Deconstructing Search Input Box on Fluent UI's Demo Website…

Zaw - Jun 12 - - Dev Community

The search box component that we see on the demo website is actually implemented using FluentAutocomplete. This component combines a text box and a drop-down list box to provide autocomplete functionality.

I want to share my insights on how the FluentAutocomplete is implemented on FluentUI's demo website. This will enable us to implement or customize it ourselves. By understanding the underlying structure and functionality, we can tailor the FluentAutocomplete to better suit our specific needs and enhance our applications.

Blazor is a web framework that allows C# and .NET developers to create interactive web apps. It enables developers to create rich, modern web applications with a combination of C# code, HTML, and CSS, without relying heavily on JavaScript.

Autocomplete is a feature commonly found in user interfaces that provides suggestions to the user as they type, helping them complete their input more quickly and accurately. In the context of web development, an autocomplete component typically combines a text input field with a dropdown list that displays suggested options based on the user's input.

First, let's navigate to the Shared folder in FluentUI's GitHub repository.

You can find the repository here:
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Next, we need to locate the search box component in the DemoMainLayout.razor file:

<div class="search">
    <DemoSearch />
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The DemoSearch element is a Blazor web component implemented in the DemoSearch.razor file. By Blazor's convention, the name of the Razor file becomes the component name, allowing it to be used like an HTML tag.

The following code block FluentAutocomplete is implemented in DemoSearch.razor.

<FluentAutocomplete TOption="NavItem"
                    Placeholder="Search everything..."
                    OptionText="@(item => item.Title)"
        <span slot="start">
            <FluentIcon Value="@(context.Icon)" Class="search-result-icon" Color="Color.Neutral" Slot="start"/>
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In this code, TOption is a generic type parameter representing the type of options that the <FluentAutocomplete> component will operate on. In this case, it will be working with the NavItem class, which is defined in NavItem.cs.

Width="200px" : Sets the width of the search box.
AutoComplete="off" : Disables autocomplete in the input field.
Placeholder="Search everything..." : Sets the placeholder text.
MaximumSelectedOptions="1" : Limits the number of selectable options to 1.

Since NavItem is used as TOption, we can specify OptionText using the Title property of NavItem. This property is used to display for each NavItem in the dropdown list.

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The above code block within the component is responsible for establishing data bindings with the methods it will call.

In a Blazor component, C# code is typically written within a @code { } block using the @code directive. Alternatively, code can be placed in a separate code-behind .cs file. By convention, the code-behind file should have the same name as the Razor file with a .razor.cs extension, such as MyComponent.razor.cs.

Therefore, we can find the DemoSearch.razor's C# code in DemoSearch.razor.cs.

This code @bind-ValueText="@_searchTerm" will bind the value of the text box to the _searchTerm. On the other hand, this @bind-SelectedOptions="_selectedOptions" will just set _selectedOptions.

Lastly, OnOptionsSearch event is an EventCallback<OptionsSearchEventArgs<TOption>> that is used to filter the list of options based on the text input by the user. EventCallBack is a generic type that allows passing event data to a method in the component. By setting OnOptionsSearch="@HandleSearchInput", we specify that the HandleSearchInput method will handle the filtering logic. This method processes the user's input and updates the list of options accordingly. We can see these code implementations in DemoSearch.razor.cs.

This should now provide a clear and coherent explanation of how the FluentAutocomplete component is implemented and how it works.

The FluentAutocomplete component is part of the FluentUI Blazor library, which provides a range of UI components designed for Blazor applications. You can explore more about FluentUI Blazor here.

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