Type Conversion in JavaScript Is Confusing

zain ul abdin - Aug 24 - - Dev Community

If you are new to JavaScript, there’s a chance you might find some things confusing—especially type conversion.

Let’s talk about a few examples that can easily trip up beginners.

First, let’s look at the Number() method. This method is super useful for converting a string into a number. For example, Number("42") gives you the number 42.

But did you know that you can get the same result with a unary + operator? Just write +"42" and you’ll get 42.

The + operator can also be used for other purposes. For instance, "5" + null will give you "5null", but if you try 5 + null, it gives you 5. Is your head spinning?

This happens because JavaScript treats the + operator as string concatenation when the first operand is a string, but it treats the entire operation as arithmetic when the first operand is a number, with null being converted to 0 in this case.

So, we know "3" + "2" will get you "32"—a concatenated string. But what if you use any other arithmetic operator, like - or *?

Well, JavaScript treats them as numbers and performs the calculation. So, "3" - "2" gives you 1, and "3" * "2" gives you 6. Makes any sense?

These examples are certainly odd, but there is logic behind them. Once you start understanding how JavaScript handles different types and conversions, it becomes easier to predict what will happen, and things will start to make sense.

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