Implementing local Blob storage on e-RT3 Plus

Yokogawa-BrigitteZacharia - Aug 4 '21 - - Dev Community


e-RT3 Plus is a high-performance IoT Edge device that delivers advanced computing power and services in an industrial environment.

Data loss due to transient network conditions is one of the major concerns when it comes to Edge devices. However, in case of the e-RT3 Plus device, we have a solution to overcome this setback. By using Azure Local Blob storage, we can store the data in the device locally to avoid data loss due to network connectivity issues. When the network conditions are restored, the data is automatically uploaded to the Cloud.

This article is part two of a three-part series on using Azure Runtime Environment and e-RT3 Plus together to create bespoke solutions. In this article, we will demonstrate how to deploy the Azure Local Blob IoT module on e-RT3 Plus. The IoT module is readily available on Azure Marketplace. When it is deployed, a local storage space is created in the e-RT3 Plus device to store data temporarily. Any data that is written to this storage space is automatically uploaded to the Cloud.

The following figure shows the positioning of the local Blob storage.

Positioning diagram

The Azure Blob storage on IoT Edge module is imported from Azure Marketplace and deployed on the e-RT3 Plus device. The Azure IoT Edge Runtime environment enables the use of the IoT module. A storage account is created on Azure portal and a container is set up inside this storage account. The data transmitted by e-RT3 Plus is stored in this container. Finally, a Python script is used to verify if the data written to Blob storage is uploaded to the storage container.


The following figure shows the workflow for deploying the Azure local Blob IoT module to e-RT3 Plus and verifying the deployment.



The following prerequisites must be met, before deploying Azure local Blob IoT module on e-RT3 Plus.

  1. Azure IoT Edge Runtime environment is deployed on the e-RT3 Plus device.

    Note: For more information on deploying Azure IoT Edge Runtime on e-RT3 Plus, refer to Deploying Azure Runtime environment on e-RT3 Plus.

  2. Visual Studio Code is installed.

  3. Azure IoT Tools is installed and configured for Visual Studio Code.

  4. Azure CLI for Windows is installed.

  5. Docker Desktop is installed and running to create a custom IoT Edge module in Windows.

Getting started

The following steps describe how to deploy Azure Local Blob IoT module on e-RT3 Plus and verify the data transfer.

  1. Creating a storage account
  2. Importing and configuring Azure Blob storage on IoT Edge module
  3. Deploying the IoT Edge module for Azure Blob storage
  4. Verifying the deployment of IoT Edge module
  5. Configuring permissions for the local Blob storage repository
  6. Verifying the data transfer

Creating a storage account

Setting up a storage account on Azure is required to access the storage space. In this section, we will set up an Azure storage account and create a container inside the storage space. In this container, the data received from e-RT3 Plus is stored.

Follow these steps to set up a storage account and container on Azure:

  1. Log on to Azure Portal.
  2. Create a storage account on Azure.

    To learn how to create a storage account on Azure, refer to the official documentation.


  3. Create a container in the storage account.

    To learn how to create a container, refer to the official documentation.


  4. Configure the cloud connection string and save it for further use. This string is used to connect to the Blob storage on the Cloud.

    Ensure that the connection string is in the following format:



    end_point_suffix refers to the URL of the storage account set up on Azure portal

    Azure_Storage_Account_Name refers to the name of your storage account

    Azure_Storage_Account_Key refers to the account access key.

    Note: You can locate the access key of your storage account on the Azure portal. To view the access key and connection string, navigate to Security + networking > Access keys in your storage account menu.


    For more information on configuring storage connection strings, refer to Create a connection string with an endpoint suffix.

Importing and configuring Azure Blob storage on IoT Edge module

After creating the storage account, we will create an IoT Edge module to enable data transmission from the local storage to the Cloud storage account.

The Azure Marketplace provides a ready-to-use IoT module that creates a local Blob storage on the Edge device. This module can be imported and configured according to the e-RT3 Plus device.

Note: If you are using a proxy, refer to Visual Studio Code settings.

