Okay, what if we did something quite similar but quite different?
Opaleye is “an SQL-generating DSL targeting PostgreSQL. Allows Postgres queries to be written within Haskell in a typesafe and composable fashion”.
Install opaleye
released in 2023) and product-profunctors
, which the library uses under the hood.
is built on top of postgresql-simple
, which is used for connection management, transaction support, serialization, and deserialization.
💡 We assume you’ve seen the part on
How to connect to a database
We use postgresql-simple
straight away. Reminder:
connectionInfo :: ConnectInfo
connectionInfo =
{ connectHost = Hardcoded.host
, connectDatabase = Hardcoded.database
, connectUser = Hardcoded.user
, connectPassword = Hardcoded.password
Simple.withConnect connectionInfo $ \connection -> do
doFoo connection
doBar connection
How to define tables
We define a table using the table
function — specify the table name and the type of fields.
warehouseTable ::
(Maybe (Field SqlInt4), ProductIdField, Field SqlInt4, Maybe (Field SqlTimestamp), Maybe (Field SqlTimestamp))
(Field SqlInt4, ProductIdField, Field SqlInt4, Field SqlTimestamp, Field SqlTimestamp)
warehouseTable =
table "warehouse"
$ p5
( tableField "id"
, pProductId (ProductId (tableField "product_id"))
, tableField "quantity"
, tableField "created"
, tableField "modified"
takes write fields and view fields; for example, the first parameter (id
) is auto-generated, so it’s optional on write (so we specify Maybe (Field SqlInt4))
but always there on view/read (so we specify Field SqlInt4
is a tiny glue function from product-profunctors
; the number corresponds to the tuple arity (number of columns). We don’t need to know more than that.
infers a required or an optional field depending on the write type.
(We’ll cover ProductId
a bit later)
We can also use records instead of tuples; for example, for product:
data Product' a b c = Product {pId :: a, pLabel :: b, pDescription :: c}
type Product = Product' ProductId Text (Maybe Text)
deriving instance Show Product
type ProductFieldWrite = Product' (ProductId' (Maybe (Field SqlInt4))) (Field SqlText) (FieldNullable SqlText)
type ProductField = Product' (ProductIdField) (Field SqlText) (FieldNullable SqlText)
Note that we prefix field names because we’ll have some derivable code that can’t handle duplicate record fields.
is polymorphic in all its fields. We’ll use Product
in “normal” code and ProductField
when interacting with a database. Because id is optional on write, we distinguish between ProductFieldWrite
and ProductField
We indicate nullable fields with FieldNullable
, which will be converted into Maybe
when executed.
We need some typeclass instances, which we can get with Template Haskell:
$(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pProduct" ''Product')
💡 If you’d rather write these by hand, see Data.Profunctor.Product.TH.
And then, we define the table:
productTable :: Table ProductFieldWrite ProductField
productTable =
table "product"
$ pProduct
{ pId = pProductId $ ProductId $ tableField "id"
, pLabel = tableField "label"
, pDescription = tableField "description"
Note that instead of pN
, we use pProduct
, which we just generated with TH.
The library’s basic tutorial suggests using newtypes for ids. For example, we use one for the product id:
newtype ProductId' a = ProductId a
$(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pProductId" ''ProductId')
type ProductId = ProductId' Int
deriving instance Show ProductId
type ProductIdField = ProductId' (Field SqlInt4)
See the repo for the rest of the boilerplate.
How to modify data
For raw queries, we can use postgresql-simple
cleanUp :: Connection -> IO ()
cleanUp connection =
void $ Simple.execute_ connection "truncate warehouse, product_category, product, category"
Otherwise, we create an insert by using Insert
insert1 :: Insert [ProductId]
insert1 =
{ iTable = productTable
, iRows =
[ Product (ProductId Nothing) "Wood Screw Kit 1" (maybeToNullable Nothing)
, Product (ProductId Nothing) "Wood Screw Kit 2" (maybeToNullable (Just "245-pieces"))
, iReturning = rReturning (\(p :: ProductField) -> p.pId)
, iOnConflict = Nothing
We specify the tables, rows to be inserted, conflict-handling strategy, and what to return. In this case, we return product id using rReturning
And then we run the insert with runInsert
insertStuff :: Connection -> IO ()
insertStuff connection = do
result1 <- runInsert connection insert1
putStrLn $ "Inserted products: " <> show result1
If we want to return the number of affected rows, we can use rCount
insert2 :: Insert Int64
insert2 =
{ iTable = categoryTable
, iRows = [Category (CategoryId 1) "Screws", Category (CategoryId 2) "Wood Screws", Category (CategoryId 3) "Concrete Screws"]
, iReturning = rCount
, iOnConflict = Nothing
How to query data
The basic select is simple:
selectProduct :: Select ProductField
selectProduct = selectTable productTable
💡 Note that we can use
to printSelect
and see what sql queries get executed.
We run a select with runSelect
queryData :: Connection -> IO ()
queryData connection = do
result1 :: [Product] <- runSelect connection selectProduct
putStrLn $ "Query 1: " <> show result1
“converts a "record" of Opaleye fields to a list of "records" of Haskell values.” We must specify the return type ([Product]
) to help type inference.
