Build Chakra UI Container components using react, typescript, styled-components and styled-system

Arsalan Ahmed Yaldram - Sep 2 '21 - - Dev Community


Let us continue building our chakra components using styled-components & styled-system. Chakra UI has some pretty neat container components namely Square, Center, Circle and Container.

  • I would like you to first check the [chakra docs] for each of the components here.

  • We will compose (extend) our Flex component to create these components.

  • All the code for this tutorial can be found here under the atom-layout-containers branch.


Please check the previous post where we have completed the Stack Component. Also please check the Chakra Component code here. In this tutorial we will -

  • Create a Square component.
  • Create a Circle component.
  • Create a Center component.
  • Create a Container component.
  • Create their respective stories.


  • First let us create a branch, from the main branch run -
git checkout -b atom-layout-containers
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  • Under the components/atoms/layout folder create a new folder called containers. Under containers folder create 2 files index.tsx and containers.stories.tsx.

  • So our folder structure stands like - src/components/atoms/layout/containers.

Square Component

This component will center its child given size (width and height). We can also pass centerContent = false prop if we don't want to center content.

import * as React from "react";

import { Flex, FlexProps } from "../flex";

type SqureOmitted = "width" | "height" | "w" | "h";

export interface SquareProps extends Omit<FlexProps, SqureOmitted> {
  centerContent?: boolean;

export const Square = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, SquareProps>(
  (props, ref) => {
    const { size, centerContent = true, children, ...delegated } = props;

    const squareProps = centerContent && {
      align: "center",
      justify: "center",

    return (
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For simplicity we omitted height and width props instead simply pass the size prop.

Circle Component

We extend the Square Component with a round border radius so that it appears like a Circle, this will come handy if you want to display some icons under a circle.

export const Circle = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, SquareProps>(
  (props, ref) => {
    const { size, children, ...delegated } = props;

    return (
      <Square ref={ref} size={size} {...delegated} borderRadius="9999px">
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Center Component

This component will center its child given width and height.

interface CenterProps
  extends Omit<FlexProps, "display" | "align" | "justify"> {}

export const Center = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, CenterProps>(
  (props, ref) => {
    const { children, ...delegated } = props;

    return (
      <Flex ref={ref} align="center" justify="center" {...delegated}>
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Because as the name suggest this is a Center component, we omit the alignItems and justifyContent props and by default pass these with center values.

Container Component

This component is used to constrain a content's width to the current breakpoint, while keeping it fluid. It sets margin-left and margin-right to auto, to keep its content centered.

It also sets a default max-width of 60ch (60 characters), but you can customize this by passing custom maxWidth value. We can also pass centerContent = true prop if we want to center content inside the container.

export interface ContainerProps extends FlexProps {
  centerContent?: boolean;

export const Container = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, ContainerProps>(
  (props, ref) => {
    const { children, centerContent, ...delegated } = props;

    const centerContentProps = centerContent && {
      align: "center",

    return (
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  • With the above our Container components are completed, let us create a story.
  • Under the src/components/atoms/layout/containers/containers.stories.tsx file we add the below story code.
  • We will create 3 stories - center, square, container.
import * as React from "react";

import { HStack, VStack } from "../stack";
import { Container, Square, Circle, Center } from ".";

export default {
  title: "Atoms/Layout/Containers",

export const center = {
  render: () => (
    <Center bg="tomato" h="100px" color="white">
      This is the Center

export const square = {
  render: () => (
    <HStack spacing="4xl">
      <Square size="40px" bg="tomato" color="white">
      <Circle size="40px" bg="tomato" color="white">

export const container = {
  render: () => (
    <VStack spacing="4xl">
      <Container color="white" p="md" bg="red500" maxW="900px">
        Not Centered Content
      <Container p="md" bg="yellow200" maxW="900px" centerContent>
        Centered Content
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Build the Library

  • Under the /layout/index.ts file and paste the following -
export * from "./box";
export * from "./flex";
export * from "./stack";
export * from "./containers";
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  • Now npm run build.

  • Under the folder example/src/App.tsx we can test our Box component. Copy paste the following code and run npm run start from the example directory.

import * as React from "react";
import { HStack, Square, Circle } from "chakra-ui-clone";

export function App() {
  return (
    <HStack spacing="4xl">
      <Square size="40px" bg="tomato" color="white">
      <Circle size="40px" bg="tomato" color="white">
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There you go guys in this tutorial we created Container components just like chakra ui and stories for them. You can find the code for this tutorial under the atom-layout-containers branch here. In the next tutorial we will create Wrap and WrapItem components. Until next time PEACE.

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