Follow these steps to import and configure Azure Blob storage on IoT Edge module:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Press F1 on the keyboard to open the Command Palette.

    The Command Palette box appears.

  3. In the Command Palette box, type Azure: Sign In, and select the same from the search results.

  4. On the page that appears, enter your credentials to sign in to Azure Cloud.

  5. After signing in successfully, close the page.

  6. In the Command Palette box, type Azure IoT Edge: New IoT Edge Solution, and select the same from the search results.

  7. In the Command Palette box, specify the name of the New IoT Edge Solution.

  8. From the Select Module Template drop-down list, select Module from Azure Marketplace.

    The IoT Edge Marketplace page appears, displaying the available Module Templates.

  9. In the upper-right corner of the window, type Azure Blob Storage on IoT Edge in the Search box, and select the same from the search results.

  10. In the Module Name box, specify the module name.

  11. Click Import.

    The IoT Edge module is created and the project workspace appears.

  12. On the left pane, select the deployment.template.json file.

    The file contents are displayed on the right pane.

  13. To configure the local storage details and upload conditions, perform these steps:

    a. Configure the environment variables for the e-RT3 Plus local storage. These details will be used to access the storage space on the e-RT3 Plus device.

    • In the file, search for LOCAL_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME and modify the env properties as follows:
      "env": {
               "LOCAL_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME": {
                  "value": "STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME"
               "LOCAL_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY": {
                  "value": "STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY"


    STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME must be replaced with an account name of your choice.

    STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY is a 64-byte base64 key. You can generate the key with freely available tools such as GeneratePlus.

    Note: Account names must contain 3-24 characters. Only lowercase letters and numbers can be used. Space is not allowed.

    b. Configure the directory where you want to store the Blob data in the e-RT3 Plus device.

    • In the file, locate <YOUR_IOTEDGE_MODULE_NAME> that you specified in step 10. In the HostConfig section, add the following line:


      After adding the line:

       "HostConfig": {
                      "PortBindings": {
                         "11002/tcp": [
                               "HostPort": "11002"

    Here, storage_mount refers to the absolute path of the local storage directory in the e-RT3 Plus device. For example, /srv/containerdata:/blobroot. This is the location in the e-RT3 Plus device where the Blob data is stored.

    c. Add the deviceToCloudUploadProperties and deviceAutoDeleteProperties section.

    • In the file, locate the $edgeHub section. Add the following JSON code after the $edgeHub section and configure the properties as necessary.

               "properties.desired": {
                  "deviceAutoDeleteProperties": {
                     "deleteOn": <true, false>,
                     "deleteAfterMinutes": <timeToLiveInMinutes>,
                     "retainWhileUploading": <true, false>
                  "deviceToCloudUploadProperties": {
                     "uploadOn": <true, false>,
                     "uploadOrder": "<NewestFirst, OldestFirst>",
                     "cloudStorageConnectionString": "<YOUR_CLOUD_CONNECTION_STRING>",
                     "storageContainersForUpload": {
                        "<YOUR_LOCAL_CONTAINER_NAME>": {
                           "target": "<YOUR_CLOUD_CONTAINER_NAME>"
                     "deleteAfterUpload": <true, false>


    YOUR_IOTEDGE_MODULE_NAME refers to the module name specified in step 10

    YOUR_CLOUD_CONNECTION_STRING refers to the connection string configured in step 4 of Creating a storage account

    YOUR_LOCAL_CONTAINER_NAME refers to the name of the local container

    YOUR_CLOUD_CONTAINER_NAME refers to the container name specified in step 3 of Creating a storage account.


    Note: For more information on configuring deviceToCloudUploadProperties and deviceAutoDeleteProperties, refer to deviceToCloudUpload and deviceAutoDelete properties.

  14. Save the file.

The Azure Blob Storage on IoT Edge module is created and customized for the e-RT3 Plus device.

Deploying the IoT Edge module for Azure Blob storage

After successfully importing and configuring the Azure Blob storage on IoT Edge module, it must be deployed on e-RT3 Plus.

