Why OOP is Your Old New Best Friend: The Date Distance Problem

Yonel Ceruto - Jul 13 - - Dev Community

Calculating the distance between two dates is relatively straightforward. There are multiple ways. Think about it for a moment... If you like functional programming, your first thought might look like this:

function date_distance(string $origin, string $destination): int 
    return strtotime($destination) - strtotime($origin);
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That's it! Definition and implementation. It gets the job done! Simple, right? But hold on... simple isn't always right!

Trying to reuse this function feels like using someone else's toothbrush: it might seem okay in a hurry, but you're not really sure what issues it might cause.

Developers usually read just the first few lines:

function date_distance(string $origin, string $destination): int 
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If that definition is self-explanatory, nobody cares about the implementation. But is it? Is the return value in seconds, milliseconds, or something else? What about the date arguments, $origin and $destination? They seem to be dates, but it's not entirely clear. Confusing, right?

Ensuring clarity on what every function does, what inputs it needs, and what it returns isn't easy. Even for you, because trust me, you'll eventually forget the details of your own code.

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Wouldn't it be better to have a specific return type called Seconds? Absolutely! It's not just any random number, and that distinction matters. We want to clearly indicate that the distance will be in Seconds. Let's update the function to reflect this:

function date_distance(DateTime $origin, DateTime $destination): Seconds
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So, instead of any datetime string, we ask for a DateTime object representing a valid datetime. And instead of returning just any integer, we return the number of Seconds.

class Seconds
    public function __construct(private int $distance) {}

    // ...

function date_distance(DateTime $origin, DateTime $destination): Seconds
    $distance = $destination->getTimestamp() - $origin->getTimestamp();

    return new Seconds($distance);
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The implementation looks a lot like the first version, with small changes. We're using objects and methods instead of scalar values and functions! The responsibility of parsing the datetime is handled by requiring a DateTime instance. Nice! And I'm completely sure about the return type, no doubts, it's in seconds.

The Seconds object isn't just a data container; it includes behavior through methods. You can add methods for time unit conversions like toMinutes() or toDays(), and maybe an asAbsolute() method to always return a positive distance. Super!

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However, there's another way to think about this solution. Read it again:

function date_distance(DateTime $origin, DateTime $destination): Seconds
    $distance = $destination->getTimestamp() - $origin->getTimestamp();

    return new Seconds($distance);
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Any other improvements? Let's look at the usage snippet:

$seconds = date_distance($dateA, $dateB);
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In our heads, it reads as "Compute the date distance between date A and date B in seconds," which is correct, but it could simply be "Compute the date A distance to date B in seconds." Still pondering? There's a principle that has always helped me reason about object-oriented solutions: "Tell, Don't Ask."

"Tell, Don't Ask" principle states that Object-orientation combines data with behavior (methods). Instead of requesting data from an object, we should tell the object what to do.

In this sense, we should never create a global function to solve a problem unless there is no relevant Object concept around it. So, this is what we want to achieve now:

$seconds = $dateA->distanceTo($dateB);
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The distanceTo() method doesn't exist in the DateTime class, but we can extend DateTime and create our own DatePoint class:

class DatePoint extends DateTime
    public function distanceTo(self $destination): Seconds
        $distance = $destination->getTimestamp() - $this->getTimestamp();

        return new Seconds($distance);
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Note the self $destination argument and the $this->getTimestamp() call. This approach keeps the function relevant to the DatePoint object, ensuring that the calculation of the distance between two dates is neatly encapsulated within the object-oriented design.

This way, we leverage the full power of object-oriented programming by bundling data and behavior together.

As a challenge, I invite you to develop a complete solution that covers all the issues explained here, including validation constraints around the origin and destination dates.

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