Arrow functions in React

Anil - Mar 18 - - Dev Community

Arrow functions are a concise way to write anonymous function expressions in JavaScript. They were introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) and provide a more compact syntax compared to traditional function declarations. Here are some examples demonstrating the usage of arrow-functions:

  1. Basic arrow function syntax:
const greet = () => {
greet(); // Output: Hello!

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  1. Arrow function with parameters:
const greetWithName = (name) => {
  console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);
greetWithName("Alice"); // Output: Hello, Alice!

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  1. Arrow function with implicit return:
const square = (x) => x * x;
console.log(square(5)); // Output: 25

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  1. Arrow function with multiple statements:
const sum = (a, b) => {
  const result = a + b;
  return result;
console.log(sum(3, 4)); // Output: 7

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  1. Arrow function as a callback:
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const squaredNumbers = => num * num);
console.log(squaredNumbers); // Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

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  1. Arrow function with destructuring:
const person = { name: "John", age: 30 };
const greetPerson = ({ name, age }) => {
  console.log(`Hello, ${name}! You are ${age} years old.`);
greetPerson(person); // Output: Hello, John! You are 30 years old.

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  1. Arrow function in higher-order functions:
const multiplier = (factor) => (value) => value * factor;
const double = multiplier(2);
console.log(double(5)); // Output: 10
const triple = multiplier(3);
console.log(triple(5)); // Output: 15

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Arrow functions have lexical scoping of the this keyword, meaning they do not have their own this context. Instead, they inherit this from the surrounding code. This behavior can sometimes lead to unexpected results when using arrow functions as methods on objects or when using them with this.


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