Note: If you are using a proxy, refer to Configure proxy support and then continue.

Follow these steps to deploy the created IoT module on e-RT3 Plus:

  1. To configure the target platform, open the Command Palette.
  2. In the Command box, type Azure IoT Edge: Set Default Target Platform for Edge Solution, and select arm32v7 from the search results.

    Alternatively, you can select the shortcut icon on the bottom ribbon and set the Target Platform as arm32v7. By default, the target platform is set as amd64.


  3. On the left pane, right-click deployment.template.json and select Build IoT Edge Solution.

    The IoT Edge module is built and a config folder is created under the project.

  4. On the left pane, expand config, right-click deployment.arm32v7.json, and select Create Deployment for Single Device.

    The target IoT Edge device name appears in the Command Palette.

  5. From the Select an IoT Hub device drop-down list, select <YOUR_ERT3_DEVICE>.

    Here, YOUR_ERT3_DEVICE refers to the e-RT3 Plus device name.

The <YOUR_IOTEDGE_MODULE_NAME> module is deployed to the e-RT3 Plus device.

Note: For e-RT3 Plus to be displayed in the drop-down list, you may need to provide the connection string on the first attempt. After the specified details are successfully validated, the target device name appears in the drop-down list of the Command Palette.

Verifying the deployment of IoT Edge module

Follow these steps to verify the deployment of the IoT Edge module:

  1. Open an SSH terminal to the e-RT3 Plus device.

    Note: To learn how to open an SSH terminal and communicate with e-RT3 Plus, refer to Communicating with e-RT3 Plus by SSH.

  2. Run the following command to view the list of IoT Edge modules that are installed.

      iotedge list

The status of the <YOUR_IOTEDGE_MODULE_NAME> module is displayed as running. This indicates that the deployment is successful.

To verify the deployment by using the Azure portal, follow the steps in Verify Deployment and check the status of the <YOUR_IOTEDGE_MODULE_NAME> module.

Configuring permissions for the local Blob storage repository

Now that we have created and deployed the Azure Blob storage on IoT Edge module, access permissions must be set for the local storage directory.

Follow these steps to configure access permissions:

  1. Run the following commands to change the permissions for accessing the container directory.

      sudo chown -R 11000:11000 /srv/containerdata
      sudo chmod -R 700 /srv/containerdata
  2. Run the following command to restart the IoT Edge module.

      iotedge restart <YOUR_IOTEDGE_MODULE_NAME>   

Verifying transmission of local Blob storage data to the Cloud

To verify whether data in the local Blob storage is being uploaded to the Cloud, we will use a Python script. The Python script creates a file in the local storage folder. If the Azure Blob storage on IoT Edge module deployment is successful, the file is uploaded to the container created in the storage account.

Verifying the data transfer involves the following steps:

  1. Send sample data to the local Blob storage by using Python script
  2. Verify the uploaded data in Azure storage account

Sending sample data to local Blob storage by using Python script

Follow these steps to send sample data to the local Blob storage:

  1. Log on to Windows.
  2. To create the Python script, create a text file, and specify the name as <VERIFICATION_SCRIPT_NAME>.py.
  3. Open the file and specify the following Python code:

      from import BlobClient
      from import ContainerClient
      import os
      from datetime import datetime
      STORAGE_LOCAL_PATH = "./UploadBlob"
      os.makedirs(STORAGE_LOCAL_PATH, exist_ok=True)
      # %%
      container_client = ContainerClient.from_connection_string(
         container_properties = container_client.get_container_properties()
         # Container exists. You can now use it.
      except Exception as e:
         # Container foo does not exist. You can now create it.
      # %% upload blob
         local_filename = "MessageContents_" + \
            str("%Y-%m-%dT%f")) + ".txt"
         upload_file_path = os.path.join(STORAGE_LOCAL_PATH, local_filename)
         # Open the file and write the input message to it
         input_message = 'Hello:'+str("%Y-%m-%dT%f"))
         file = open(upload_file_path, 'w')
         blob = BlobClient.from_connection_string(
            conn_str=STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING, container_name=STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME, blob_name=local_filename)
         with open(upload_file_path, "rb") as data:
            print('Upload Success')
      except Exception as e:
         print('Upload Failed')
      # %%


