Comparison of npm, Yarn, pnpm, and npx.

Abdeldjalil - Sep 2 '23 - - Dev Community

The Node.js ecosystem is a rapidly evolving realm filled with a plethora of tools and technologies. For developers, keeping pace with these innovations can be a formidable challenge. Personally, I struggle to remember the differences between each package manager.

In this article, we'll delve into the distinctions between npm, Yarn, pnpm, and npx, helping you understand the differences between each tool.

Package Manager Comparison


  • Package Manager Type: npm is primarily a package manager used for installing and managing JavaScript packages (dependencies) in your Node.js projects.
  • Dependency Management: It handles dependencies defined in your project's package.json file and installs them in the node_modules directory.
  • Scripts: npm also allows you to define and run scripts in your package.json file, making it a build tool to some extent.
  • Global Packages: You can install packages globally using the -g flag, making them available for command-line use.
  • Lock File: npm uses a package-lock.json (or npm-shrinkwrap.json in older versions) for dependency locking.
  • Parallel Installations: It installs packages sequentially by default.
  • Disk Space Efficiency: npm creates a separate copy of each package in the node_modules directory for each project, which can lead to high disk space usage.
  • Community and Ecosystem: npm has a large and established community with a vast ecosystem of packages.


  • Package Manager Type: Yarn is another package manager like npm, designed to be faster and more reliable in terms of dependency resolution and installation.
  • Dependency Management: It handles dependencies defined in your project's package.json file and installs them in the node_modules directory.
  • Scripts: Yarn allows you to define and run scripts in your package.json file, similar to npm.
  • Global Packages: You can install packages globally using the global flag, similar to npm.
  • Lock File: Yarn uses a yarn.lock file for deterministic dependency resolution.
  • Parallel Installations: Yarn introduced parallel installation by default, making it faster than npm.
  • Disk Space Efficiency: Yarn stores packages in a global cache and links them to projects, reducing disk space usage compared to npm.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Yarn gained popularity quickly due to its speed improvements and has a strong community.


  • Package Manager Type: pnpm is a package manager like npm and Yarn but with a unique approach to dependency management.
  • Dependency Management: pnpm installs packages concurrently, which can result in faster installations compared to npm (sequential) and is similar to Yarn.
  • Scripts: It does not have a concept of global installations.
  • Global Packages: no global installations.
  • Lock File: pnpm uses a pnpm-lock.yaml file for dependency locking.
  • Parallel Installations: pnpm installs packages concurrently, similar to Yarn.
  • Disk Space Efficiency: pnpm uses a hard-linking mechanism that allows multiple projects to share the same package dependencies without duplicating them, significantly reducing disk space usage.
  • Community and Ecosystem: pnpm has a smaller but growing community, particularly among projects looking to save disk space and improve installation speed.


  • Utility Type: npx is a utility for executing Node.js packages (usually binaries) that aren't globally installed on your system.
  • Usage: It helps resolve the correct command to execute from the local project's node_modules or from the global npm/yarn installations.
  • Global Packages: npx is not used for global installations but for running commands from local or global packages.
  • Note: It is not primarily a package manager but a tool for executing package binaries.


Here are the main differences:

  • npm: A traditional package manager with a focus on dependency management and script execution.
  • Yarn: Similar to npm but with a focus on faster and deterministic installations, as well as workspace support.
  • pnpm: A package manager that installs packages concurrently and efficiently manages disk space through hard-linking, making it faster and more space-efficient compared to npm and Yarn.
  • npx: A command-line utility for running binaries or scripts from Node.js packages without the need for global installations. It is not primarily a package manager but a tool for executing package binaries.
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