We can select specific fields and narrow down the results:
select2 :: Select (Field SqlText, FieldNullable SqlText)
select2 = do
(Product _ aLabel description) <- selectProduct
where_ (aLabel .== "Wood Screw Kit 2")
pure (aLabel, description)
result2 :: [(Text, Maybe Text)] <- runSelect connection select2
We use where_
to filter the rows and .==
to compare for equality. We can also use in_
select3 :: Select (Field SqlText)
select3 = do
p <- selectProduct
where_ $ in_ ["Wood Screw Kit 2", "Wood Screw Kit 3"] p.pLabel
pure (p.pLabel)
result3 :: [Text] <- runSelect connection select3
How to use transactions
We use postgresql-simple
for transactions:
insertWithTransaction :: Connection -> IO ()
insertWithTransaction connection = Simple.withTransaction connection $ do
[newProduct] :: [ProductId] <-
runInsert connection
$ Insert
{ iTable = productTable
, iRows = [Product (ProductId Nothing) "Drywall Screws Set" (maybeToNullable $ Just "8000pcs")]
, iReturning = rReturning (\(p :: ProductField) -> p.pId)
, iOnConflict = Nothing
[newCategory] :: [CategoryId] <-
runInsert connection
$ Insert
{ iTable = categoryTable
, iRows = [Category (CategoryId 123) "Drywall Screws"]
, iReturning = rReturning (.cId)
, iOnConflict = Nothing
$ runInsert connection
$ Insert
{ iTable = productCategoryTable
, iRows = [Mapping (toFields newProduct) (toFields newCategory)]
, iReturning = rCount
, iOnConflict = Nothing
$ runInsert connection
$ Insert
{ iTable = warehouseTable
, iRows = [(Nothing, (toFields newProduct), 10, Nothing, Nothing)]
, iReturning = rCount
, iOnConflict = Nothing
putStrLn $ "Insert with transaction"
How to query using joins
Opaleye provides a couple of APIs for joins. They recommend using where_
directly for inner joins and optional
for left/right joins. Which gives us something like this:
join :: Select (Field SqlInt4, Field SqlText, FieldNullable SqlText, MaybeFields (Field SqlText))
join = do
(_, wProductId, quantity, _, _) <- selectTable warehouseTable
p <- selectTable productTable
mpc <- optional $ do
pc <- selectTable productCategoryTable
where_ $ pc.productId .=== p.pId
pure pc
mc <- optional $ do
c <- selectTable categoryTable
where_ $ isJustAnd mpc $ \pc -> c.cId .=== pc.categoryId
pure c
where_ $ wProductId .=== p.pId
where_ $ quantity .> 3
let category = cLabel <$> mc
pure (quantity, p.pLabel, p.pDescription, category)
💡 Note that we use
that will be added to Opaleye in the future.isJustAnd :: MaybeFields a -> (a -> Field SqlBool) -> Field SqlBool isJustAnd ma cond = matchMaybe ma $ \case Nothing -> sqlBool False Just a -> cond a
Which generates:
"quantity2_1" as "result1_7",
"label1_2" as "result2_7",
"description2_2" as "result3_7",
NOT (("rebind0_6") IS NULL) as "result4_7",
"label1_5" as "result5_7"
"id" as "id0_1",
"product_id" as "product_id1_1",
"quantity" as "quantity2_1",
"created" as "created3_1",
"modified" as "modified4_1"
FROM "warehouse" as "T1") as "T1",
"id" as "id0_2",
"label" as "label1_2",
"description" as "description2_2"
FROM "product" as "T1") as "T2") as "T1"
TRUE as "rebind0_4",
"product_id" as "product_id0_3",
"category_id" as "category_id1_3"
FROM "product_category" as "T1") as "T1"
WHERE (("product_id0_3") = ("id0_2"))) as "T1") as "T2"
TRUE) as "T1"
TRUE as "rebind0_6",
"id" as "id0_5",
"label" as "label1_5"
FROM "category" as "T1") as "T1"
WHERE (CASE WHEN NOT (("rebind0_4") IS NULL) THEN ("id0_5") = ("category_id1_3") ELSE CAST(FALSE AS boolean) END)) as "T1") as "T2"
TRUE) as "T1"
WHERE (("quantity2_1") > (CAST(3 AS integer))) AND (("product_id1_1") = ("id0_2"))) as "T1"
Once again, type-safety and query validation equal compilation errors.
But because there isn’t much “type-level magic”, we only need to occasionally help the compiler with type inference. And it’s mainly about input and return types — not intermediate/internal library structures. For example, [Product]
in this snippet:
result :: [Product] <- runSelect connection selectProduct
selectProduct = selectTable productTable
Sometimes, if you don’t specify enough types, profunctors show up:
Ambiguous type variable ‘haskells0’ arising from a use of ‘runSelect’
prevents the constraint ‘(Default
FromFields fields0 Product)’ from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘haskells0’ should be.
Runtime sql errors are again from postgresql-simple
. Review the relevant error section if you need a reminder.
errors :: Connection -> IO ()
errors connection = do
`catch` (\err@SqlError{} -> putStrLn $ "Caught SQL Error: " <> displayException err)
insertDuplicateScrew =
$ runInsert connection
$ Insert
{ iTable = productTable
, iRows = [Product (ProductId Nothing) "Duplicate screw" (maybeToNullable Nothing)]
, iReturning = rCount
, iOnConflict = Nothing
There are a couple of basic tutorials in the repo and some external ones.
One thing to remember: sometimes, the library provides multiple ways of doing things (for example, left joins using optional
vs. deprecated leftJoin
or monadic vs. arrow syntax), and documentation/tutorials can do it one way or even deprecated way.
Opaleye assumes a database already exists — no support for migrations or creating tables and databases.
In summary
Opaleye allows us to define tables and write type-safe postgres queries using Haskell code.
The library uses product-profunctors
and typeclasses. Both only come up in copy-pasteable boilerplate and when you under-specify the return types. No deep knowledge is required.