    YOUR_LOCAL_CONTAINER_NAME refers to the name of the local container specified in step 13.c of Importing and configuring Azure Blob storage on IoT Edge module,

    YOUR_LOCAL_BLOB_CONNECTION_STRING refers to the following connection string:


    Note: STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME and STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY refers to the name and key of the storage account specified in step 13.a of Importing and configuring Azure Blob storage on IoT Edge module.

  4. Save the file and close it.

  5. Open an SSH terminal to the e-RT3 Plus device.

    Note: To learn how to open an SSH terminal and communicate with e-RT3 Plus, refer to Communicating with e-RT3 Plus by SSH.

  6. Run the following command to create a new directory.


    Here, BLOB_ENV_DIRECTORY_NAME refers to the name of the new directory.

  7. Run the following commands to create and activate a Python virtual environment inside the new directory.

      python3 -m venv <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>
      source <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>/bin/activate

    Here, ENVIRONMENT_NAME refers to the name of the virtual environment.

  8. Run the following commands to update pip and install the libraries required for azure-storage-blob package.

      pip install --upgrade pip
      sudo apt install libffi-dev libssl-dev
  9. Run the following commands to install the azure-storage-blob package that is required for executing the local blob storage.

      pip install azure-storage-blob
  10. Upload the Python script to <BLOB_ENV_DIRECTORY_NAME> directory by using WinSCP.

    For more information about transferring files to e-RT3 Plus using WinSCP, refer to Using WinSCP to transfer files to e-RT3 Plus.

  11. Execute the Python script by running the following command in the SSH terminal.


    A message is displayed, indicating that the upload is successful.

  12. In the WinSCP window, navigate to the <BLOB_ENV_DIRECTORY_NAME> directory.

    The newly created folder, UploadBlob is displayed. This folder contains the message that is uploaded to the Cloud.

  13. To identify the name of the file uploaded to the Cloud, open the folder UploadBlob.

    The folder contents appear, displaying the file that is uploaded to the Cloud. Open the file to verify its contents,

Verifying the uploaded file on the Azure storage account

Follow these steps to verify the uploaded file on Azure storage account:

  1. Navigate to Azure Portal.
  2. In the Azure Services section, click Storage Accounts.

    The Storage accounts page appears, displaying the list of storage accounts created.

  3. Select the storage account to which <YOUR_CLOUD_CONTAINER_NAME> belongs.

  4. On the left pane, in the Data storage section, select Containers.

    The list of existing containers is displayed.


    Here, YOUR_CLOUD_CONTAINER_NAME refers to the container name specified in step 3 of Creating a storage account.

    The Container page appears, displaying the list of messages received from the e-RT3 Plus device.

  6. In the Search box, specify the name of the file as determined in step 13 of Sending sample data to local Blob storage by using Python script, and select the same from the search results.

    The message Blob page appears, displaying the overview of the file.

  7. On the left pane, click the Menu icon, and select View/edit.

    The contents of the file appear on the right pane.

  8. Verify the contents of the message to determine if the upload is successful.

If the contents of both files match, the implementation of local Blob storage is successful.


Azure Blob storage IoT module is deployed on e-RT3 Plus and automatic data transfer from local Blob storage to Azure Cloud is verified.

In the next article, we will create a solution that temporarily stores data on e-RT3 Plus in the event of network failure to demonstrate zero-loss data transmission from e-RT3 Plus.


  1. Store data at the edge with Azure Blob storage on IoT Edge
  2. Deploy the Azure Blob storage on IoT Edge module to your device
  3. Image
  4. Create a Container on Azure Portal
  5. Configure Azure Storage connection strings
  6. Deploy from Visual Studio Code

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