price = '{$data->sale_price}', bar_code = '{$data->bar_code}', date_register = '{$data->date_register}',
                                origin = '{$data->origin}'
                                WHERE id = '{$data->id}'";

            print "$sql <br>";
            return self::$conn->exec($sql);



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Step 5 - Product Class:


    class Product

        private $data;

        public function __construct()


        public static function setConnection( PDO $conn)

        public function __get($prop)
            return $this->data[$prop];

        public function __set($prop, $value)
            $this->data[$prop] = $value;

        public static function find($id)
            $gw = new ProductGateway;
          return $gw->find($id, 'Product');

        public static function all($filter = '')
            $gw = new ProductGateway;
          return $gw->all($filter, 'Product');

        public function save()
            $gw = new ProductGateway;
            return $gw->save( (object) $this->data);

        public function delete()
            $gw =  new ProductGateway;
            return $gw->delete($this->id);

        public function getProfitMargin()
            return (($this->sale_price - $this->cost_price)/$this->cost_price)*100;

        public function registerPurchase($cost, $quantity)
            $this->cost_price = $cost;
            $this->stock += $quantity;


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    require_once 'class/Product.php';
    require_once 'class/ProductGateway.php';

        $ini = parse_ini_file('config/config.ini');
        $dbname = $ini['name'];

        $conn = new PDO('sqlite:'.$dbname);
        $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

        $product = new Product;

    catch(Exception $e)
        print $e->getMessage();

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Recording a product in the database:

$product->description = 'Juice';
$product->stock = 8;
$product->cost_price = 12;
$product->sale_price = 18;
$product->bar_code = '123123123';
$product->origin = 'S';
$product->date_register = date('Y-m-d');

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Update a product from the database:

$update = $product::find(1);
$update->description = "Grape Juice";

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List Products:

foreach( $product::all() as $p )
  print $p->description . ' ';
  print $p->cost_price . ' ';
  print $p->sale_price . "<br>";

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Business Methods:

$p = $product::find(1);
$p->registerPurchase(24,2); //(cost,quantity)

print $p->getProfitMargin();

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